
With theadvancement of information technology and the widespread use of social mediaplatforms, companies in all industries have been affected, and the way that HRprofessionals work has changed dramatically. Using or planning to use socialmedia sites for recruiting, sites like Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, and Google+are becoming increasingly crucial in job searching. 94% of U.S. companies usesocial media during recruitment (Jobvite,2013). Building on this, social mediais now conducting more extensive and more intense debates on human resources,and more people are considering how social media can create a platform forgreater organisational success. Although the use of social media in the workplacehas now been become mainstream, while the way of using social media correctlyhas become a hot issue. This essay will be examined the advantage anddisadvantage of the use of social media in recruitment and selection foremployers and employee. The first paragraph will be illustrated the benefit ofthe use of social media in recruitment and selection for employers. The secondparagraph will be explained the advantage of the use of social media inrecruitment and selection for employees. The third paragraph will be described thedisadvantage of the method of social media in recruitment and selection foremployers. The fourth paragraph will be illustrated the weakness of the use ofsocial media in recruitment and selection for employees.

Socialmedia recruitment and selection can achieve organisational progress anddevelopment. Evidence form H. Kristl Davison (2015) points out that employersoften use social networking sites and social media to review job applicantdetails. More and more employers express appreciation for the role of socialmedia in recruitment. ACAS Working for Everyone (2013) figures out that Almosthalf (45%) of HR decision makers use social media tools heavily in recruitment,and another 16% said they plan to use social media tools to recruit in thefuture. Based on the trend of using social media recruitment and selection in theworkplace, there are three main advantages for employers use it for the better organisationdevelopment. Firstly, using social media recruitment and selection tools canhelp the organisation to reduce time and cost. Recruiters use leading socialmedia channels for search and advertising. In Europe, nearly 100% of young jobseekers want to interact with online employers, while in the UK, Facebook (64%)is more than LinkedIn (52%)are also very popular with employers. Therefore, Socialmedia platform has gathered more people for HR recruiters to find suitablecandidates in the fastest time. The way of attracting talented people isposting jobs on the official website or using a third-party platform, likeLinkedIn, Facebook, Liepin (China). Although some points say building asustainable talent pool will require continuing cost even using social mediarecruitment. Clements (2012) points out that social media recruitment canshorten recruitment time and improve the quality of hiring, but it does notnecessarily reduce recruitment costs. However, this is not to say that allindustries cannot save costs, Hull (2011) states that In the 12 months toAugust 2010, 35 airspaces in 51 senior positions were filled through socialmedia. The average cost per hire is only £714. Compare the cost of peoplerecruited through traditional methods during this period - £7,500 per hire,social media recruitment saves a lot of expenses. Therefore, using social mediarecruitment and selection tools can help the organisation to reduce the timeand cost to a large extent. Secondly, social media recruitment can assesscandidates skills easily and build organisation branding as well. Although somecomments show that it is tough to evaluate candidates in some industry, Capiluppi(2012) shows that assessing candidates for technical positions on the Internetposes a challenge to recruiters, the most serious being the interpretation ofthe signals provided. Furthermore, some comments show that effective employerbrand outcomes are achieved when a range of departments come together todevelop and support it. Nostran (2016) indicates that More and more companiesare beginning to suspect that the right employer brand owner should be themarketing department. While the employer branding and recruitment is complimentary.Khaild (2015) explained that employer branding strategies are usually a greyarea and should be clearly defined so that everyone, stakeholders, andpotential employees can achieve a common goal. Moreover, each step of therecruitment process affects the perception of future employees about yourcompany and in turn changes whether they accept or reject the job opportunity. Therefore,it is essential that the recruitment experience correctly reflects your brandand attracts and engages the right people. Hays recruiting expert (2017)illustrate that Firms with poor recruitment practices are likely to damagetheir employer brand and undermine their bottom line. Some things to considerare: where and how to promote the role; how easy it is to apply; how yourinterviews will be conducted, and ultimately how to stay in touch with recruitsuntil they start work. In summary, using Social media recruitment and selectiontools can help the employer to reduce time and cost, assess candidate and buildemployer branding as well.

Socialmedia platforms could encourage employees to spread the word makes them activeparticipants in organisations’ hiring strategy no matter for internal staff or potentialexternal staff. For internal employees, internal recruitment website can help theemployee to transfer job to meet their career development expectation. Moreover,employees also can know the skill what they need to improve from companyrecruitment website. Evidence from Doyle (2018) shows that most employers list workposts on their company's website and push these to employees so that allcurrent staff will receive notice of the position. Moreover, Mellinger (2018) showsthat some of the most crucial employee skills in the office or workplace areoften based on how people work and communicate with one another and how conductresearch and planning in the workplace. Examine the best qualities and skillsin advance could help the employee to improve their lack skill. For externalstaff, social media job platform can provide more job opportunities for them toseek for a job. Meanwhile, it is more convenient for employees to know whetherthey are fit for the culture in one organisation through social media platform.Evidence from Rangwala (2017) shows that through online selection andtelephonic conversation, Both companies and candidates can find out if they arein line with the company culture and whether they have the knowledge andexperience of applying for a job. Therefore, social media provide the employeewith a platform to touch more new information from the company. Although thepossibility of inappropriate information is still exiting, evidence from DFAlaw (2017) argues that inappropriate information can have a severe financial impacton the business and can also cause employees to create personal severe anddisciplinary issues. There is no doubt that social media is the double-edgedsword. However, with the continued popularity of the Internet, social media recruitmentis also increasingly valued by companies and employees, the online resource isgradually connected, evidence from SHRM (2016) shows that social media is aninformation-based tool for sharing information and facilitating communicationwith internal and external audiences, typical examples are Facebook, Twitter,and LinkedIn, but it can take into many different forms. These forms caninclude Internet forums, online personal profiles, podcasts, pictures andvideos, email, instant messaging. Therefore, based on these varied social mediarecruitment approach, a lot of information is closely linked, so there are moreand more ways to select the right information. In conclusion, social mediaplatforms could encourage employees to spread the word makes them active participantsin the organisation, and provide more options for employees.

Aswe mentioned in the above article, the social media is a double-edged sword.Even in the use of recruitment and selection, it also has specific disadvantageboth for employees and employers. Social media recruitment allows employers toadvertise a vacant job at a low cost quickly. However, this recruitment methodmay also have some shortcomings. Firstly, faced with a massive amount ofinformation, recruitment is a highly organised and often thriving industry, notevery company can save cost from the social media recruitment, especially forstart-up companies. Although most of the voices argue that more and morecompanies are realising the fact that using social networks is faster andcheaper than using traditional recruiting methods. (Oracle,2012). There is nodoubt that social media hiring is cost-effective for many companies. However,this is expensive for start-up companies. Data from monster for employers(2017) shows that the average recruitment cost for filling vacancies withinternal or external recruiting is approximately £4,500. Moreover, finding anexcellent candidate using an external agency also need cost as well. We can seefrom the evidence, in the face of such a considerable cost, many start-upcompanies may be very stressful to afford these outcomes. Even the contactdetails of the elite resumes on many recruitment websites now need to purchaseresumes on the website. For example, Liepin (China). Therefore, using socialmedia recruitment is not bargain for every company. Secondly, using socialnetworking sites when looking for candidates may lack data to make sure thatthe information used in the screening is relevant to the job. The limitation ofsocial media platform is that candidates like to share the information what isright for them rather than true information, evidence shows that ultimately thecandidate can decide what information they are willing to share (nightlwrightreport, 2011). The inaccuracy of online information used in recruitmentdecisions also happened in the workplace. It will lead to the wrong recruitmentdecision. Thirdly, organisation's information is easily to exposure throughsocial media platform. Gonzalez-bailon (2011) points out that It is difficultto control access to offline media that may interact with social influences, orother sources of information that may contribute to recruitment. Although somepeople claim that social media platform is much are ideal for informationsharing. Social media has become a unique information source to deal withinformation, and discover more valuable opportunities for social and economicexchange (Zeng, Daniel, et al.,2010). It still exists more company informationexposure problem. In conclusion, online recruitment allows employers to quicklyadvertise a vacant job at low cost., while it even costs a lot for the start-upcompany, exit wrong information to lead wrong decision and informationexposure.

Althoughsocial media can provide greater insight into an applicant’s abilities, It isalso offering a window to their private life, providing information on whetherthe employer is looking for it. While it still contains the information riskand security problem for employees. Firstly, employees’ information exposure iskept rising. Date evidence form New York state attorney general (2017) illustratethat Hackers attack personal information mainly based on the sale of privateinformation, the value of personal information may be as high as $ 45 perrecord. Therefore, the leakage of information on social media has beenexpanding, and the personal information such as the employee’s age, gender,telephone, mail, work background, and marital status has also been exposed. Ifthe employee's information is not guaranteed, it will become more intense. Evidenceform Maurer (2015) shows that with data breaches on the rise recent year, HRdepartments must pay attention to the risks when dealing with job seekers'sensitive personal information, from the resume of potential employees, contactinformation will become the target of cybercriminals. Information exposure willbring bad effect for the organisation. Federal regulation can prosecute themfor failing to protect individuals’ sensitive information. Although evidencefrom information commissioners' office (2017) points out that the loss of alarge amount of personal data has raised concerns about information securityissues. However, these incidents also clearly show that information security isa concern of the public and a technical compliance issue. If personal data arenot properly protected, this will seriously damage the reputation andprosperity of the organisation and may endanger the safety of individuals. Secondly,employees’ location security is also a problem becoming seriously. Socialnetworking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn allow users to postpersonal information on the timeline and communicate and interact with otherusers. Employers may try to view applicant's personal information on socialnetworking sites, such as judgments and positioning. Some people argue that manyorganisations use it to communicate with employees, customers and the generalpublic to obtain their opinions, some companies are also using it to recruitand review potential candidates (The Guardian, 2017). These are no doubt officialcommunicate in right way is beneficial. However, using internet mass hunting toexplore employee location and judgment can lead to unethical behaviour, Oncethis information is revealed, the company will not only suffer financial andreputational losses, but the federal regulator may sue the company for failingto protect sensitive personal information. The employee will feel untrustedbecause of unethical company behaviour. In conclusion, social media can providegreater insight into an applicant’s abilities, it also increases the risk ofleakage of private information, offering the information whether employers arelooking for it or not, but if the employee information is not protected, theorganisation will suffer financial, reputational loss and employee trust.

Ingeneral, The progress of social media has continuously promoted the developmentof human resource recruitment and contributed to the development of thecompany. Social media is a double-edged sword. This article elaborates the advantagesand disadvantages of the use of social media in recruitment through theperspective of employees and employers. if was contended that in the first paragraph,using social media recruitment and selection tools can help the employer toreduce time and cost, assess candidate and build employer branding as well. Inthe second paragraph, social media platforms could encourage employees tospread the word makes them active participants in organization, and providemore options for employees. In the third paragraph, online recruitment allowsemployers to quickly advertise a vacant job at low cost., while it still costsa lot for the start-up company, exit wrong information to lead wrong decisionand information exposure. In the fourth paragraph, social media can providegreater insight into an applicant’s abilities, it is also increases the risk ofleakage of private information, offering the information whether employers arelooking for it or not, but if the employee information is not protected,organization will suffer financial, reputational loss and employee trust.


Inspite of the rapid development of social media recruitment, we can see fromthis essay that advantages and disadvantages of using social media foremployers and employees in the recruitment and selection of social media. It isseen that there are great improvements in social media recruitment that need tobe modified. Cost, brand building, attracting talents, verifying informationauthenticity and privacy protection. Here are some suggestions on social mediarecruitment improvement.

Developvariety of social media recruitment strategies.

Argumentfrom the article that social media recruiting strategies is cost-effective formany companies. For example, using the headhunter, job agency. While it isexpensive for start-up companies or small business. It is essential to developmultiple social media recruitment strategies for the different type of companies.According to wish (2017) stress that the almighty database does not apply toall organisations. It is hard for companies that do not have sufficient fundsand reputation to use recruitment strategies. It is advisable to adopt a flexiblerecruitment strategy. For example, handling company’s information to facilitatethe delivery of targeted ads, promotions, and offers candidates. Byparticipating in strengthening relationships with employees, gaining theirfeedback and sharing it with online websites to develop the company'sreputation to attract more talent and investors.

Buildbig data analytics on.

Inorder to maintain a competitive advantage, it is crucial for companies to usenew technologies and complex data systems in a rapidly changing environment. Themassive amount of information has facilitated the recruitment, but also lead toinformation inaccurate because of overload information. The method of Solvingthis problem is set up big data analysis. Evidence from Powney (2016) statesthat using big data analytics to select resumes, companies can increase theaccuracy and efficiency of the recruitment process. This model is useful forscreening large numbers of resumes. It can help recruiters in companies thatneed to test thousands of applications to distinguish applicants who should beinvited to an interview. After passing the accurate information of big data, HRcan save more time to verify the authenticity of the data.

Modifyprivacy protection policy and strength employee training.

Aswe mentioned in the article about employee information security issues,employee location and personal information, the protection of employeeinformation is increasingly valued by the organisation. Here are two recommendationsfor privacy issue. Firstly, the company should strength protection training onthe employee to be aware of the importance of protecting privacy, do not loginto their account on public computers, and reset their password regularly. Secondly,employers should tell employees what personal information they will collect,use and disclose. For example, they should notify employees of their policiesvia the Internet, email, and telephone. If employees are monitored randomly orcontinuously, they need to be informed. Employers should also ensure that theinformation they collect is used for a purpose that cannot be used forirrelevant purposes without the employee’s consent. Even if the law does notrequire employers to do so, employers should also allow employees to accesspersonal information about them so that they can verify their accuracy andcompleteness and challenge them if necessary.


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