

孟子及其弟子 〔先秦〕





Fish is what Iwant

Mencius and hisdisciples Pre-Qin Dynasty

Fish, I wantalso; Bear paw, also I want also. Can not get both, give up the fish and takebear paw also. Life, also I want to also; Righteousness, also I want also. Cannot get both, give up life and take righteousness also. Life is also what Iwant, want more than living, so not to earn also; Death is also my evil, moreevil than the dead, so there is something wrong. If you do not want more thanliving, then why not use what you can get living? To make people more evil thanthe dead, then can make patients why not also? By is born and there is no need,by is can be affected and there is not also. So he desires more than theliving, and he hates more than the dead. Not only the sage has a heart,everyone has it, the sage can not lose ears.

A handful ofrice to eat, a handful of soup to live, a handful to die. Call out and be withhim, and be blessed to the doer; Cuer and with it, beggar disdain also. WanZhong does not argue about propriety and righteousness and accept, Wan Zhong tome how to add! For the beauty of palaces, for the service of wives andconcubines, for the needy who know me and me? Township for the death of thebody and not, now for the beauty of the palace; Township for the death of thebody and not accepted, now for wives and concubines as the worship of; Thecountryside did not accept the death of the body, but now it is for the poor toacquire me: is it or can't it already? This is the loss of its own heart.

The fish is whatI want, and the PAWS are what I want. If these two things cannot be obtained atthe same time, then I will have to give up the fish and choose the PAWS. Lifeis what I want, morality is what I want, if these two things can not have atthe same time, then I have to sacrifice life and choose morality. Life is whatI want, but I want something more important than life, so I don't do it. Deathis an abomination to me, but there is more to me than death; therefore there isevil that I will not shun. If nothing people want is more important than life,then what means can be used to obtain survival, which can not be adopted? Ifthe thing that people hate is not more than death, then all can avoid the waywhy not do? By some means you can live, but some people will not; By some meansyou can avoid disaster, but some people refuse to use it. Thus, they wantsomething more precious than life (that is, "righteousness"); Thereis something worse than death (that is, "unrighteousness") that theyhate. Not only the sage has this heart, everyone has it, but the sage does notlose it.

A bowl of food,a bowl of soup, get it to live, don't get it to starve. If it is offered to himwith arrogance, the hungry passer-by will not accept it; Kick to others to eat,even beggars will not accept because of contempt. High officials accepted itwithout considering whether it was proper or not. So, what good would highoffice and wealth do me? Is it for the splendor of the house, the service ofthe concubines, and the poor people I know? Some who would have died ratherthan accept it for the sake of the greater good now accept it for the sake ofthe splendor of the house; A man who once would rather die than accept it forthe sake of the greater good, now accepts it for the service of his wife andconcubine; Someone who used to die for a good cause rather than accept it isnow grateful to accept it for the sake of the poor people he knows. Shouldn'tthis practice be stopped? This is called the loss of the inherent human shame.


刘向 撰 〔两汉〕  秦王使人谓安陵君曰:“寡人欲以五百里之地易安陵,安陵君其许寡人!”安陵君曰:“大王加惠,以大易小,甚善;虽然,受地于先王,愿终守之,弗敢易!”秦王不说。安陵君因使唐雎使于秦。秦王谓唐雎曰:“寡人以五百里之地易安陵,安陵君不听寡人,何也?且秦灭韩亡魏,而君以五十里之地存者,以君为长者,故不错意也。今吾以十倍之地,请广于君,而君逆寡人者,轻寡人与?”唐雎对曰:“否,非若是也。安陵君受地于先王而守之,虽千里不敢易也,岂直五百里哉?秦王怫然怒,谓唐雎曰:“公亦尝闻天子之怒乎?”唐雎对曰:“臣未尝闻也。”秦王曰:“天子之怒,伏尸百万,流血千里。”唐雎曰:“大王尝闻布衣之怒乎?”秦王曰:“布衣之怒,亦免冠徒跣,以头抢地尔。”唐雎曰:“此庸夫之怒也,非士之怒也。夫专诸之刺王僚也,彗星袭月;聂政之刺韩傀也,白虹贯日;要离之刺庆忌也,仓鹰击于殿上。此三子者,皆布衣之士也,怀怒未发,休祲降于天,与臣而将四矣。若士必怒,伏尸二人,流血五步,天下缟素,今日是也。”挺剑而起。 秦王色挠,长跪而谢之曰:“先生坐!何至于此!寡人谕矣:夫韩、魏灭亡,而安陵以五十里之地存者,徒以有先生也。”





Tang Jufulfilled his mission

Liu Xiang wrotein the Han Dynasty that the king of Qin had the Lord of Anling referred to himas, "I want to transfer to Anling with a land of five hundred li. The Lordof Anling asked me to do so!" Lord Anling said, "Your Majesty hasbeen very kind to you. Although I have received the land from my former king, Iwish to keep it. Fanguanyi!" The king of Qin did not say. Lord Anling was forcedto appoint Tang Ju to Qin. The king of the State of Qin said to Tang Ju,"I have moved five hundred li to Anling, and the Lord of Anling will notlisten to me. What can I do? And Qin destroyed Han and Wei, and the king to 50li of the land, the king as the elder, so good meaning also. Now I give you tentimes as much land as you, but if you turn against me, do you despise me?"Tang Ju replied, "No, no, if not. Lord Anling received the land from theprevious king and kept it, although thousands of miles dare not be easy, whystraight five hundred miles? The king of Qin got miffed, and said to Tang Ju,"Has the duke heard the anger of the son of Heaven?" Tang Ju replied,"I have not heard of this." The king of Qin said: "The wrath ofthe son of Heaven, lying dead millions, bleeding thousands of miles." TangJu asked, "Have you ever smelled the fury of cloth clothes?" The kingof Qin said, "The wrath of cloth slipped down and he slipped down andgrabbed the slip." Tang Ju said, "The anger of a mediocre man is theanger of a non-scholar. The husband of the thorn Wangliao also, comet; Thethorn of Nie Zheng Han dummy Ye, Bai Hong Guan Ri; To leave the thorn of thebogey also, the eagle struck the temple. And also is the third person, a cloth,his anger is not hair, Hugh Jin fall in the day, and I will be four things. Ifthe ship will anger, mourning two people, blood five steps, the world will beeasily, today is also." Stand up with a sword. The king of Qin fluttered,knelt down and thanked him: "Sit down, Sir! Why so! My advice: If Han andWei were destroyed, and Anling was still fifty li away, you would have amaster."

The king of Qinsent a messenger to Lord Anling, Lord of the State of Anling, and said, "Iam going to exchange 500 li of land for Anling. Lord Anling must promiseme!" Lord Anling said, "It is a good deed for your Majesty to grantus a favor by exchanging a large territory for a small one. Even so, I acceptedthe fief from the king before me, and will always defend it. I dare notexchange it!" When the king of Qin knew this, he was very unhappy.Therefore, Lord Anling sent Tang Ju on a diplomatic mission to Qin.

The king of Qinasked Tang Ju, "I offered five hundred li of land in exchange for Anling,but the Lord of Anling refused to listen to me. Why? What's more, Qin destroyedHan and Wei, but Anling survived with the land within a radius of 50 li, justbecause I regard Lord Anling as a loyal elder, so I don't care. Now I use tentimes the land of Anling to allow the Lord of Anling to expand his territory, buthe goes against my will. Is this contempt for me?" Tang Ju replied,"No, that's not true. Lord Anling has inherited the fief from the formerking, so he guards it. Even if the land is thousands of miles around, he willnot dare to exchange it, let alone the land of only five hundred miles."

The king of Qinflew into a rage and asked Tang Ju, "Have you ever heard of the emperor'sanger?" Tang Ju replied, "I have not heard of it." The king ofQin said, "When the son of Heaven is angry, millions of bodies will fall,and the blood will flow for thousands of miles." Tang Ju said, "Haveyou ever heard that the people are angry?" The king of Qin said,"When the people are angry, they just take off their hats, go barefoot andbang their heads on the ground." Tang Ju said, "This is the anger ofa mediocre and incompetent person, not a talented and courageous person. WhenZonzhu assassinated Wu Wangliao, the comet's tail swept the moon; When NieZheng assassinated Han Dummy, a white light shot up into the sun; To theassassination of Qingji, the goshawk on the palace. They three people, are thecommon people have the ability to have the courage of the people, the anger inthe heart has not yet burst out, heaven has shown the omen of good or bad. Withme, that makes four. If a man of courage and power is forced to be angry, letthe bodies of two men fall, and blood flow within five steps, and the wholeworld be clothed in white mourning. This is the hour." Say that finish,draw sword out scabbard stand up.

The king of Qinchanged his face and knelt down. He apologized to Tang Ju and said,"Please sit down, Sir! How did it come to this?! I understand: The stateof Han and the State of Wei collapsed, but Anling survived with a radius of 50li, just because of your presence!"

曹刿论战左丘明 〔先秦〕

十年春,齐师伐我。公将战,曹刿请见。其乡人曰:“肉食者谋之,又何间焉?”刿曰:“肉食者鄙,未能远谋。”乃入见。问:“何以战?”公曰:“衣食所安,弗敢专也,必以分人。”对曰:“小惠未遍,民弗从也。”公曰:“牺牲玉帛,弗敢加也,必以信。”对曰:“小信未孚,神弗福也。”公曰:“小大之狱,虽不能察,必以情。”对曰:“忠之属也。可以一战。战则请从。”(遍同:徧)公与之乘,战于长勺。公将鼓之。刿曰:“未可。”齐人三鼓。刿曰:“可矣。”齐师败绩。公将驰之。刿曰:“未可。”下视其辙,登轼而望之,曰:“可矣。”遂逐齐师。 既克,公问其故。对曰:“夫战,勇气也。一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭。彼竭我盈,故克之。夫大国,难测也,惧有伏焉。吾视其辙乱,望其旗靡,故逐之。”

鲁庄公十年的春天,齐国军队攻打鲁国。鲁庄公将要迎战。曹刿请求鲁庄公接见自己。他的同乡说:“打仗的事当权者自会谋划,你又何必参与呢?”曹刿说:“当权者目光短浅,不能深谋远虑。”于是入朝去见鲁庄公。曹刿问:“您凭借什么作战?”鲁庄公说:“衣食这一类安身的东西,不敢独自享有,一定把它分给别人。”曹刿回答说:“这些小恩惠不能遍及百姓,百姓是不会听从您的。”鲁庄公说:“祭祀神灵的牛、羊、玉帛之类的用品,我(从来)不敢虚报数目,一定按照承诺的去做。”曹刿说:“这只是小信用,未能让神灵信服,神是不会保佑你的。 ”鲁庄公说:“大大小小的案件,虽然不能件件都了解得清楚,但一定要处理得合情合理。”曹刿回答说:“这才是尽了本职一类的事,可以凭借这个条件打一仗。如果作战,请允许我跟随您一同去。”



Cao GUI debateZuo Qiu-ming [Pre-Qin]

Ten years ofspring, Qi division cut me. Cao GUI requested an audience with Gong Gong. Thevillagers said: "Meat eaters seek it, and how?" GUI said, "Themeat-eaters were contemptuous, so they could not summon us." Is into thesee. He asked, "What is it?" Gong said, "If food and clothingare well provided, if you dare to specialize, you will divide people." Hereplied, "Before the small favors are repeated, the people's blessing isobeyed." Gong said, "If you sacrifice your jade and silk, if you dareto add it, you will believe it." He replied, "If a little faith isnot fulfilled, God will be blessed." Gong said, "The prison of XiaoDa cannot be observed, but it must be treated with affection." He replied,'The faithful are also his relatives. We can fight. If you fight, pleasecome." Over: With which we will ride, over which we will battle. The malewill drum it. An GUI replied, "No." Qi people three drums. An GUIreplied, "Yes." Qi division defeat. The gong will ride away. An GUIreplied, "No." Under the rut, Dengshi and look at it, said: "canYi." Then the division. Both gram, the public asked its reason. Hereplied, 'It is courage to fight. Work hard, and then decline, three andexhausted. He exhausts me, so he gets rid of it. A great nation isunpredictable, and is afraid of falling. I see its ruts disorderly, look at itsflag, so chase it."

In the spring ofthe tenth year of Zhuang Duke of Lu, the troops of Qi attacked Lu. Zhuang Gongof Lu will fight against it. Cao GUI requested an audience from Zhuang Gong.His fellow countrymen said, "When it comes to war, the authorities willplan. Why should you participate?" Tsao Kuei said: "Those in powerhave a short vision and can't think far." So he went to the court to seeDuke Zhuang of Lu. Cao GUI asked, "What should you rely on to fight?"Zhuang Gong of Lu said, "I dare not enjoy such things as food and clothingalone. I must give them to others." Cao GUI replied, "If these smallfavours cannot be given to the people, they won't listen to you.""The Lord Zhuang said," I (never) dare not exaggerate the number ofcattle, sheep, silk and other articles to offer sacrifices to the gods. I willdo as promised." 'Tsao GUI said,' This is just a bit of credibility. Ifyou can't convince the gods, they won't protect you. ' Lu Zhuang Gong said:"Although we cannot understand every case, we must deal with itreasonably." Cao GUI replied, "This is the right thing to do. Weshould rely on this to fight a battle. If there is a battle, allow me to gowith you."

Zhuang Gong ofLu rode with him in a chariot and fought the Qi army at Changspoon. Duke Zhuangof Lu will order the drumming to march. Tsao GUI said, "Not now."Wait until the Qi army beat the drum three times. Cao GUI said, "Let'sroll drums and march." The Qi army was routed. Duke Zhuang of Lu orderedthe horses to chase the Qi army. Tsao GUI said, "Not yet." Then helooked down to check the tracks made by the wheels of the Qi army. Then he mountedthe chariot and looked at the formation of the Qi army from afar, holding thefront rail of the chariot. Then he said, "We are ready to pursue." Sothey pursued the Qi army.

After defeatingQi, Duke Zhuang asked him why he had done so. Cao GUI replied, "To fight,we should be brave and fearless. Beating the drum for the first time boostsmorale. The morale of the soldiers began to drop after the second beating, andthe morale of the soldiers was exhausted after the third beating. Their moraleis gone and our morale is high. That's why we defeated them. It is difficult tospeculate on the situation of a big state like Qi, for fear that they might setup an ambush. I saw the tracks of their wheels scattered and saw their flagdown, so I decided to pursue them."

邹忌讽齐王纳谏战国策 〔两汉〕

邹忌修八尺有余,而形貌昳丽。朝服衣冠,窥镜,谓其妻曰:“我孰与城北徐公美?”其妻曰:“君美甚,徐公何能及君也?”城北徐公,齐国之美丽者也。忌不自信,而复问其妾曰:“吾孰与徐公美?”妾曰:“徐公何能及君也?”旦日,客从外来,与坐谈,问之客曰:“吾与徐公孰美?”客曰:“徐公不若君之美也。”明日徐公来,孰视之,自以为不如;窥镜而自视,又弗如远甚。暮寝而思之,曰:“吾妻之美我者,私我也;妾之美我者,畏我也;客之美我者,欲有求于我也。” 于是入朝见威王,曰:“臣诚知不如徐公美。臣之妻私臣,臣之妾畏臣,臣之客欲有求于臣,皆以美于徐公。今齐地方千里,百二十城,宫妇左右莫不私王,朝廷之臣莫不畏王,四境之内莫不有求于王:由此观之,王之蔽甚矣。”


邹忌身高八尺多,而且外形、容貌光艳美丽。早晨穿戴好衣帽,照着镜子,对他妻子说:“我和城北徐公相比,谁更美?”他的妻子说:“您非常美,徐公怎么能比得上您?”城北的徐公是齐国的美男子。邹忌不相信自己比徐公美,于是又问他的妾:“我和徐公相比,谁更美?”妾回答说:“徐公哪能比得上您?”第二天,有客人从外面来拜访,邹忌与他相坐而谈,问客人:“我和徐公比,谁更美?”客人说:“徐公不如您美丽。” 又过了一天,徐公来了,邹忌仔细地看着他,自己认为不如徐公美;再照镜子看着自己,更是觉得自己与徐公相差甚远。晚上他躺在床上休息时想这件事,说:“我的妻子认为我美,是偏爱我;我的妾认为我美,是害怕我;我的客人认为我美,是有事情有求于我。”



Zou Ji mockedthe state policy of the King of Qi by accepting remonstrance [Han Dynasty]

Zou avoid ismore than eight feet, and morphology Die lili. The court dress, looking glass,that his wife said: "Which of me and the north of the city XuGongmei?" His wife said: "You are so beautiful, how can Xu Gong andyou also?" North of the city, Xu Gong, the beauty of the State of Qi.Avoid not confident, and asked his concubine said: "Who am I and Xu GongMei?" My concubine asked, "How can Xu Gong reach your majesty?"One day, a guest from outside, and sat down to talk, asked the guest said:"Which is the beauty of me and Xu Gong?" The guest said, "XuGong is not as beautiful as your majesty." When Xu Gong came tomorrow, hethought he was inferior. Sneakoscope and self-vision, and if far. I thoughtabout it at night, saying, "The beauty of my wife is mine; The beauty ofmy concubine, I fear I also; The beauty of my guests, want to ask mealso." Then he went to the court to see King Wei and said, "Ihonestly know that Xu is not as beautiful as him. His wife was a privateminister, his concubine was afraid of him, and his guests wanted something fromhim. This Qi place thousands of miles, hundred and twenty cities, the palacewomen around the king, the court of ministers not afraid of the king, the fourborders of the king: from this view, the king's cover is very."

The king said,"Good." It was ordered: "The officials and the people who areable to confront the faults of others will be rewarded; On the book admonishpeople, by the reward; Those who can slander the market and hear my ears willbe rewarded." At the beginning, the minister remonstrance, crowded; Monthslater, every now and then; After the year, although want to say, no progress.Yan, Zhao, Han and Wei all ruled in Qi. This so-called victory over the court.

Zou Ji was morethan eight feet tall and beautiful in shape and appearance. In the morning, hedressed himself and looked into the mirror and said to his wife, "Who ismore beautiful, Xu Gong in the north of the city or me?" His wife said,"You are very beautiful. How can Xu Gong compare with you?" Xu Gongin the north of the city was a handsome man in the State of Qi. Zou Ji did notbelieve that he was more beautiful than Xu Gong, so he asked his concubine,"Who is more beautiful than me or Xu Gong?" The concubine replied:"How can Xu Gong compare with you?" The next day, a guest came tovisit him. Zou Ji sat down with him and asked the guest, "Who is morebeautiful, Xu Gong or I?" The guest said, "Xu Gong is not asbeautiful as you." The next day, Xu Gong came to Zou Ji. Zou Ji looked athim carefully and thought he was not as good as Xu Gong mei. When I looked atmyself in the mirror, I felt that I was far from Xu Gong. He thought about itin the evening, as he lay resting in bed, and said, "My wife thinks mebeautiful because she favors me; My concubine is afraid of me because shethinks I am beautiful. My guest thinks I'm beautiful because she wantssomething from me."

So Zou Ji wentto court to see King Wei of Qi and said, "I know that I am not as good asXu Gongmei. But my wife is partial to me, my concubine is afraid of me, myguests want to ask me for help, so they all think I am better than Xu Gongmei.Now Qi has a territory of one hundred and twenty cities. There is not aconcubine or concubine in the palace who does not love you. There is not aminister in the court who does not fear you. There is not a person in the wholecountry who does not want something from you. It seems that Your Majesty hasbeen deceived too much!"

King Wei said,"What you said is very good!" Then he gave the order: "Great andsmall officials, ministers and the people, those who criticize my faults to myface, will be rewarded with the highest honors; Medium rewards to those whogive me direct advice; To those who, in public places where people aregathered, accuse and discuss my faults, and bring them to my ears, shall begiven inferior rewards." As soon as the order was given, many ministers cameto advise, and the palace gate and court were as noisy as a market; Some monthslater, there were still occasional remonstrations; At the end of the year, evenif someone wanted to remonstrate, there was nothing left to say. When thestates of Yan, Zhao, Han and Wei heard of this, they all went to the state ofQi to pay homage to King Wei. This is what it means to win the court without afight.


司马迁 〔两汉〕











陈王初立时,陵人秦嘉﹑铚人董譄﹑符离人朱鸡石﹑取虑人郑布﹑徐人丁疾等皆特起,将兵围东海守庆于郯。陈王闻,乃使武平君畔为将军,监郯下军。秦嘉不受命,嘉自立为大司马,恶属武平君。告军吏曰:“武平君年少,不知兵事,勿听!”因矫以王命杀武平君畔。  章邯已破伍徐,击陈,柱国房君死。章邯又进兵击陈西张贺军。陈王出监战,军破,张贺死。腊月,陈王之汝阴,还至下城父,其御庄贾杀以降秦。陈胜葬砀,谥曰隐王。












“始皇既没,余威震于殊俗。 然陈涉瓮牖绳枢之子,氓隶之人,而迁徙之徒也;材能不及中人,非有仲尼、墨翟之贤,陶朱、猗顿之富。蹑足行伍之间,倔起阡陌之中,率罢散之卒,将数百之众,转而攻秦,斩木为兵,揭竿为旗,天下云集而响应,赢粮而景从。山东豪俊遂并起而亡秦族矣。



Chen wet behindthe house

Sima Qian [HanDynasty]

Chen Sheng,Yangcheng people also, the word wade. Wu Guang, Yangxia people also, worduncle. Chen Shue young, taste and people commission tillage, stop tillage onthe ridge, disappointed for a long time, said: "wealth, no phaseforget." The servant smiled and answered, "If you work for theservant, why is there wealth?" Chen Shue exhaled, "Sigh! The sparrowknows the lofty ambition zai!"

Second firstJuly, the hair Luzuo Shi Yu Yang, 900 people Tuen Daze township. Chen Sheng, WuGuang all the time when line, for Tuen Mun long. It will rain heavily, the roadis blocked, the degree has lost period. Lost period, law are cut. Chen Shengand Wu Guang said, "The present death is also death, and the great plan isalso death; Wait for death, death country can be?" Chen Sheng said, "Theworld has been bitter for a long time. I heard that the second son also, shouldnot be established, when the son Fusu. Fusu remonstrated with a number ofanecdotes, on the foreign general. Now or smell innocent, the second kill it.The people heard much about his virtues, but did not know his death. Xiang Yanfor Chu, the number of meritorious service, love soldiers, Chu pity. Either hethought he was dead or he thought he was dead. This sincere to my many cheatself-proclaimed childe Fusu, Xiang Yan, sing for the world, should bemore." Wu Guang thought so. Is the line ab. Knowing his meaning, he said,"The first step is a success. However, the ghost of the foot!" ChenSheng and Wu Guangxi, reading about ghosts, said, "This teaches me tointimidate the ears first." 4. Dan wrote and silk, saying, "KingSheng of Chen," and put it in the stomach of the fish. Pawn to buy fishcooking, fish belly book, solid to strange. In the temple next to Wu Guangzhi'ssecond place, the night campfire, the fox said: "Big Chu Xing, King ChenSheng." All the dead are frightened at night. Denier, stroke oftenlanguage, all refer to Chen Sheng.

Wu Guangsu love,soldiers for the use of more. The second lieutenant, drunk and wishing to die,angrily reacted to the indignity of the second lieutenant so as to anger hisflock. Yuguo whipping wide. Wei Jianting, Guang Qi, capture and kill Wei. ChenSheng succeeded him and killed two lieutenants. The summoner said, "Whenthe rain comes, the time has expired. The time must be cut. By order not tobehead, but to pay the dead 16 or 17. And the strong man is not dead, death isto raise the name of the ear, Wang Hou general Xiangning have a kind!" Allthe disciples said, "Honor and accept orders." Is cheat said childeFusu, Yan, from the people also. Bare right, called Chu. For the altar andalliance, offering to Wei head. Chen Sheng made himself a general and Wu Guanga lieutenant. Attack Daze Township, and then attack Don Qi. I asked Ge Ying, aman from Fuli, to accept him to the east of Acutus. Tapping Zhi, Cuo, bitter,zhe, qiaocheng are under. Line of retreat. Compared to Chen, six hundred toseven hundred chariots, more than a thousand rides, tens of thousands ofsoldiers. Attack Chen, Chen Shouling are not, only shou cheng and war in. FuSheng and Shou Cheng died, but they entered the territory of Chen. A few days,call three old, hero and all to accounting. The three elders and the heroes allsaid, "The general, with his body firmly seized and sharp, will destroythe state of Qin and restore the state of Chu. If he succeeds, he will becomeking." Chen Shue was appointed king with the title of Zhang Chu. At thistime, all counties bitter Qin officials, all the punishment of its chiefofficials, killed in response to Chen. He made Wu Shu a false king and overseerhis generals to strike at Xingyang in the west. To accept Wu Chen, Zhang Er andChen Yu for Zhao; to accept Deng Zong from Ruyin for Jiujiang county. At thistime, thousands of Chu soldiers were gathered together and could not becounted.

Ge Ying went tothe east city and made Xiangqiang king of Chu. When she heard that King Chenhad already been appointed, she reported back for killing Xiangqiang. When theyarrived in Chen, the king of Chen killed Ge Ying. King Chen appointed Wei tothe north of Zhou City and accepted Wei. Wu Guang Wai Xingyang. Li You was thegovernor of Sanchuan, Shou Xingyang, Wu Shufuneng under. In order to collectthe heroes and plans of the state, the King of Chen took CAI Ci, Lord Fang ofShangcai, as the upper pillar state.

Zhou Wen, thesage of Chen, also taste for the Xiang Yan army as Japan, the matter of springShen Jun, self-speaking training, the king of Chen and the general seal, thewest attack Qin. Line is crucial, car thousands of times, pawn hundreds ofthousands, to play, army Yan. Qin ordered Zhang Han, Shaofu, to avoid Li Shanand human slaves to give birth, and then they attacked the Chu army andcompletely defeated it. Zhou Wen defeated, go out of the gate, stop Cao YangFebruary and March. Zhang Han after the defeat, Mianchi Mianchi after more thanten days. Zhang Han struck and destroyed it. Zhou Wen committed suicide, andthe army stopped fighting.

The ministerswent to Handan and proclaimed themselves king of Zhao. Chen Yu was the general,Zhang Er and Zhao SAO were the prime ministers. The king of Chen was angry andwanted to punish him. Zhu Guo said: "The state of Qin was not dead, andthe family members of General Zhao were killed. It's better to build onit." The king of Chen sent messengers to congratulate Zhao, and they wentto the palace of his vassals and other family members. Zhang Ao, the son of Er,was appointed Lord of Chengdu, interested in Zhao's soldiers and eager to go tothe pass. The king of Zhao said to him, "Your Majesty, Zhao, this is notChu's intention. Chu had already condemned Qin, so he had to add troops toZhao. Plan is no more than the west, so that the north to accept Yan from widealso. Zhao was ruled by Dahe in the south and Yan and Dai in the north. AlthoughChu defeated Qin, it did not dare to control Zhao. If Chu defeats Qin, it willreturn to Zhao. By taking advantage of Qin's shortcomings, Zhao can gain hisambition in the world." The king of Zhao thought that, because of thewest, and the death of the valley pawn history Han Guang will be north toaccept Yan.

A noble man ofYan said to Han Guang, "The state of Chu has appointed a king, and thestate of Zhao has appointed a king. Although Yan is small, it is also a countryof thousands of rides. The former general made Yan king." Han Guangreplied, "Your mother is in Zhao. The Yan people said, "Zhao Fang isworried about Qin in the west and Chu in the south. His strength cannot stopme. On the same terms of Chu, I dare not inflict harm on the house of the kingand minister of Zhao, and Zhao Du 'an dare not inflict harm on the house of thegeneral!" Han Guang thought this was so, he declared himself king of Yan.In a few months, Zhao in Yan queen mother and her family returned to Yan.

At this time,will be partial, uncountable. At the north of Zhou City, Tian Tanzi, a discipleof Di, killed Di Ling and proclaimed himself king of Qi. The city armyscattered, but also to the land of Wei, to establish the queen of Wei,therefore, Ningling Jun as the king of Wei. The blame lies with King Chen, butnot with Wei. The land of Wei had already been decided, but Zhou Shi refused toappoint Zhou Shi as the king of Wei. The envoys rebelled five times. King Chenmade Jun of Ningling the king of Wei and sent him to his country. Zhou citypawn for phase.

General TianZang and others said to him, "The army of Zhou and Zhang is alreadybroken. The Qin army arrives at Xingyang City, and when I surround XingyangCity, I will be defeated. It is better to leave little soldiers, enough to keepXingyang, know the elite Qin army. This false king arrogant, do not know themilitary power, and should not be calculated, not to punish, fear offailure." As Xiangyu King ordered Wu Shu to be executed, he offered his headto King Chen. King Chen sent Tian Zang Chu to Yin Yin and made him general.Tian Zang ordered generals Li GUI and others to defend Xingyang city, from thewest to meet the Qin army in Aocang. With the war, Tian Zang died, the army wasbroken. Zhang Han attacked and defeated Li GUI and others, including XingyangXia.

Deng ofYangcheng said that he would take his troops to Tan, and Zhang Han would defeatthem. Deng said that his troops would disperse Chen. Zhi WuXu to soldiers inxu, ZhangHan break, wu Xu Junjie scattered Chen. "Said the king of Chen.

Early Chen Wang

immediately, ling people Qin Jia, Zhi 譄dong, writes achicken stone, people take about Zheng Bu, zhu xu disease such as certificatesare up, to keep their soldiers surrounded east China sea in Tan. King Chenheard that he had appointed Lord Wu Ping as a general to supervise Tan's army.Qin Jia was not ordered, Jia self-proclaimed Dassima, evil is the king ofWuping. The adjutant said, "Lord Wuping is young and does not knowanything about war. Do not listen!" For affectation to kill King Wupingbank. Zhang Han defeated Wu Xu and attacked Chen, killing Lord Fang of ZhuState.  King Chen went out to fight, hisarmy was broken, and Zhang He died. In December, the King of Chen's Ru Yin,also to the father of the lower city, its imperial Zhuang Jia killed to dropQin. Chen Sheng was buried at his posthumous name, Yin Wang.

Lu Chen, ageneral from Juan, became the Cangtou army. He attacked Chen from Xinyang,killed Zhuang Jia, and took Chen as Chu again.

Early, Chen Wangto Chen, make Zhi men song will be determined soldiers stay in nanyang, intothe arms. To have accepted Nanyang, hear the death of King Chen, Nanyang forQin. Unable to enter Wugan, Song Liu even went east to Xincai. When he met Qintroops, Song Liu surrendered his army to Qin. Qin spread to Xianyang, car splitto stay to accept.

Qin Jia andothers heard that Chen's army broke away, but set Jingju as the king of Chu, tolead the army and, to attack the Qin army set Tao Xia. Gong Sun Qing led theking of Qi to advance with him. The king of Qi said, "When I heard thatKing Chen was defeated, I didn't know whether he was dead or alive. GongsunQing said, "Qi established a king without inviting Chu. Why did Chu inviteQi to establish a king? And the first thing in Chu should be ordered in theworld." Tian Tanzi shot Gongsun Qing.

Qin left andright school to attack Chen, down. General Lu left and regrouped. The Poyangthieving Jun Dangyang Tsingbu Tsingbu troops recovered and defeated the Qinaround the school, broke the Qingbo, and restored Chen as Chu. Hui Xiang Liangestablished Sun Xin, king of Huai, as king of Chu.

Chen Sheng WangFan Jun. Already a king, Wang Chen. When his old friend and the servant farmerheard about it, Chen knocked the palace gate and said, "I want to seeyou." The palace gate is bound to the desire. Self debate number, is set,refused to pass. The king of Chen went out and covered his way. Chen heard it,is summoned, loaded with all return. When he entered the palace and saw thehangings of the house, the guest said, "You! It is a king!" Chupeople said more for the gang, so the world passed, gang involved in the king,from Chen She. Visitors in and out of the increasingly comfortable, said theking of Chen. Or the king of Chen said, "He was foolish and ignorant. Hespoke freely and lightly." King Chen beheaded him. All the old Chen peopleare from the lead, by no pro Chen king. The king of Chen took Zhu Fang as thecenter and Hu Wu as the secretary. All persons will accept, arrive, and orderthe person who is not, but the sin of, with strict inspection as loyalty. Thosewho were not good, the deacons, were often self-governing. King Chen believedit. The generals for their reasons do not adhere, this is why it is defeated.

Chen Sheng is

dead, the marquis was dispatched to the death of Qin, by the first matter also.

The high-impedance for Chen involved keep 頉30 Dang,blood food.

Mr. Chu said:The terrain is difficult, so it is solid. The military revolution of thecriminal law, so also for the treatment. I am still not enough. How is it thatthe former king takes benevolence and righteousness as the foundation, andGusai grammar as the branch and leaf? I heard Jia Sheng say:

"Accordingto Yao Han's letter, Duke Xiaogong of Qin held Yongzhou, which the emperor andhis officials kept to see the Zhou room. He had the intention of sweeping theworld, embracing the universe and encompassing the whole world, and he wantedto swallow the eight ravages. When the time is right, Shang Jun Zuo zuo,internal legislation degree, work and weave, repair and defend the tools ofwar; Even outside the balance and fight princes. So the Qin people took overthe West River.

"Since theduke of Filial piety was absent, Hui Wen, Wu and Zhao Xiangmeng left behind thepolicy of taking Hanzhong in the south, Bashu in the west, and Buxom land inthe east to collect the key counties. Vassal fear, alliance and seek weak Qin,do not love treasure, heavy treasure, fat Rao, so that the people of the world,from the connection, phase and as a. At this time, Mengchang was in Qi,Pingyuan in Zhao, Chunshen in Chu, and Xinling in Wei. These four princes werewise and faithful, generous and loving, respected and worthy, and held the rankof Han, Wei, Yan, Zhao, Song, Wei and Zhongshan. Therefore, the people of thesix States were Ning Yue, Xu Shang, Su Qin and Du He, Qi Ming, Zhou Zi, ChenZhen, Zhao Shu, Lou Huan, Zhai Jing, Su Li, and Le Yi, and Wu Qi, Sun Bin, DaiTuo, Ni Liang, Wang Liao, Tian Ji, Lian Po, and Zhao She-lun. To taste tentimes the land, millions of people, knock and attack Qin. Qin switch and delaythe enemy, the division of the nine countries hesitate to escape and dare notenter. Qin no dead arrow left arrowhead, and the world has been trapped. Sofrom the loose settlement, dispute for Qin. Qin has the power to control itsfraud, the pursuit of the north, lying dead millions, bleeding OARS. Takeadvantage of the advantage of profit, slaughtering the world, divided riversand mountains. The strong country please serve, the weak country into thecourt.

"King Shiand King Xiaowen and King Zhuang Xiang are enjoying the light of their kingdom.

"Up to thefirst emperor, the vigorous sixth of the Yulie, Zhen long policy and royal Yu,swallow two weeks and the death of the vassal, and the system of Liuhe, beatingthe park to whip the world, threaten the four seas. South to take the land of 100more, thought Guilin, elephant county. The emperor of the hundred more, bowdown to tie the neck, commissioned the next official. Mengtian is the north tobuild the Great Wall and fence, but the Huns more than seven hundred Li. Hu didnot dare to go south and herd horses, Shi did not dare to bend the bow andcomplain. So he abolished the way of the previous king and the words of thehundred schools of burnt offerings. Hui city, kill hao jun, collect the world'ssoldiers gather Xianyang, sales front catfish rules, cast for gold 12, to weakworld Then he turned China into a city, because the river was a pool, and thecity of 100 million zhangs was considered solid by the river in case ofaccident. Good mind, guard the vital place; The letter of the elite pawn, ChenLi soldiers and who. The world has been determined, the heart of the firstemperor, thought Guanzhong solid, Jincheng Li, descendants of the emperor'seternal industry also.

"The firstemperor is not, more than a shock in the special vulgar. But Chen-Shi-weng hasyour rope mature son, the man of the people, and the migration of the disciple;Wood can not be as good as the man, not Zhongni, ink Yi, Tao Zhu, Yi ton ofwealth. Creep between, stubborn from the field, the rate of the scattered pawn,will be hundreds of people, turned to attack Qin, cut wood for soldiers, openedthe flag, the world gathered and response, win food and Jingcong. Hao Jun inShandong and then the Qin people died.

"Moreover,the world is not small and weak. In Yongzhou, Yao Han is solid and poised. ChenShi was not the ruler of Qi, Chu, Yan, Zhao, Han, Wei, Song, Wei and Zhongshan.Hoe You spines pity, not bell to hook ji food too long; The garrison of thepeople, not against the division of the nine states also; Foresight, the way ofmarching, and not to the time of the man also. However, success and failurechange, the opposite. Trying to make Shandong bigger than Chen Shude others isby comparison, but I am not trying to make others different in the same year.However, Qin to a mere place, to the potential of ten thousand rides, the orderof eight states and the same column, more than a hundred years. Then he tookLiuhe as his home and Yaohan as his palace. Monogamous and seven temple hui,body dead hands, for the world laugh, why also? The potential of attack anddefense is different when righteousness is not applied."

【 句 】The worldof Hungary, the lack of the main on the sea, looking on the sky. Chen Shengfirst matter, jue Zhang Chu. Ghosts are to be reckoned. Ge Ying east, ZhouWenxi refused. He began to kiss Zhu Fang, and then Hu Wu. Huo Yi see kill, theheart is not with. Zhuang Jia who, the city father!

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