be meant to= if you say that sth is meant to happen, you mean that it is expected to happen or that it ought to happen.理应如何
These regulations are meant to protect students’ rights.
to this end=in order to achieve this
Staying healthy is of huge importance in people’s lives. To this end, we’re supposed to exercise as much as possible.
Joe brought a lawsuit against(对…提起诉讼)his former boss last month claiming that he had been exploited too much.
Shut off切断…的供应
If the government shuts down, all the money it spends on projects affecting all citizens will be shut off.
furlough vt临时解雇= suspension or discharge of a worker or workers on account of economic conditions or shortage of work, especially when temporary.
Many airline workers were furloughed during the pandemic.
Motorsport= a sport involving the racing of motor vehicles, especially cars and motorcycles.赛车;赛摩托车
mentorship=the guidance provided by a mentor, especially an experienced person in a company or educational institution,指导,可数(guidance不可数)
Employees said they benefited a lot from mentorships provided by experienced workers.
Anchor 主播,可数
He used to be a field reporter but now he is an anchor.
quilt 被子,可数(这个居然忘了。。)
A-list= a real or imaginary list of the most celebrated or sought-after(广受欢迎的) individuals,especially in show business.
I have an A-list of movie stars as my close friends.
storied=celebrated in or associated with stories or legends.
Joe has a storied past.
be reverential of对…恭敬
Students are supposed to be reverential of teachers but some teachers don’t deserve reverence.