
LUCID DREAMING Gateway to the Inner Self


作者: Robert Waggoner


第一部分: 内在旅行


1: 通过这扇门

LIKE MANY CHILDREN, I HAD AN INTENSE DREAM LIFE. DREAMS WERE an amazing theater of the mind featuring both glorious adventures and moments of sheer terror. In one dream, a songbird, a meadowlark, I believe, landed on my chest and sang me its simple song, which I immediately understood and woke up singing. In another dream, I found myself on a fifteen-foot Pogo stick bouncing down the deserted streets, almost flying. On occasion I seemed to be an animal - a dog or coyote, for example - trotting along the dark night's sidewalks in a four-legged gait, totally at peace, seeing the neighborhood from a canine's drooping-headed, tongue-wagging perspectiv.


With dreams like these, I was a child who had to drag himself out of bed.


In those early years, I remember clearly only one spontaneous lucid dream. In it, I was wandering the local library and suddenly saw a dinosaur stomping through the stacks. Somehow it dawned on me: If all dinosaurs are extinct - this must be a dream! Now consciously aware that I was dreaming, I reasoned further: Since this was a dream - I could wake up! I reasoned correctly and awoke safe in my bed.


That youthful experience illuminates the essential element of lucid dreaming: the conscious awareness of being in a dream while you're dreaming. In this unique state of awareness, you can consider and carry out deliberate actions such as talking to dream figures, flying in the dream space, walking through the walls of dream buildings, creating any object desired, or making them disappear. More important, an experienced lucid dreamer can conduct experiments in the subconscious or seek information from the apparently conscious unconscious.


But I'm getting ahead of myself . . .


In those preteen days, before I began lucid dreaming regularly, three experiences kept alive my interest in dreaming and the psyche: occasional dreams that seemed to be precognitive, an unexpected "vision experience," and the very real sense of having access to an inner knowing. Like many, I found life's deepest mysteries in the mind.

在那些青春期前的日子里,在我开始有规律地做清醒梦之前, 三次经历让我对梦和心灵保持了兴趣: 似乎是预知的偶然梦, 一种意想不到的“视觉体验”,以及获得内在知识的真实感觉。像许多人一样,我在头脑中发现了生命最深的奥秘。

For me, the occasional precognitive dream often appeared as small events, like dreaming of someone making an odd statement in a dream, only to hear a real person make the same odd statement a few hours later, or to have a voice in the dream announce an observation that later would be proven correct. Once, the voice explained that the dream symbols meant the dream events would take three years to transpire.I kept track of that date and something incredible did indeed happen in the waking world, directly related to the dream from three years earlier.


Precognitive dreams challenged my budding scientific worldview and disrupted my traditional religious and spiritual views. Strange coincidences, self-fulfilling prophecies, or unknown information? How was one to tell?


One day in my preteen, church-going mind, I had a mini-epiphany. It occurred to me that if God was the same "yesterday, today, and forever," as they said in the Old Testament, then God must exist outside of time, apart from time, in a place where time had no meaning. And, if that were true, then perhaps dreams were the gateway to a place without time, where time existed in one glorious Now. Yet my young science-educated mind balked at this notion. A dreamt event followed by a waking event could be nothing more than sheer coincidence and didn't necessarily entail any foreknowing. Or perhaps it was like a self-fulfilling prophecy, in which I unknowingly helped bring about the event that I dreamt. And even when a dream voice made an observation that later turned out to be true, perhaps my creative unconscious had simply noticed things and, by calculating the likely outcome of those things, made a clever announcemen

在我青春期前的一天,去教堂的时候,我有了一个小小的顿悟。我突然想到,如果上帝和《旧约》中所说的“昨天、今天、永远”一样,那么上帝一定存在于时间之外,远离时间,存在于一个时间毫无意义的地方。如果这是真的,那么梦可能是通往一个与时间无关的地方的大门,在那里时间存在于一个辉煌的现在之内。然而,我年轻的受过科学教育的头脑对这种想法犹豫不决。梦里的事件跟醒来的事件可能只是纯粹的巧合,并不一定需要任何预知。或者可能是一个 自我实现的预言,我在不知不觉中促成了我梦寐以求的事件。甚至梦里面一个声音说了最后被证实的一句话,也许我创造性的无意识只是注意到了一些事情,再通过计算这些事情可能的结果之后做了一个聪明的播音员。

As this spiritual questioning was going on, another fascinating incident occurred. One Sunday evening when I was eleven or twelve, I lay on my bed reading a book and stopped for a moment to think. As I absentmindedly looked up at the ceiling, my head suddenly turned north and I began to see a vision of a Native American setting overlaying the physical scene. I struggled to free myself from this unexpected experience while another part of me took in the vision. Finally it stopped。


At that young age, what do you do with something like this? In my case, I went to the library. I flipped through a number of books about the Old Testament containing commentary on visions but found little of value for me there. I also checked out a few books on Native American culture and discovered the vision quest, a traditional practice by which youth gain insight into their lives. Normally a vision quest occurs in a ritual fashion. The young person is obligated to leave the tribe and travel alone for a period of days of fasting, praying, and waiting for the visionary experience. Yet why would something like that happen to me? Only years later did I discover that our family had Native American ancestry.


Somewhere in this time period, I also recognized the presence of an "inner advisor," for lack of a better term. At certain times, when I considered things deeply, an inner knowing appeared in my mind. It was such a natural thing, I assumed everyone experienced this. It was like having the services of a wise old man inside. For example, after a very simple incident that most anyone would ignore, the inner knowing would make an observation about life or suggest the prosaic incident as a living parable. The comments seemed intelligent, even remarkable. I began to sense that all around me life had meaning, if I only cared to look. Since I lived in the middle of Kansas, far from the centers of world power, the pace of life was slower and perhaps simpler, yet below the surface, at another level, I knew we had everything, all the lessons of life.


Like any teenager, I'd pester this inner advisor - What am I? Who am I? To these questions I was given two answers and then never visited the issue again (although the answers rolled around my mind for decades). In one instance, to my "Who am I?" the inner advisor responded, "Everything and nothing." Okay, I thought, any person in a sense has the potential capabilities of all, but in having them also has nothing, for time or the fates will sweep it all away. In those words, too, I sensed a hidden connection between the rich lavishness of Being and the complete freedom of Nothing. But still not entirely content with being a place marker between two extremes, I continued to pester myself and, by extension, the inner advisor with the question of identity until, one day, an answer came that laid all further questions to rest. "You are what you let yourself become," said the inner advisor. That answer satisfied me completely: The living of life was an allowing of self.


Altogether, the precognitive dreams, the vision experience, and my search for spiritual meaning kept me probing for satisfying and complete answers. Obviously, my intense inner life, sparked by thoughtprovoking dreams, created a persistent desire to accept, abandon, or perhaps bridge one of the two worldviews: the scientific and the spiritual. Which is why in 1975, at age sixteen, I picked up one of my oldest brother's books, Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda, and embarked on my first lesson in lucid dreaming.


As some readers may know, Carlos Castaneda was an anthropology graduate student at UCLA in the 1960s who sought to learn from native shamans about psychotropic plants in the southwestern United States and Mexico. According to his story, he met a Yaqui Indian sorcerer, don Juan, who agreed to teach him about hallucinogenic plants. In the process, don Juan provided Castaneda with a unique view of the world. Even more important, perhaps, don Juan supplied techniques to experience this new worldview.


The philosophy of don Juan might be summed up in these words, spoken to Castaneda: "[Y]our idea of the world . . . is everything; and when that changes, the world itself changes." Don Juan constantly pushed Castaneda to consider new and world-changing ideas and to become more mentally flexible.


Castaneda has recounted in numerous books his decade-long association with don Juan. While many have openly questioned Castaneda's veracity in storytelling,4 his many books nevertheless contain a number of provocative ideas and, like many young people, I was intrigued. I read Journey to Ixtlan and decided to try just one of the ideas, never imagining how transformative an idea could be.


Don Juan suggests to Castaneda a simple technique to "set up dreaming" or become conscious in the dream state. "Tonight in your dreams you must look at your hands," don Juan instructs Castaneda. After some discussion about the meaning of dreaming and the choice of hands as an object to dream about, don Juan continues. "You don't have to look at your hands," he says. "Like I've said, pick anything at all. But pick one thing in advance and find it in your dreams. I said your hands because they will always be there.“


Don Juan further advised Castaneda that whenever an object or scene that he was looking at began to shift or waver in the dream, he should consciously look back at his hands to stabilize the dream and renew the power of dreaming.


Simple enough, I thought. So, before going to sleep each night, I sat cross-legged in bed and began looking at the palms of my hands. Mentally, I quietly told myself, "Tonight, I will see my hands in my dream and realize I'm dreaming." I repeated the suggestion over and over, until I became too tired and decided to go to sleep.

很简单,我想。所以,每天晚上睡觉前,我盘腿坐在床上,开始看我的手掌。在心里,我悄悄地告诉自己,“今晚,我会在梦里看到我的手,意识到我在做梦。” 我一遍又一遍地重复这个建议,直到我太累了,决定去睡觉。

Waking up in the middle of the night, I reviewed my last dream. Had I seen my hands? No . But still hopeful, I fell back asleep remembering my goal. Within a few nights of trying this technique, it happened. I had my first actively sought lucid dream.


I'm walking in the busy hallways of my high school at the junction of B and C halls. As I prepare to push the door open, my hands spontaneously fly up in front of my face! They literally pop up in front of me! I stare in wonder at them. Suddenly, I consciously realize, "My hands! This is a dream! I'm dreaming this!"


I look around me, amazed that I am aware within a dream. All around me is a dream. Incredible! Everything looks so vivid and real.


I walk through the doors a few feet toward the administration building while a great feeling of euphoria and energy wells up inside. As I stop and look at the brick wall, the dream seems a bit wobbly. I lucidly remember don Juan's advice and decide to look back down at my hands to stabilize the dream when something incredible happens. As I look at my hands, I become totally absorbed in them. " I " now see each fingerprint, each line, as a giant flesh-toned canyon that I float within and through. The world has become my palm print, and I'm moving about its vast canyons and gullies and whorls as a floating speck of awareness. I no longer see my hand; I see cream-colored, canyon-like walls of varying undulations surrounding and towering above me, which some part of me knows as my fingerprints or palm prints! As for me, " I " seem to be a dot of aware perception floating through all of this - joyous, aware, and full of awe.


I'm wondering how this could be, when suddenly my vision pops back to normal proportions and I see again that I am standing, hands outstretched, in front of the administration building. Still consciously aware, I think about what to do next. I walk a few feet but feel an incredible urge to fly - I want to fly! I become airborne heading straight up for the intense blue sky. As my feeling of overwhelming joy reaches maximum pitch, the lucid dream ends.


I awake in bed, totally astounded, my heart pounding and head reeling. Never had I felt such intense feelings of elation, energy, and utter freedom. I had done it! I had seen my hands literally fly up to face level in my dreams as if propelled by some magical force and I realized, "This is a dream!" At the age of sixteen, I had become conscious in the dream state. And suddenly, like Dorothy in Oz, I was not in Kansas any more.


Well, actually, I was in Kansas for another year, until I left for college.




My first lucid dream felt like a monumental achievement. I had actually become aware in a dream. Moreover, in the don Juan tradition, this first lucid dream seemed filled with auspicious symbols - becoming a speck of awareness floating through my palm prints, maintaining the dream, working on awareness outside of the "administration building" (symbol for my own inner authority, perhaps). I was excited.


Still, it seemed so paradoxical - becoming conscious in the unconscious. What a concept! Like some teenage magician of the dreaming realm, I had done what scientists at the time proclaimed could not be done.


Little did I know, during that same time in April of 1975, thousands of miles away at the University of Hull in England, a lucid dreamer named Alan Worsley was making the first-ever scientifically recorded signals from the lucid state to researcher Keith Hearne. By making prearranged eye movements (left to right eight times), Worsley signaled his lucid awareness from the dream state. Pads on his eyes recorded the deliberate eye movements on a polygraphs printout. At that moment, Hearne recalls, "It was like getting signals from another world. Philosophically, scientifically, it was simply mind blowing." Hearne and Worsley were the first to conceive of the idea and demonstrate that deliberate eye movements could signal the conscious awareness of the dreamer from within the dream state.

1975年4月的同一时间,在数千英里之外的英国赫尔大学,一个名叫艾伦·沃斯利的清醒梦者向研究人员基思·赫恩发出了有史以来第一个科学记录的清醒状态信号,我对此一无所知。通过预先安排好的眼球运动(从左到右八次),沃斯利从梦中发出清醒的信号。他眼睛上的护垫记录了测谎仪打印出来的故意眼球运动。候恩回忆道,那一刻,“这就像从另一个世界获得信号。从哲学上,从科学上来说,这只是简单的意识干扰。” 赫恩和沃斯利是第一个想到这个想法的人,他们证明了深思熟虑的眼球运动可以从梦的状态中发出做梦者的意识的信号。

A few years later, in 1978, Stanford sleep lab researcher Stephen LaBerge, using himself as the lucid dreaming subject, devised a separate,similar experiment of signaling awareness from the dream state through eye movement. Publishing his work in more broadly read scientific journals, LaBerge became strongly identified with this exciting discovery and a leader in its continued research.

几年后,在1978年,斯坦福睡眠实验室的研究员斯蒂芬·拉贝热(Stephen LaBerge)以他自己为清醒梦的研究对象,设计了一个单独的类似实验,通过眼球运动从梦的状态发出意识信号。在更广泛阅读的科学杂志上发表他的作品,拉贝热强烈认同这一激动人心的发现,并成为其继续研究的领导者。

Back in Kansas, each night before I went to sleep I would look at my hands and remind myself that I wished to see my hands in my dreams. Of course anyone who tries this will soon discover that staring at your hands for more than ten seconds is quite boring. When you already feel sleepy, it takes real effort to concentrate. Your eyes cross, your hands get fuzzy, your attention wavers, within a minute or two you may even become so bored and tired as to go blank momentarily. After a few minutes, I would give up and prepare for sleep. At the time,I chastised myself for my lack of concentration and wavering focus, but later I came to feel that these natural responses were actually the best approach, since the waking ego seemed too tired to care about the game my conscious mind wanted to play. In fact, don Juan suggested that the waking ego often felt threatened by the more profound nature of our inner realm. Perhaps a sleepy ego would be less likely to interfere.


My next few lucid dreams were lessons in exquisite brevity. I would be in a dream, see my hands in the course of the dream (e.g., as I opened a door with my hand or as if by some inner prompting my hands would suddenly appear directly in front of me) and immediately realize I was in a dream. I'd experience a rush of exhilaration, joy, and energy. As I took in the dream surroundings, my feelings of joy rose to such levels that the lucid dream would begin to feel unstable and then come to an end. I would awaken, full of joy but mystified by the sudden collapse of the lucid dream.


This brought me to one of my first lessons of lucid dreaming.


To maintain the lucid dream state, you must modulate your emotion.


Too much emotional energy causes the lucid dream to collapse. Years later, I learned that virtually all lucid dreamers realize this same lesson and as a result learn to temper their emotions.


After reading don Juan's exhortation to Castaneda that he should try to stabilize the dream environment and, bit by bit, make it as sharply focused as the waking environment, this became my new goal. Don
Juan advised that the dreamer should concentrate on only three or four objects in the dream, saying, "When they begin to change shape you must move your sight away from them and pick something else, and then look at your hands again. It takes a long time to perfect this technique."

读完唐望对卡斯塔尼达的劝诫:"他应该努力稳定梦的环境,并一点一点地使它像醒着的环境一样集中注意力",这成了我的新目标。唐望建议做梦的人应该只专注于梦里的三四个物体,他说: "当它们开始改变形状时,你必须把视线从它们身上移开,选择其他东西,然后再看你的手。精通这项技术需要很长时间。"

In the next dream, I was walking at night and suddenly saw my hands appear directly in front of me. I immediately realized I was dreaming. Lucid, I took a few steps and noticed the colors were extremely vibrant; everything seemed so "real." I felt euphoric and knew that the dream would end unless I could regulate my feelings, so I looked back at my hands to stabilize the dream and decrease my emotional upsurge.


After a few moments, I looked around at the grassy knoll on which I was standing. I seemed to be inside a fenced enclosure that included a building, similar to a military or secured installation. I took a few steps and looked at my hands again to stabilize the dream. There were some small evergreens ten feet away, obviously recently planted. I knelt and touched the grass. It felt soft and grass-like. I marveled at how lifelike and realistic everything looked and how I could think about what I was seeing and choose what to do next. I touched myself and, Wow, even I felt real! But I knew my awareness existed within a dream and I was touching a representation of my physical body, which only felt like a real body.


Trying to make sense of what I was seeing, I had the intuitive feeling that the building housed computers and was somewhere in the southwestern United States. But where? As I took a few steps toward the building to look for a name, the imagery started to become unfocused. I looked back at my hands but it was too late - the lucid dream collapsed and I awoke.


It began to sink in that knowing it was a dream did not make it seem unreal. The grass felt like real grass. My skin felt like real skin. If I truly focused on something, like the ground, I could actually see the individual blades of grass and grains of sand. When awake, we consider seeing and touching as largely physical activities, but in lucid dreaming, I began to see that seeing and touching were also mental activities and
equally real-seeming when consciously aware in the dream state. Which brought me to my next lesson:


Our senses provide little distinction between physical reality and the real-seeming illusion of the lucid dream. Only the mind distinguishes between the two realities.


In later lucid dreams, I tried the other senses - taste, smell, and hearing - and discovered that they, too, seemed real experiences, or at least largely real. Even self-induced pain - pinching myself in the lucid state, for example - actually hurt. But if I pinched myself while telling myself it would not hurt, it didn't hurt. Here I uncovered an odd aspect of the lucid dream realm: My experience would normally follow what I lucidly expected to feel.

在后来的清醒梦里,我尝试了其他感官——味觉、嗅觉和听觉——发现它们也是真实的体验,或者至少在很大程度上是真实的。即使是自我诱发的疼痛——比如在清醒状态下掐自己——实际上也很痛。但是如果我掐自己一下并且告诉自己不会痛,这时就不会痛了。在这里,我发现了清醒梦领域的一个奇怪的方面: 我的经历通常会跟随我清晰地期望的感觉。

Fellow lucid dreamers I've met over the years seem to agree with me that the senses proclaimed each experience as real as waking experience. Yet, experienced lucid dreamers note that if they predetermine or expect what to feel or how to feel, they can alter the sensory experience in line with their expectations. In other words, "As you believe, so shall it be" is a powerful truth when lucid.


In the lucid dream state, the senses show themselves as the confirmers of expectation - not infallible guides to sensory response - and experience is largely infused with mental expectation about the experience. Just as in studies on hypnosis and pain reduction, the senses somehow bend to the intent of hypnotic suggestion. In both lucid dreaming and hypnosis, the senses don't appear as biological absolutes but more as the servants of the mind.


By age eighteen, I had visited a hypnotist to learn about selfhypnosis. I understood the basic concept that suggestions made to us while intensely focused in a mild trance state influenced the subconscious and affected our perceived experience. Now I could see that being consciously aware in the subconscious (i.e., lucid dreaming) possessed similarities to deeper self-hypnosis.


Our suggestions in a state of hypnosis or self-hypnosis act on the senses. For example, we can make a posthypnotic suggestion that certain foods will taste opposite to their normal taste and experience the suggested taste upon waking. Or we can suggest that we will feel minimal pain during, say, a tooth extraction, and then experience remarkably little pain. Similarly, when lucid in a dream, the senses naturally follow expectation (expectation being a type of natural mental suggestion). In fact, one of the advantages to lucid dreaming involves seeing the immediate results of your suggestion or expectation. If I lucidly dream of a fire, for example, and expect to feel no heat upon walking in it, I'll feel no heat. If I change my expectation to feel the fire's heat, my new expectation will be realized, and I'll feel definite heat.


My lucid dreaming experiences made me wonder how extensively the mind influences perception and sensation while waking. Conscious in the dream state, the influence seems pervasive. During waking, I simply assumed I experienced things "as they actually exist." Yet I knew from my exposure to hypnosis that waking sensory experience could actually be considerably modified.

我的清醒梦经历让我想知道清醒时大脑对感知和感觉的影响有多广泛。意识处于做梦状态,这种影响似乎无处不在。在清醒时,我只是假设我经历了“实际存在的”事物. 然而,从我的催眠经历中,我知道清醒时的感官体验实际上可以被大大修改。

All dreamers can see how unreliable the senses behave in telling us the difference between waking and dreaming. In almost every dream, the senses don't inform us of the difference between waking and dreaming; rather, they seem to confirm that whatever reality seems to be happening is indeed happening. Dreaming seems real, our senses tell us. Waking seems real, our senses tell us. To sense the reality of our situation requires a new perspective. The lesson:


Only by increasing our conscious awareness in the dream state can we ever realize the nature of the reality we experience.


So, the senses pose a problem. They tell us we exist, but they don't indicate the state of our existence: Are we awake, dreaming, or lucid dreaming? Since the senses don't remind us we're lucid and in a dream,
holding onto conscious awareness in the dream state requires considerable training in greater mindfulness.

所以,感官带来了一个问题。它们告诉我们存在,但它们并不表明我们的存在状态: 我们是醒着、做梦还是清醒梦?因为感官不会提醒我们清醒和在梦里,在梦的状态中保持有意识的觉知需要在更大的觉察中进行大量的训练。

For example, in many of my early lucid dreams, my hands would appear and I'd realize I was dreaming. Then as I lucidly interacted with the dream, some interesting dream figure would become so compelling and real-seeming that my attention to "the dream as dream" decreased significantly. I'd begin to forget that this was "all a dream." Just as in waking, your conscious attention can begin to drift when lucid dreaming. After a few unfocused moments, you're swept into the dreaming, following its movements, suddenly unaware and no longer lucid. Not only did I need to be consciously aware of being in a dream, I needed to be consciously aware of being aware!


Once again, a new lesson emerged:


Lucid dreamers must learn to focus simultaneously on both their conscious awareness and the apparent dreaming activities. Lucid dreamers who become overly focused on the dreaming activities get swept back into non-lucid dreaming. So too, lucid dreamers who become inattentive to the fact of their conscious awareness risk becoming lost to the dreaming. To maintain lucidity, we must develop a proper balance of mindful, aware interacting to engage the dream consciously.


In an environment that appears real, our awareness has to adopt a neutral stance: be in the environment but not of the environment. Engage the dream, but never forget it's a dream. In my experience, keeping your foot on the tightrope of awareness is an ever-present challenge. In about a third of my early lucid dreams, I would become lucid but eventually, through inattention or engrossment, I'd fall off the tightrope. Each time I fell off, though, it acted as another lesson in the importance of maintaining mindful awareness.


The awareness needed for meditation, at least some forms of it, seems analogous to what lucid dreamers seek to develop. Meditators, especially beginners, have to learn a sense of balance when they turn inward; otherwise, they can fall asleep while meditating or become caught up and engaged with entrancing thoughts. Likewise, beginning lucid dreamers often hold focused awareness for only a short period of time. It takes practice and patience and poise to hold awareness consciously while being confronted with new thoughts or images - the products of the mind.


As you log time in the lucid dream realm, you develop poise, confidence, skills, and flexibility. Your awareness begins to relate differently to thoughts and images. You don't get swept into dream or thought events as easily; rather, you pick and choose what to accept with a greater sense of engaged detachment.


At deeper levels of lucid dreaming, you might discover how to remain aware even when the dream visually ends, and then wait for a new dream to form in the mental space around you, as I did, for example, in the following lucid dream (October 2002):


I seem to be walking through a small town. I enter a simple restaurant and walk through it into a mechanic's garage. I see a door and decide to slip through it, even though it seems to have a string attached to an alarm. As I get out into the street, I look around and realize, "This is a dream."


Lucidly aware now, I start flying up the street, looking at the people sitting in candle-lit cafes and walking down the street. The detail is incredibly vivid. I sing a funny rhyming song as I look at things. I keep flying farther and end up outside of town with a strong inclination to fly to the right. But then in a moment of conscious choice, I exercise my right to change the direction of the dream and decide, no, I'm going into the darkness, and I turn left.


As I move forward in the darkness, the visual imagery disappears. For a very long while, I feel that I'm moving without any visual imagery - there's only a foggy dark-gray void. I keep moving in this visually empty space and begin to wonder if I am going to wake up. But suddenly a scene appears, bit by bit. First a bush, then a tree, then another tree. Soon the dream fleshes out nicely, and I stand, lucid, on a gently sloped hill, like something you'd see in Britain, with small leafy trees and lots of green grass. I notice that right next to me is a small bush with berries on it. I examine it closely.


Suddenly, I have the awkward realization that my body in bed is having a hard time breathing (even though I continue to see the lucid dream imagery of the green hills). While my conscious awareness is admiring a grassy spot in a lucid dream, I try to feel the breathing obstruction. With this bifocal awareness, I gently put some mental energy into making my physical head move up and away from the bed sheets or pillow while concentrating on remaining in the lucid dream. This seems to work. But finally, I decide to wake into physical reality and determine what is hampering my breathing.


With experience, you'll realize that sometimes you can be consciously dreaming and also aware of your physical body in bed. To stay in the lucid dream, you have to maintain your primary focus there, but, on occasion, you can check in on the physical body's awareness. In this example, when I woke, the bed sheet really was in my mouth!


As we become more experienced with lucid dreaming, we discover how to maintain awareness even when the dream imagery has all disappeared. In learning how to lucid dream, we learn much more than how to manipulate dream objects and symbols; we learn the importance and proper use of conscious awareness


2: 水手能控制住海洋吗?

3: 在精神空间中移动

4: 超越弗洛伊德的快乐原则

5: 独立代理人和无意识的声音

6: 情感基调和审查委员会

7: 体验意识之光

8: 连接到梦中隐藏的观察者

9: 清醒梦的第五阶段

第二部分: 心理学探索

10: 创造梦境的真实性

11: 梦幻人物的多样性

12: 搜寻信息

13: 治愈自己和他人

14: 通过心灵感应有意识地连接

15: 前瞻性、预知的清醒梦

16: 共同的清醒梦

17: 与死者互动

18: 互联宇宙中的统一自我





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