I hate names.
Things in this world would have been much more interesting before we destine and define them.
Something, everything needs to be cleared up their stubborn imagination in our mind.
Novels, just people doing things, feeling such emotion, and they find some truth, reliable to themselves, and they're delightful, released, that's all, that's a perfect life. They already have made an answer to their God -- a perfect answer sheet, or work, or whatever you called.
Science, knowledge, or some sort of technology, yes, they're great magic pills that makes you feel infinity for being devoted into it, that's why we need them to fulfill a meaningless life. But, in some cases, they're not as good as experiencing the life itself, cause they're human creations, not even human, the humble human.
Fine, art, literature and any fantastic beautiful creation are also human creations, but, they're beautiful, in their outside, that's why they are good at decorating our life and inspire us directly. And science, them, can be used to consume life, yes, that's right.
As for languages, they are mass, seems hard to handle, but the truth is -- they record lives, we don't understand foreign language, but we have lives, so we can understand them, only if we take efforts to see them, and embrace them.
Diary, a bunch of word that sum up and sublime your one-day life. It's just like a decoration of the dullful life. People have energy to do so always gets easy to be rich and success, because people want their fairytale life too, but they can't, cause they're fake, life is empty, it always take effort to decorate it, once you've eaten up the tasty shell, you have to face the core-- nothingness. So, why not be friends with itself, and don't put dress on the whole emptyness, will you?