在各种社交场合,聊天必不可少。有没有遇到过这样尴尬的时候,对方聊起来没完没了,或是双方其实都没啥可聊了,却不知该怎么结束这段对话,怎么办呢?有人看手表或无意中显出不耐烦的神情,好尴尬。怎么委婉地结束聊天呢? 试试下面这几种方法:
1. 表示很高兴和对方交谈
•It has been a pleasure talking with you. I’ll see you later.
•I’ve enjoyed chatting with you. Maybe our paths will cross again sometime.
•It’s been great talking with you and learning about your experience in Russia. Enjoy the rest of the evening.
2. 表示还要和别人应酬
•I’m trying to catch Dr. Smith before she leaves. Will you excuse me?
•Would you excuse me? I just spotted someone I haven’t seen in years.
•I haven’t even said hello to our host yet—will you excuse me?
3. 介绍新朋友给他
•I’d like you to meet Sara. Let’s go say hello to her.
•I see Dylan. May I introduce you to him?
4. 给对方的家庭,事业,刚谈到的项目,旅行计划等祝愿
•Give me best to your family, will you?
•Good luck with your project. I am looking forward to learning more about it.
•Have a great time on your vacation.
5. 表示还有别的事
•Excuse me. I need something to drink.
•Excuse me, but I’ve got to make a phone call.
•I promised to help Ann with the refreshments—could you excuse me?
•The buffet looks terrific. Shall we go and see what’s over there?
6. 表示不愿独占对方时间
•I don’t want to monopolize you. Enjoy the rest of the evening.
•I’ve been monopolizing you. I’m sure you want to talk with other people here.
另外还有一些可以作为结束聊天的过渡语,比如 “Well, anyway.” 之后加上告别的话。
或用一句话总结一下刚聊的内容,然后结束聊天,如“Your two children are really outstanding. I am impressed. It was lovely to meet you. I’ll see you later.”
不要用让对方离开来作为结束语,比如“I know you are busy. I will let you go.” 这种说法显得是在勉强找借口,还有些无礼。