1. 2015年加入 Uber 的前工程师 Susan Fowler 于今年2月在博客上曝光了自己在 Uber 遭遇的性骚扰事件,并指责公司歧视女性员工,且在管理方面混乱无序。事件爆发后,社会一片哗然,公司随即对至少215名员工展开了相关调查。截至目前,Uber 已经累计开除了20余名与性骚扰事件相关的人员;
2. Google 母公司 Alphabet 旗下的自动驾驶子公司 Waymo,于2月以盜取商业机密的名义起诉 Uber,认为旗下员工窃取了 Waymo 的与雷达技术相关的机密资料;
3. 过去四个月里,Uber 丑闻不断。到今天为止,已有10位高管选择离职或被扫地出门,CEO 卡兰尼克也于上周宣布无限期休假。由此看来,Uber 接下来将会面临一个群龙无首的局面,并且持续时间,未知。
1. “打车软件”的英文是什么?
ride-hailing taxi-hailing
2. 为什么称 Waymo 是 Google 的 sister company?
google与Waymo 同为Alphabet旗下子公司
3. Uber 决心反思企业文化的三个原因分别是什么?
sex discrimination and harassment
stole autonomous-vehicle technology
finance chief has just left for another startup
4. 投资者判断企业的两个指标分别是什么?
Brake Time: Uber Reviews Its Culture
review: vt. 反思
The ride-hailing giant's staff impatiently await the results of an investigation into its workplace culture.
ride-hailing 打车
await: vt. 等候 (wait for)
impatiently await 焦急的等候
In February a former engineer, Susan Fowler, sparked a storm with a blog post saying sex discrimination and harassment were endemic.
spark a storm: 引起一场风暴
sex discrimination and harassment: 性别歧视与性骚扰
On Tuesday, it was reported that the company had fired 20 employees following an internal investigation. The wider, independent inquiry is being led by Eric Holder, a former attorney-general.
external 内部
endemic: adj. 地方性的
attorney-general: n. 总检察长
Whatever his (imminent) conclusions, the company's problems are sure to continue.
imminent: adj. 即将的
It is struggling to attract engineering talent. Other controversies are bubbling, including a lawsuit alleging that it knowingly stole autonomous-vehicle technology from Waymo, a sister company of Google.
it struggling to do sth 很艰难 it difficult to sth
bubble: adj. 正在出现的
knowingly: adv. 故意地
autonomous-vehicle 无人驾驶
Last week it fired the former boss of its autonomous-vehicle effort, who was at the heart of the Waymo lawsuit. And its finance chief has just left for another startup.
effort: n. 事业部
Uber's nearly $70bn valuation made it the most valuable private tech startup ever.
But living up to investors' expectations looks increasingly daunting.
daunting: adj. 令人担忧的
live up to 达成