00:24:24 – 00:26:02
Precisely at 12 o’clock on the dot, it stroke it is struck. It’s a bit like Beijing’s big bell Big Ben, and that lets New Year in.
Now the bell is stroke struck by a big wooden ram in the shape of the wheel. it stroke a hundred near times **It is struck 108 times **because that ‘s as significant as a lucky number for the Chinese.
复习一下:struck (strŭk), struck or strick·en (strĭk′ən), strik·ing, strikes
Now there’s a point, we can’t strike the bell.
The reason is being some time ago the bell is a practicing the bell ringers were practising. The city thought it was an earthquake or some sort of disaster so there’s no ring ringing of the bell until New Year’s Eve.
But you know it is an incredible feat of engineering. First, it is six hundred years ago, the bell, a model was made in butter and beeswax.
beeswax: 蜂蜡
How mad is that. Butter and beeswax.
And then a massive pit was dug and they worked from the top to the bottom.
They cast it and poured three 63 tuns of molten bronze into that cast. Amazing.
Ding Dong and I thought I would count with I cannot wait to hear that bell sound on New Year’s Eve.
**Talking of which, dude, **we get a party to get ready for.
Across the town, a local family has invited us to spend New Year’s Eve with them. And they’ve already started their preparations.
Like most Beijing girls Beijingers, Zhangyan leads a busy, modern life. But each year she and her family take a break to indulgence indulge in the traditions and make this time of year so special.
[√ 2018.07.17] 啊哈,今天的内容有点难~