1. Focus 专注
2. Simplify 极简主义
3. Take responsibility end to end 负责到底
4. When behind, leap frog 颠覆式超越
5. Put products before profits 产品重于利润
6. Don’t be a slave to focus groups 相信直觉
7. Bend reality 突破极限
8. Impute 重视包装
9. Push for perfection 苛求完美
10. Tolerate only “A” players 只容忍天才
11. Engage face to face 面对面沟通
12. Know both the big picture and the details 兼顾全局与细节
13. Combine the humanities with the sciences 融人文于科学
14. Stay hungry, stay foolish 保持饥渴,保持天真