- 关于pull_to_refresh的介绍及简单使用可参考 github
- pubspec.yaml使用pub包配置:
pull_to_refresh: ^1.6.0
- app全局默认配置
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
// This widget is the root of your application.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return RefreshConfiguration(
headerBuilder: () => WaterDropHeader(),
// 配置头部默认下拉刷新视图
footerBuilder: () => ClassicFooter(),
// 配置底部默认上拉加载视图
headerTriggerDistance: 80.0,
// 头部触发刷新的距离
SpringDescription(stiffness: 170, damping: 16, mass: 1.9),
// 自定义弹回动画
maxOverScrollExtent: 100,
//The maximum dragging range of the head. Set this property if a rush out of the view area occurs
maxUnderScrollExtent: 0,
// Maximum dragging range at the bottom
enableScrollWhenRefreshCompleted: true,
//This property is incompatible with PageView and TabBarView. If you need TabBarView to slide left and right, you need to set it to true.
enableLoadingWhenFailed: true,
//In the case of load failure, users can still trigger more loads by gesture pull-up.
hideFooterWhenNotFull: false,
// Disable pull-up to load more functionality when Viewport is less than one screen
enableBallisticLoad: true,
// trigger load more by BallisticScrollActivity
child: MaterialApp(
- 页面中配合listView使用
import 'package:pull_to_refresh/pull_to_refresh.dart';
static const int PAGE_SIZE = 10;
int page = 1;
bool loaded;
bool _enablePullUp = true;
List<OrderModel> orderItems = [];
RefreshController _refreshController =
RefreshController(initialRefresh: false);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
centerTitle: true,
title: Text("我的订单"),
body: _buildBody(),
_buildListData() {
return SmartRefresher(
enablePullDown: true,
enablePullUp: _enablePullUp,
controller: _refreshController,
onRefresh: _onRefresh,
onLoading: _onLoading,
child: ListView.builder(
itemBuilder: (c, i) => ItemOrder(orderItems[i]),
itemCount: orderItems.length,
void _onRefresh() async {
void _onLoading() async {
void _initData() async {
_loadData(final bool onRefresh) async {
int pageNum;
pageNum = 1;
pageNum = page+1;
Map<String, dynamic> query = new Map();
query['pageNum'] = pageNum;
query['pageSize'] = PAGE_SIZE;
Response response = await HttpManager().get(Api.OUT_ORDER_LIST, query: query);
if(response != null && response.statusCode == HttpStatus.ok){
ResponseData responseData = ResponseData.fromJsonMap(response.data);
if(responseData.isSuccess() && responseData.result != null) {
dynamic result = responseData.result;
PageResult pageResult = PageResult.fromJson(result);
if(pageResult.pageNum == pageResult.pages){
_enablePullUp = false;
if (pageResult.size > 0 && pageResult.rows != null &&
pageResult.rows.length > 0) {
page = pageNum;
List<dynamic> rows = pageResult.rows;
if (onRefresh) {
loaded = true;
if (mounted) setState(() {});
setState(() {
_addList(List<dynamic> rows){
for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
OrderModel item = OrderModel.fromJson(rows[i]);
if (item != null) {