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Heavenly rewards: impact investing
- impact (对某事物)有影响,有作用
- impact investing 影响力投资;创效投资;影响投资
- Some $23trn is placed in “sustainable” investments around the world every year, according to the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance, an industry group.
- sustainable (对自然资源和能源的利用)不破坏生态平衡的;可持续的
- Global Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA)全球可持续投资联盟
- The term is nebulous: mostly it simply means avoiding funding firms that do unpalatable things, like making weapons.
- nebulous 模糊的;不清楚的
- unpalatable 令人不快的;难以接受的
- weapon 武器
- Sustainability is only a criterion in some $750bn-worth of investments.
- Sustainability 可持续性,可持续发展
- “Impact investing”, the sharp end of that sector, whereby funds invest in assets that offer measurable social or environmental benefits as well as financial returns, attracted just $248bn in 2016.
- whereby 借以;凭此;由于
Still that was more than twice the total two years earlier.
In 2014 the Catholic church decided to engage in impact investing.
- the Catholic church 天主教堂
- Today, the Vatican holds its third conference on the topic.
- Vatican 梵谛冈
- The focus this year is health, climate change, migrants and refugees, and youth employment.
- migrant 移民
- refugee 难民
- The gathering will conclude with an invitation to those attending to make commitments.
- gathering n. 收集;采集;聚会;聚集
- conclude with 用……结束某事;以…为结束;中止
- Investors will hope the rewards will be felt in this world as well as the next.
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