We were at my young friend's funeral, and the daughter was paying an incredible tribute to her Dad, it was so real and touching, so I handed Laura a kleenex and whispered to her ear:"I hope you could do as good as that."
"Can you write your eulogy for me? " She sobbed.
I almost laughed, out loud--and getting all those looks---"I can't do that for you(raise the tone)!"
My dearest Laura, I have seen you blossoming into such an amazing young lady and I know my job is accomplished.
"But at least... "Laura struggled.
"I know what kind of funeral I want, and you know well too.
It will be funny, joyful and full of ...moments
All guests should have their sense of humor, whoever cries shall volunteer to leave..."
"That's so hard" Laura said.
"It will be the one and only celebration of my life. As I don't do wedding, birthdays, anniversaries, all those boring stuff"
"I know you hate boring.
But I just don't know how not to be..."
"No worries, I have patience, and will wait a long long time for you. Good news is, you might have half a century to prepare for that, I can even try harder!"
I remember when I was in my high school, my desk mate and I wrote eulogy to each other. We found it very joyful and enjoyable.
My dearest,
You know when you think of death, you would treasure life more.
When you think of leaving, you wanna keep every minute together alive.
I think of your leaving every day, and every moment you are with me, is more vivid, authentic, fascinating(you know where it came from).
I told you I will stop writing you birthday letters, and I officially announce this to be a real final one.
Like I handed you the last Christmas/New Year/Birthday/whatever gift five minutes ago, dear Laura, you are on your own, now.
I was brought up in a family and culture that was riddled with fear. Parents fear that miserable things will happen to their kids/relatives so they hang onto everything they can hold/control: Money/property/social identity/relationships/people/so-called-friendships, they called it love, which is suffocating and ultimate selfishness in the disguise of love.
And you, young lady, you are charmingly beautiful, wise and intelligent(they are totally different), you are absolutely caring and altruistic,independent yet interdependent, you are with countless talents, among which nobody can beat you as a werewolf, and you, are just the best masterpiece of God's creation, I won't deny that I played a vital role in it too--and your Dad for sure, and your grandparents, and everyone else.
I love you, to which a mere "me too" will not be a satisfactory enough answer, yet, I have (to) let you go. Like when my day comes, you will do the same.
And I am perfectly healthy, and you are still single, but we are free.
Happy early 21st Birthday.
Your Lemonbaby