Dilpreet wants to paint his dog- Buzo's home that has n boards with different lengths[A1, A2,..., An]. He hired k painters for this work and each painter takes 1 unit time to paint 1 unit of the board.The problem is to find the minimum time to get this job done under the constraints that any painter will only paint continuous sections of boards, say board {2, 3, 4} or only board {1} or nothing but not board {2, 4, 5}.
max(arr[0] + arr[1],剩下的人和任务分配方式的最小值)
max(arr[0] + arr[1] + arr[2],剩下的人和任务分配方式的最小值)
set ans = max_int
for i in [0, 1, 2...n-1]
taskval = sum tasks val from index 0 to i
remain_min_ans = recursive(i+1, remain_people)
ans = min(ans, max(taskval, remain_min_ans) )
参考实现(O(n^2, n是任务数量)
from functools import lru_cache
def solve(p, tasks):
def dfs(rp, it):
if rp == 1:
return sum(tasks[it:])
if it == len(tasks) - 1:
return tasks[-1]
rp -= 1
ans, cursum = float('inf'), 0
for j in range(it, len(tasks)):
cursum += tasks[j]
ans = min(ans, max(cursum, dfs(rp, j+1)))
return ans
return dfs(p, 0)