我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟电影, 已经坚持3个月了.
你想要甩掉字幕吗? 跟着我一起开始听写吧! 拿出纸和笔, 把你听懂的句子写下来, 随意暂停和查字典, 听懂一句是一句. 只有当你开始行动了, 改变才会开始. 听完之后把你的听写心得写在评论里.
Could have used the stairs, silly
Isn't the view beautiful?
It takes my breath away.
Well, it would if I had any.
Isn't it romantic?
Look, I am terribly sorry about what's happened to you
and I'd like to help.
but I really need to get home.
This is your home now.
but I don't even know your name.
Well, that's a great way to start a marriage.
shut up.
it's Emily
oh, I almost forgot.
I have something for you.
it's a wedding present.
Thank you.
(这篇全对, yeah!)
Silly originally meant “happy,” which gives the sense of children's games or harmless jokes. Later, it came to mean “foolish”: silly ideas are looked down on because they're not very smart.
often used when speaking to children to say that they are not behaving in a sensible way
No, silly, those aren't your shoes!