Day 37 S解读论语之Day 21
2.18 子张学干禄,子曰:“多闻阙疑,慎言其余,则寡尤,多见阙殆,慎行其余,则寡悔。言寡尤,行寡悔,禄在其中矣。
1. 孔子对做官这件事的态度基本概括为: 明哲保身。也普遍反应了当今整个官场的现状。比如核算天天检,绿码处处亮。就是官员谨小慎微,怕担责,明哲保身的做派。
2. 所以我特不喜欢做官,哈哈,因为我也做不了官。我喜欢言多失多,有话说话,管你那么多。
A disciple was studying with a view to preferment.
Confucius : Read and learn everything,but suspend your judgment on anything of which you are in doubt;for the rest,be careful in what you say:in that way you will give few occasions for men to criticize what you say.Mix with the world and see everything,but keep away and do not meddle with anything which may bring you into trouble;for the rest,be careful in what you do:in that way you will have few occasions for self-reproach.
Now if in your conversation you give few occasions for men to criticise you,and in your conduct you have few occasions for self-reproach,you cannot help getting preferment,even if you would.