config - onfiguration file is a software file used to configure the initial settings for a computer program——配置,初始化参数
tagline - In entertainment, a tagline (or tag line[1][2]) is a small amount of text which serves to clarify a thought for, or designed with a form of, dramatic effect. Many tagline slogans are reiterated phrases associated with an individual, social group, or product. As a variant of a branding slogan, taglines can be used in marketing materials and advertising.
"One ring to rule them all." – The Lord of the Rings[11]
"Love means never having to say you're sorry" – Love Story[12][13][14]
"To boldly go where no man has gone before" – Star Trek[15]
"The truth is out there." – The X-Files[16]
URL - 网页地址;网址
A URL is an address that shows where a particular page can be found on the World Wide Web. URL is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'Uniform Resource Locator'.
gravatar- 全球通用头像
相关词汇——avatar 头像
n. 天神下凡,神之化身,具体化; (论坛、MSN等上使用的)头 像;;电影《阿凡达》 阿凡达
favicion- A favicon is that small graphic that appears next to the URL in the address bar.
head footerPage Mode shows headers, footers, footnotes and page numbers.
nav - 导航栏
sidebar - 侧边栏
svg - Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation. 可缩放矢量图形(Scalable Vector Graphics,SVG)是基于可扩展标记语言(XML),用于描述二维矢量图形的一种图形格式。SVG由W3C制定,是一个开放标准
yearly-archive - 每年的存档
lightbox - 灯箱特效