Latencyis the delay from input into a system to desired outcome;
The term is understood slightly differentlyin various contexts and latency issues also vary from one system to another.
Typeof latency:
Network latency
Internet latency
Interrupt latency
WAN Latency
Audio Latency,is the delay between sound being crated and heard.
Database server latency: also known as response time or access time, is a measure of how longit takes for the database to respond to a single request.
Browser latency:
1). Keydown latency:tests the delay from keypress to on-screen response.
2).Scroll latency:tests the delay from mousewheel movement to on-screen response.
3).Native reference: tests the input latency of a native app’s window for comparison tothe browser.
4).Baseline Jank:tests the responsiveness while the browser is idle.
Jankrefers to the short interruptions in the middle of an animation or interaction.
5).JavaScript Jank:tests the responsiveness during JavaScript execution.
6).Image Loading
Jank:tests the responsiveness during imageloading.
Howto reduce latency:
1). Techniques: Data prefetching, multithreading, parallelizing across multipleexecution threads.
2). Methods: uninstall unnecessary programs, optimizing networking and softwareconfigurations, upgrading or overclocking hardwares.