(1) 伪命题:false argument
(2) 说大话:talk big
(3) 内部事务:internal affairs
(4) 共识:common understanding
(5) 总结经验:summarize experiences
(6) 合力:combine (our) strengths
(7) 脑残的:braindead
(8) 饶命:spare (my) life
(9) 和新老朋友相聚:joint friends old and new
(10) 没有硝烟的战争:war without smoke
(11) 逆行者:heroes in harm's way
(12) 医护人员:healthcare worker
(13) 医疗人员:medical worker
(14) 夜以继日:around the clock
(15) 不遗漏任何一个角落:leave no stone unturned
(16) 黎明,正在到来;曙光,就在前方:Dawn is breaking and we are seeing light coming through.
(17) 谋求共同发展:pursue shared development
(18) 单边制裁:unilateral sanctions
(19) 长臂管辖:long-arm jurisdiction
(20) 骤增:fast increase
(21) 保留采取进一步措施的权利:reserve the right to take further actions
(22)生物防治:biological control (指利用一种生物对付另一种生物(通常是害虫)的防治办法,一般分为三种:猎食者Predator,病原体pathogen,寄生虫parasite)
(24)无毒生物防治真菌:nontoxic biocontrol fungus
(25)高危患者:high-risk patient
(26)新闻发布会:a press briefing
(27)物质支援:material aid
(28)精神支持:spiritual support
(29)黄鹤楼:the Yellow Crane Tower
(30)深厚的友谊:deep-seeded friendship
(31)连环退货买家:a serial returner
(32)经济发展:economic development
(33)社会进步:social progress
(34)可重复使用口罩:reusable mask
(35)过滤性能:filtering efficiency
(36)一次性外科口罩:disposable surgical mask
(37)防雾霾口罩:anti-smog mask
(38)客观,公正,真实,准确:objectiveness, fairness, truthfulness and accuracy