The Wandering Earth functions on a premise that film buffs are au fait with. a bleak future, dying humanity, a few courageous soldiers, cutting- edge technology and the over utilized hook: all preparations are bound to encounter systematic flaw. However, The Wandering Earth does have a never- seen- before element in its storyline. The earth, as we know it, is being lifted into another solar system. Whoa!
premise: n. 前提
buff: n. 爱好者
au fait: adj. 精通的
are au fait with: 熟悉的
cutting- edge technology: n. 尖端科技
over utilized hook: 过度使用的梗
are bound to: 必然
encounter: 遇到
翻译:《流浪地球》的故事是在影迷熟悉的前提下展开的。 暗淡的未来,垂死的人性,几位勇敢的战士,尖端的技术和过度使用的梗:所有的准备都必然遇到系统性的缺陷。但是,《流浪地球》的故事情节中缺失有一个前所未见的元素,正如我们所知,地球正被带进另一个太阳系。哇!