On Saturday November 18-19, 2016, BCIS welcomed visitors from around the world at our Concordia Professional Development. The theme of this year’s conference wasDifferentiated Teaching and Learning. Teachers and staff from Concordia schools in Hong Kong, Vietnam, China and the United States came together to share strategies and philosophies that will increase individual student learning at all grade levels. Participants were shown and role-played a variety of methods, sharing in each other’s diverse experience and professional training. It is with great expectation that this training will immediately impact students at BCIS as Concordia continues to offer the best American education in the Chinese context.
今年度,协同教育集训的主题为 “分流教学”,参加者包括来自美国、越南、香港和中国协同学府的教师和职员。他们齐集一起,深度交流了各种帮助学生提升学习能力的策略和理念。从导师的亲身示范和学员的角色扮演中,参加者领略到各式各样的教学法;他们彼此间亦分享了各自丰厚的教育经验和专业所长。我们深信,这集训可立时带給学生帮助和益处。未来,BCIS和协同教育系仍将不懈求进,务要在中国为学生和家长呈献最优秀的美式教育。