. Take a personal time off
2. 我想请一天假? 和 请三天假期、
>> May I take one day's leave? / May I take the day off? / May I have a day off?
>> May I take three day's leave? / May I take three days off? / May I have three days off?
3. 请一个小时假 / 请一周假期 / 请 3天病假
>> Can I take one hour off work / Can I have one hour off work?
>> Can I take one week's leave? / Can I take one week off work / Can I have one week off work?
>> Can I take three days of sick leave? Can I take three sicks days off? Can I have three days off?
>> How many days of vacation do you have left this month?
>. How many days of paid leave do you have left this month?