上周三3.4 吃饭时碰到小女孩,问起来11岁,上几年了?结果得到一个名词: home school。这个名词在好多年前就听过,据说是由于地广人稀,去学校不方便。干脆就在家学习。
School vs Homeschool: Which Student Does Better?
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- Werewolf Therewolf
I must educate the masses. So many misconceptions about homeschooling.
“How do you make friends?”
Same as you. See someone and talk to them.
“Do you socialize?”
I’m talking to you, aren’t I? Of course I socialize. I have friends my age that I know in real life that I’ve met through homeschooling. I have friends older than me that mentor me. It’s really beneficial to talk to other people other than children your own age. The blind can’t lead the blind.
“You must be sheltered...”
honey, have you seen the trash on the Internet? Do you know the things I’ve encountered in real life and online?
“Do you have a prom?”
Too many.
“Your parents don’t know everything that you need to learn.”
My parents aren’t the only ones teaching me. I have other teachers too. Some that were strangers before I was their student. Co-ops are wonderful things.
“You can’t take advance courses.”
Oh? My friends have graduated high school with an Associates degree.
I’m getting tired of ignorance
- Mackenzie Taylor
I hate that so many people think homeschooling means my parents are the ones teaching me everything. When I was younger they did, but now in high school I learn from textbooks, online classes, and even community college. For myself and most homeschoolers I know, homeschooling doesn't mean your parents teach you, it just means that YOU get to control your own education instead of the public schools. I think that control and freedom is one of the greatest benefits of being homeschooled.
This is basically public school students
Listen to the teacher memorize for a test
After that chapter drop everything you learned and get ready for the next chapter
Wash rinse repeat
- sugeypopplanet
I agree. The school system only cares about passing tests and it stops curiosity. I've had people in my class ask questions and the teachers like, "You don't need to know that for the test. I can tell you about it next year when we study this subject in more detail etc." It's truly ridiculous.
- Jade Rom Lucero
9 个月前(修改过)
When I learn in homeschool: I learned the lesson permanently
When I learn in public school: I learned the lesson temporary
- Amber dolphin1210
I think I prefer homeschool. I admit, I've never been to a school dance, I've never been to all those "cool" things, but I have the best morals that can be taught. they don't teach morals in school. Not that I've heard. And I'm surrounded by the best people. not "Best in the industry" best, best in teaching you goodness, kindness, and greatness.
- your mom
9 个月前
I have a medical issue which gives me anxiety every day at school. If I was homeschooled, I wouldn’t have any of this stress. Definitely not sending my child to public school
- Alison Carlisle
Okay, so first of all, homeschoolers are NOT unsocialized. In fact, I would even say that we're better socialized than traditionally schooled students, because we daily interact with all age groups, not just our peers and immediate family. Second, you don't have to teach your kid everything yourself!! There are TONS of resources and curriculums out there for parents who want to homeschool. For example, my mom is not a math person, so when I started high school math, I used a DVD, textbook and workbook set instead. Third, taking your kid out of traditional schools does NOT mean they will no longer see their friends. Your child has plenty of opportunities to see their friends at other times, such as after school, on the weekends, etc. Fourth, one of the best advantages (in my experience) of homeschooling is being able to work at your own pace, meaning you can slow down when certain subjects are hard, and speed up when something is easy. You don't have to keep pace with the rest of a class.
As Tim Hawkins once said, "We think homeschoolers are unsocialized, but then you go to public/private school, and what do you get in trouble for? /Socializing/."
Edit: Also, on the issue of missing prom. There are co-op proms, local homeschool proms, and about a hundred other proms your child can attend.
- Aimee Ng
It is completely false that if a parent homeschools, that they have to be an expert in all these different areas. With libraries, the Internet, and homeschool groups and co-ops and classes, and with the fact that many homeschooled kids naturally learn to take initiative for their own learning, a parent is not actually a “teacher” in the traditional sense of dispensing knowledge, but more the facilitator supporting the child’s learning how to learn. I know families who homeschooled their kids all the way until they went off to college, and so for the high school years, the kids were basically taking various community college classes based on their interests and needed college requirements. So parents, don’t believe this lie!
- Aline English
I was homeschooled, and to be honest, if you find the right groups and sports, no homeschooler will be socially awkward. I'm not socially awkward and I was homeschooled for all 12 years of schooling and I even made my way to College. I was always exposed to people, via homeschool groups and summer camps. So, no one should be afraid of the "Socially awkward" myth.
- Grace Cats
7 个月前
In Homeschool you are able to do lots of different things.
(1) Learn at your own pace and aren't taught to a test.
(2) Mix and match many learning materials and learn about things that interest you.
(3) Sleep in and eat proper meals.
(4) Love to learn and are able to take breaks.
(5) For the friends end, you can join sports or homeschool groups. You also get to hang out with adults and that inrichens your social skills.