在抗击病毒的艰难时期,相信每一个人都收到了来自亲人、朋友,甚至是陌生人的关心和祝福:Receiving and sending lots of messages during the virus outbreak.病毒是无情的。不论是形容病毒、疫情,还是形容一个无情的人,都可以用 cruel 这个词:The virus is cruel.The current condition is cruel.
但全国人民互相支持,各国纷纷施以援手,都让我们感受到了人与人之间的“有情”。01.Kindness: n. 善良,友好Solidarity: n. 团结Solid 有坚固的意思,solidarity 可以用来指人与人之间坚固的情谊:The solidarity between the peoples of our two countries is unbreakable. 我们两国人民的团结是坚不可摧的。
02.Hope all is well英语中最常用的一句祝福语:Hope all is well. 祝一切都好。它既适用在面对困难的 challenging time,也可以用在老友相聚的 happy time:It's great to see you. Hope all is well. 见到你很高兴,祝你一切都好。除了对方之外,对其家人也表示关怀:Hope all is well with you and your family. 祝你和你的家人一切都好。
03.Thinking of/about表达惦念也是一种常见的关怀。口语中 think of 和 think about 在大部分情况下基本通用, think of 可以表示未曾出现过的想法在脑海中出现,表示“想到、想起”:We'll have to think of a pretty good excuse for being late. 我们得想一个很好的迟到借口。Think about 常需要更多的思虑,适合在疫情这个严肃的情境下表示“惦念”的含义:Thinking about you: 想着你I am thinking about you. Hope all is well. 我总是想着你,希望你一切都好。
关心你的人通常还会提醒你提高警惕:Stay on guard. 保持警惕。Guard 是守卫的意思,时刻保持守卫的状态,也就是要提高警惕。Vigilant: /ˈvɪdʒələnt/ 警惕的,注意的Stay vigilant. 保持警惕。尽量不要冒险:Don't risk it.当然,也要理性科学地对待疫情,不能轻信谣言:Stay clear-headed. 保持头脑清醒。
希望你健康平安:Hope you stay healthy and safe.Wishing you health and safety.照顾好自己,照顾好家人:Take care. 保重。Take care of yourself and your family.
04.Thank you for...如果你收到了以上的暖心祝福,要如何感谢对方?Thank you for your kind words. 谢谢你说的暖心的话。Thank you for thinking of/about me. 谢谢你想着我。Thank you for your thoughts. 谢谢你的惦记。但要注意并不是所有表示关心、考虑的词都适合用在感谢他人祝福的场景中。
例如说到关心很容易想到 concern,它常用在 be concerned 这个句型中表示对某事的忧虑:I am a little concerned about you. 我有点担心你。类似地还有 consideration,通常用在面试的时候:Thank you for your time and consideration. 感谢您百忙之中考虑我的申请。收到他人的关心后,表达内心的感动:I'm really touched. 我真的很感动。It's heartwarming. 很暖心。比较正式的:Please accept my heartfelt thanks. 由衷地感谢你。