1. 引言
2. python解析sqlite基本数据类型[1]
2.1 数据库基本操作
- 数据库连接
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
- 数据库连接对象基本操作
cur = conn.cursor() //创建cursor
conn.commit() //事务提交
conn.rollback() //事务回滚
conn.close() //关闭一个数据库链接
- 数据库cursor基本操作
cur.execute() //执行sql语句
cur.fetchone() //从结果中取出一条记录
cur.fetchall() //从结果中取出所有记录
cur.close() //关闭cursor
2.2 获取数据库中的表
CREATE TABLE sqlite_master (
type TEXT,
name TEXT,
tbl_name TEXT,
rootpage INTEGER,
sql TEXT);
tables = cur.execute("select name from sqlite_master where type = 'table' order by name").fetchall()
2.3 获取表结构
columns = cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info(%s)" % table).fetchall()
2.4 获取表中的数据
data = cur.execute("select * from %s" % table).fetchall()
3. iOS序列化存储
CREATE TABLE �message (
msgId integer primary key,
msgType int,
extensionData blob);
@interface PicMsg : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger msgType;
@property (nonatomic, strong) PicInfo *picInfo;
@interface PicInfo : NSObject<NSCoding>
@property (nonatomic, assign) �NSUInteger picType;
@property (nonatomic, assign) �NSUInteger fileSize;
@property (nonatomic, assign) �NSUInteger picWidth;
@property (nonatomic, assign) �NSUInteger picHeight;
@implementation PicInfo
-(void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder
[coder encodeObject:@(self.picType) forKey:@"picType"];
[coder encodeObject:@(self.fileSize) forKey:@"fileSize"];
[coder encodeObject:@(self.picWidth) forKey:@"picWidth"];
[coder encodeObject:@(self.picHeight) forKey:@"picHeight"];
-(id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)decoder
if (self = [super init]) {
self.msgType = [[decoder decodeObjectForKey:@"picType"] unsignedIntegerValue];
self.fileSize = [[decoder decodeObjectForKey:@"fileSize"] unsignedIntegerValue];
self.picWidth = [[decoder decodeObjectForKey:@"picWidth"] unsignedIntegerValue];
self.picHeight = [[decoder decodeObjectForKey:@"picHeight"] unsignedIntegerValue];
return self;
这样在存入数据库时就可以调用[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:self.picFileInfo];
4. python+pyobjc[2]解析序列化数据
4.1 pyobjc
PyObjC is a bridge between Python and Objective-C. It allows full featured Cocoa applications to be written in pure Python. It is also easy to use other frameworks containing Objective-C class libraries from Python and to mix in Objective-C, C and C++ source.
from Foundation import *
4.2 pyobjc解析序列化数据
- 定义�对应类
class PicInfo(NSObject):
def init(self):
self = super(PicInfo, self).init()
if self is None:
print "init None"
return self
def initWithCoder_(self, encoder):
self = super(PicInfo, self).init()
if self is None:
print "initWithCoder_ None"
self.picType = encoder.decodeObjectForKey_("picType")
self.fileSize = encoder.decodeObjectForKey_("fileSize")
self.picWidth = encoder.decodeObjectForKey_("picWidth")
self.picHeight = encoder.decodeObjectForKey_("picHeight")
return self
def encodeWithCoder_(self, decoder):
decoder.encodeObject_forKey_(self.picType, "picType")
decoder.encodeObject_forKey_(self.fileSize, "fileSize")
decoder.encodeObject_forKey_(self.picWidth, "picWidth")
decoder.encodeObject_forKey_(self.picHeight, "picHeight")
- 数据的序列化与反序列化
picInfo = PicInfo.alloc().init()
picInfo.picType = 1
picInfo.fileSize = 1024
picInfo.picWidth = 200
picInfo.picHeight = 100
// 序列化
archivedData = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject_(picInfo)
// 反序列化
unarchivedPicInfo = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData_(archivedData)
5. 结语
python+pyobjc不仅仅可以在iOS开发时进行数据的序列化和反序列化,利用pyobjc可以在Mac OS上使用纯python开发Cocoa GUI应用,功能非常强大。
[1]sqlite3 DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite databases
[2]pyobjc module
[3]pyobjc package documentation