Babi用本就不宽裕的工资租了一辆出租车带着Laila&Tariq took a day trip."He wouldn't dis close anything to Laila about their destination except to say that,.with it ,he was contributing to her education."他们来到了The Red City,一个堡垒,建于900面前,用来防御入侵者。现在这里到处都是尸体,烧毁的坦克坠毁的直升飞机。这里曾经也是佛教的圣地,两座巨大的佛像高高耸立,他们三人沿着昏暗的楼梯,费劲力气,登上佛像的顶端。在佛像顶端,他们看到了整个山谷美丽的风景。在这里,父亲说了一段话,特别有道理。
"The silence. The piece of it.I want you to experience it. But I also wanted you to see your country's heritage, children ,to learn of its rich past. you see, something i can teach you. Some you learn from books .But there are things that , well, you have to see and feel."