释义:to make a relationship, idea etc stronger or more certain
『“cement“作为名词,表示“水泥”,作为动词可以表示“把...粘合”,常常被引申为表示“巩固” “加强”。和同样可以表示“巩固” “加强”的表达相比,比如 “consolidate” “make something stronger”,cement 更富有画面感。』
例① 共同的目标可以让一个群体更团结
Collective goals can help cement solidarity.
『cement 后常接表示“关系”的名词,比如 relationship, friendship, tie, bond, connection 等词。』
例② 相似的价值观和阅历可以加强关系
Shared values and experiences can cement a bond.
例③ cement 的这种用法也是《经济学人》中的常客
Republicans won statehouses that Democrats had held for decades; in several competitive states they cemented their hold on power through gerrymandering.('they cemented their hold on power through gerrymandering' 表示“他们(民主党)通过改划选区加强了他们对权利的掌控”)。
1 翻译:八卦可以让人们迅速增强友谊。
Talking about gossip can rapidly cement friendship.
(参考翻译: The exchange of gossip can efficiently cement a friendship.)
2. 造句练习:
场景: 中日双方进一步加强两国关系。
造句: China and Japan further cement the relations.