rain()使用非参数方法检测时间序列中的节奏。它在Jonckheere-Terpstra检验的基础上, 使用了伞形约束的秩检验(Mack & Wolfe, 1981),主要用来测试集合是否有趋势。
rain(x, #数值矩阵或数据框或数组,行为时间点,列为样本,允许重复
deltat, #时间点间隔
period, #周期
period.delta = 0,# 允许的周期偏差
peak.border = c(0.3, 0.7),#定义峰型,一般默认
nr.series = 1, #每一时间点重复次数
measure.sequence = NULL, #单独指定每一时间点重复次数,允许某一时间点没有测量,会覆盖前面nr.series参数
method = "independent",#检测方法,"independent"代表多个周期被解释为一个周期的重复 ;"logitudinal"代表进行的是纵向数据(重复测量,不规则采样,不相等的时间间隔。)
na.rm = FALSE,
adjp.method = "ABH",
verbose = getOption("verbose"))
# testing a biological dataset
# ZT_2_1 ZT_2_2 ZT_6_1 ZT_6_2 ZT_10_1 ZT_10_2 ZT_14_1 ZT_14_2 ZT_18_1 ZT_18_2 ZT_22_1 ZT_22_2
# 2810459M11Rik 30.29 29.61 26.33 24.07 22.40 16.60 22.69 23.27 26.78 27.49 29.49 30.01
# Abcb11 120.42 114.40 87.88 73.12 54.15 51.40 56.71 53.78 69.88 79.76 93.61 96.20
# Acot7 4.16 2.89 5.76 5.43 5.97 6.64 7.71 6.68 5.95 5.57 4.15 4.79
# Ahctf1 5.81 5.08 4.80 4.63 5.88 6.41 8.71 7.99 9.85 10.40 9.03 7.47
# AK017500 0.08 0.02 0.26 0.10 0.43 0.40 0.70 0.56 0.36 0.26 0.14 0.12
# AK030918 5.37 5.53 4.74 4.70 3.93 3.83 4.76 3.89 5.11 4.84 6.22 6.00
menet.ossc <- rain(t( menetRNASeqMouseLiver ),
deltat = 4, #时间点间隔
period = 24,#周期
nr.series = 2, #每一时间点重复次数
peak.border = c(0.3, 0.7),
# pVal phase peak.shape period
# 2810459M11Rik 2.727935e-05 4 8 24
# Abcb11 2.727935e-05 4 8 24
# Acot7 4.900195e-05 16 12 24
# Ahctf1 7.000279e-06 20 12 24
# AK017500 7.318473e-06 16 12 24
# AK030918 5.122931e-05 24 12 24
data(caulobacter)# load data set
dim(caulobacter)# how many samples and how many genes?
#[1] 11 1444
# ORF06244 ORF03152 ORF03156 ORF03161 ORF00509 ORF02752
# 0-1 0.3665097 0.18985689 0.21925755 0.25281226 0.3466452 0.1362747
# 15-1 0.9726708 0.13047059 0.12333525 0.18136116 0.1808251 0.1430609
# 30-1 1.9293524 0.09408427 0.07837877 0.14845936 0.1614140 0.2361530
# 45-1 1.1993566 0.07229088 0.07498218 0.05748992 0.1614140 0.1362747
# 60-1 1.3771675 0.07229088 0.07498218 0.09974181 0.2144124 0.2529961
# 75-1 1.2179183 0.41492178 0.38232078 0.42025649 0.9933402 0.8474221
# 90-1 0.6636373 0.92885060 0.92366714 0.96674403 2.2961388 1.8085694
# 105-1 0.4513885 1.45325478 1.26560223 1.57037616 1.5763530 1.6990011
# 120-1 0.4991248 1.17140222 1.34218542 1.42520902 1.6520712 1.1989009
# 135-1 0.9820789 0.98617347 0.84588528 1.14233043 1.1189054 0.6845092
# 150-1 1.3924968 0.45861105 0.50393990 0.66502774 0.6161798 0.3957206
#如果不是,可使用as.longitudinal(x, repeats=c(n1,n2,n3,...,nn), time=c(x1,x2,x3,...,xn)转为纵向数据
# [1] TRUE
summary(caulobacter)# how many samples and how many genes?
# Longitudinal data:
# 1444 variables measured at 11 different time points
# Total number of measurements per variable: 11
# Repeated measurements: none
# To obtain the measurement design call 'get.time.repeats()'.
# $time
# [1] 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150
# $repeats
# [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
plot(caulobacter, 1:9)# plot first nine time series
#fisher.g.test Fisher’s Exact g Test for Multiple (Genetic) Time Series
#robust.g.test Robust g Test for Multiple (Genetic) Time Series
根据Fisher的精确g检验计算一个或多个时间序列的p-value(s)。该测试有助于检测数据集中未知频率的隐藏周期性。对于微阵列数据的应用,请参见Wichert, Fokianos和strimer(2004)。
计算Fisher's g-test(1929)的稳健非参数版本的p-value(s)。Ahdesmaki et al.(2005)详细描述了该方法,并对其在基因表达数据中的应用进行了广泛的讨论。从GeneCycle 1.1.0后还实现了Ahdesmaki et al.(2007)发表的基于稳健回归的方法(使用Tukey的基于双权重的m估计/回归)。
计算基于稳健排名的周期图/相关图估计--详见Ahdesmaki et al.(2005)。另外,它也可以用于(自GeneCycle 1.1.0起)评估基于稳健回归的谱估计,适合处理非均匀采样数据(未知周期时间:返回谱估计,已知周期时间:返回p值)
robust.spectrum(x, #行为时间点,列为基因的纵向数据
algorithm = c("rank", "regression"), #算法
t, #时间点向量,稳健回归算法需要
periodicity.time = FALSE, #检索周期
noOfPermutations = 300#置换反应次数
robust.spectrum(caulobacter[,1:5], algorithm="rank")#采用Rank的算法,默认,返回谱估计矩阵
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
# [1,] 0.8219205 3.43864638 3.21070515 3.35647383 2.65845748
# [2,] 0.6126124 1.52994232 1.31254973 1.57164532 1.27421407
# [3,] 1.9418157 3.18519461 3.00543980 3.31246925 3.33098836
# [4,] 4.2746610 4.35345989 4.47535225 4.30956755 4.20913835
# [5,] 1.3919670 0.01326347 0.47161824 0.11946108 0.02375192
# [6,] 0.8585238 0.88099060 0.77319178 0.86369303 0.60560641
# [7,] 0.9260288 0.19028452 0.05860190 0.26087934 0.21157125
# [8,] 0.8760912 0.59964174 0.84292195 0.56272235 0.64991590
# [9,] 0.7016780 0.02591820 0.42051324 0.01696016 0.26782486
# [10,] 0.2688421 0.23501394 0.49387822 0.14745982 0.23738684
# [11,] 0.1275503 0.36601601 0.05567804 0.35091542 0.33663486
robust.spectrum(x=caulobacter[,1:5], algorithm="regression", t=t)#采用稳健回归的算法,需要指定采样时间点,Rank算法则不需要提供
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
# [1,] 3.967426933 0.999444157 0.9854746530 1.4290419558 2.541543680
# [2,] 0.149561620 0.402296097 0.3862254965 0.5114509386 0.596198404
# [3,] 0.058341539 0.047247760 0.0372429408 0.0433257775 0.025238915
# [4,] 0.169121561 0.001275981 0.0005069736 0.0005174022 0.003603036
# [5,] 0.081070375 0.001897917 0.0006175675 0.0009398086 0.007840526
# [6,] 0.005499027 0.002399405 0.0011976775 0.0003165645 0.001072624
#rank对应于基于rank的方法(Ahdesmaki et al. 2005),
#回归对应于基于回归的方法(Ahdesmaki et al. 2007),这种方法更适合于非均匀采样的时间序列(默认为rank算法)
robust.spectrum(x=caulobacter[,1:5], algorithm="regression", t=t, periodicity.time = 150)#如果采用稳健回归的算法并且提供了检索的周期,则直接返回检索基因的p值
# [1] "Please note, returning p-values!"
# [,1]
# [1,] 0.100774458
# [2,] 0.009113156
# [3,] 0.015642539
# [4,] 0.011468583
# [5,] 0.056042639
robust.g.test(y, #谱估计矩阵
index, #不懂该参数
algorithm=c("rank", "regression"), #算法类型,默认为Rank
perm = FALSE, #是否进行排列检验,稳健回归算法需要开启
x, #原始纵向数据,稳健回归算法进行排列检验时需要
t, #原始时间点向量,稳健回归算法进行排列检验时需要
noOfPermutations = 300 #排列检验次数
y=robust.spectrum(caulobacter[,1:5], algorithm="rank")
#[1] 0.14477124 0.08436690 0.09921162 0.10366398 0.09484573
robust.spectrum(x=caulobacter[,1:5], algorithm="regression", t=t)
robust.g.test(y = y, algorithm = "regression", perm=TRUE, x=caulobacter[,1:5], t=t)
#[1] 0.89379383 0.09560878 0.06551361 0.08384894 0.07460466
3.DODR::dodr 检测两个时间序列集合之间节奏行为的差异
dodr(val1, #行为时间点,列为基因名的矩阵1
val2, #行为时间点,列为基因名的矩阵2
times1, #时间点序列1
times2 = times1, #时间点序列2,默认等于1
norm = TRUE, #是否在分析之前对时间序列进行归一化(按平均值分割)
period = 24,#周期
method = "robust", #方法,默认为“robust”,可选有6种
verbose = options("verbose")[[1]])
testTimes1 <- 0:15*3
testTimes2 <- testTimes1
tp <- length(testTimes1)
per1 <- 24
amp1 <- 0.3
ph1 <- 5
sd1 <- 0.1
per2 <- per1
amp2 <- amp1
ph2 <- ph1+4
sd2 <- sd1
#creating artificial oscillation sets
v1 <- 1 + amp1 * cos((testTimes1 - ph1)/per1*2*pi)
noise1 <- rnorm(length(testTimes1)*n, 0, sd1)
val1 <- matrix(v1 + noise1, ncol=n)
v2 <- 1 + amp2 * cos((testTimes2 - ph2)/per2*2*pi)
noise2 <- rnorm(length(testTimes2)*n, 0, sd2)
val2 <- matrix(v2 + noise2, ncol=n)
# run DODR
dodr <- dodr(val1, val2, testTimes1, testTimes2, 24, method = 'all')
# HANOVA HarmNoisePred1 HarmNoisePred2 HarmScaleTest robustDODR robustHarmScaleTest meta.p.val
# 1 6.892586e-07 0.006121659 0.0048785736 0.94517113 4.825488e-06 0.2933788 4.135544e-06
# 2 6.253141e-04 0.445233962 0.0027451638 0.08228724 9.181591e-04 0.8151413 3.746025e-03
# 3 1.945558e-07 0.012435537 0.0004861898 0.33701079 1.029927e-06 0.9640713 1.167334e-06
4.limoRhyde::limorhyde 将周期变量转换成线性模型中可用的分量
source(system.file('extdata', 'vignette_functions.R', package = 'limorhyde'))
period = 24
qvalRhyCutoff = 0.15
qvalDrCutoff = 0.1
eset = getGEO(filename = system.file('extdata', 'GSE34018_series_matrix.txt', package = 'limorhyde'))
sm = data.table(pData(phenoData(eset)))
sm = sm[, .(title, sample = geo_accession, genotype = `genotype/variation:ch1`)]
sm[, time := as.numeric(sub('_.*', '', sub('.*_ZT', '', title)))]
sm[, cond := factor(genotype, levels = c('wild-type', 'Reverb alpha/beta DKO'),labels = c('wild-type', 'knockout'))]
setorderv(sm, c('cond', 'time'))#通过引用对data_table进行快速行排序
kable(sm[1:5, ])
sm = cbind(sm, limorhyde(sm$time, 'time_'))
mapping = getGeneMapping(featureData(eset))
emat = log2(calcExprsByGene(eset, mapping))[, sm$sample]
# GSM840516 GSM840517 GSM840518 GSM840519 GSM840520 GSM840521
# 11287 7.985859 7.930935 7.674688 7.899531 7.768563 7.708260
# 11298 7.719384 7.737210 7.888502 7.865563 7.772749 7.875787
# 11302 12.594006 12.557148 11.754031 11.851858 11.656702 11.712203
# 11303 7.868566 7.823121 7.907136 7.906957 7.934719 7.874863
# 11304 7.772076 7.930239 7.774563 7.768792 7.740474 7.811992
# 11305 8.889897 8.910168 8.817124 8.837143 8.694444 8.477298
# sample time cond time_cos time_sin
# 1: GSM840516 0 wild-type 1.0 0.000000e+00
# 2: GSM840517 0 wild-type 1.0 0.000000e+00
# 3: GSM840518 4 wild-type 0.5 8.660254e-01
# 4: GSM840519 4 wild-type 0.5 8.660254e-01
# 5: GSM840520 8 wild-type -0.5 8.660254e-01
# 6: GSM840521 8 wild-type -0.5 8.660254e-01
# 7: GSM840522 12 wild-type -1.0 1.224606e-16
# 8: GSM840523 12 wild-type -1.0 1.224606e-16
# 9: GSM840524 16 wild-type -0.5 -8.660254e-01
# 10: GSM840525 16 wild-type -0.5 -8.660254e-01
# 11: GSM840526 20 wild-type 0.5 -8.660254e-01
# 12: GSM840527 20 wild-type 0.5 -8.660254e-01
# 13: GSM840504 0 knockout 1.0 0.000000e+00
# 14: GSM840505 0 knockout 1.0 0.000000e+00
# 15: GSM840506 4 knockout 0.5 8.660254e-01
# 16: GSM840507 4 knockout 0.5 8.660254e-01
# 17: GSM840508 8 knockout -0.5 8.660254e-01
# 18: GSM840509 8 knockout -0.5 8.660254e-01
# 19: GSM840510 12 knockout -1.0 1.224606e-16
# 20: GSM840511 12 knockout -1.0 1.224606e-16
# 21: GSM840512 16 knockout -0.5 -8.660254e-01
# 22: GSM840513 16 knockout -0.5 -8.660254e-01
# 23: GSM840514 20 knockout 0.5 -8.660254e-01
# 24: GSM840515 20 knockout 0.5 -8.660254e-01
(1)找振荡显著的基因design = model.matrix(~ time_cos + time_sin,data)
(2)找振荡模式在组间显著差异的design = model.matrix(~ cond * (time_cos + time_sin),data)
(3)找差异表达的基因(校正了时间点差异)design = model.matrix(~ cond + time_cos + time_sin, data)
#####Identify rhythmic genes#####
rhyLimma = foreach(condNow = unique(sm$cond), .combine = rbind) %do% { #.combine参数指定以行形式合并结果
design = model.matrix(~ time_cos + time_sin, data = sm[cond == condNow])
fit = lmFit(emat[, sm$cond == condNow], design)
fit = eBayes(fit, trend = TRUE)
rhyNow = data.table(topTable(fit, coef = 2:3, number = Inf), keep.rownames = TRUE)
#coef 2 3
# time_cos time_sin
setnames(rhyNow, 'rn', 'geneId')
rhyNow[, cond := condNow]
rhyLimmaSummary = rhyLimma[, .(P.Value = min(P.Value)), by = geneId]#对于rhyLimma的结果,采取同一基因取最小p值的策略
rhyLimmaSummary[, adj.P.Val := p.adjust(P.Value, method = 'BH')]#校正p值
setorderv(rhyLimmaSummary, 'adj.P.Val')#排序
kable(rhyLimmaSummary[1:5, ])
# |geneId | P.Value| adj.P.Val|
# |:------|-------:|---------:|
# |13170 | 0| 0e+00|
# |353187 | 0| 0e+00|
# |15496 | 0| 0e+00|
# |12700 | 0| 1e-07|
# |321018 | 0| 1e-07|
#####Identify differentially rhythmic genes#####
design = model.matrix(~ cond * (time_cos + time_sin), data = sm)
fit = lmFit(emat, design)
fit = eBayes(fit, trend = TRUE)
drLimma = data.table(topTable(fit, coef = 5:6, number = Inf),
keep.rownames = TRUE)
#coef 5 6
# condknockout:time_cos condknockout:time_sin
setnames(drLimma, 'rn', 'geneId')
drLimma = drLimma[geneId %in% rhyLimmaSummary[adj.P.Val <= qvalRhyCutoff]$geneId]
drLimma[, adj.P.Val := p.adjust(P.Value, method = 'BH')]
setorderv(drLimma, 'adj.P.Val')
kable(drLimma[1:5, ])
# |geneId | condknockout.time_cos| condknockout.time_sin| AveExpr| F| P.Value| adj.P.Val|
# |:------|---------------------:|---------------------:|---------:|--------:|-------:|---------:|
# |12686 | -1.5326997| -0.0433879| 10.157657| 63.70706| 0| 2.0e-07|
# |353187 | 0.6825313| -0.3539853| 9.422013| 63.33300| 0| 2.0e-07|
# |270166 | -1.0453062| 0.2676608| 12.112605| 57.38229| 0| 4.0e-07|
# |207818 | -0.6412353| -0.1518757| 10.482197| 57.06019| 0| 4.0e-07|
# |15486 | -0.7315828| 0.1282440| 12.503645| 44.84486| 0| 3.5e-06|
#####Identify differentially expressed genes#####
design = model.matrix(~ cond + time_cos + time_sin, data = sm)
fit = lmFit(emat, design)
fit = eBayes(fit, trend = TRUE)
deLimma = data.table(topTable(fit, coef = 2, number = Inf), keep.rownames = TRUE)
#coef 2
# condknockout
setnames(deLimma, 'rn', 'geneId')
deLimma = deLimma[!(geneId %in% drLimma[adj.P.Val <= qvalDrCutoff]$geneId)]
deLimma[, adj.P.Val := p.adjust(P.Value, method = 'BH')]
setorderv(deLimma, 'adj.P.Val')
kable(deLimma[1:5, ])
# |geneId | logFC| AveExpr| t| P.Value| adj.P.Val| B|
# |:------|---------:|---------:|---------:|-------:|---------:|--------:|
# |11302 | -2.271205| 11.260315| -23.07448| 0| 0| 33.11873|
# |68680 | -1.653067| 9.096749| -18.20824| 0| 0| 27.88355|
# |67442 | -1.208461| 14.375311| -16.67143| 0| 0| 25.88517|
# |71904 | -1.457833| 10.350755| -16.00380| 0| 0| 24.95519|
# |15507 | -1.158876| 9.441377| -15.27866| 0| 0| 23.89920|