Chapter 1-6
2017年12月10日, 星期日
Su Tungpo occupied peculiar position in China's history. The home atmosphere was just right for him. Su Tungpo's grandfather exerted indirectly influence upon his literary life. Su Tungpo's father guided him in the direction of purity of writing style. The most important member of his family who grew up and studied with him was his younger brother, Tseyu. The brothers sent each other regularly one poem a month when they lived apart. Su Tungpo was vivacious and ambitious. Apart from this, he believed that there is not a single bad person in this world. His wife gave him practical advice.
To meet the official tests, the students had to repeated the ancient classics from memory. Both the Su brothers passed with high scores. Then the Su family set out for the capital. The reputation of the three Sus as scholars and writers had steadily risen.
作品读来感觉还是有点唠叨,用词比如“in such ardent zeal”(在非常热情的热情),“honored with profound reverence”(带着非常尊敬的尊敬)。但是赘述这一点,在诗句中则使文意更精确地表述,如第四章父与子中提到的《入峡》,原文中四句就出现了三次“cliff”:
入峡初无路,连山忽似龛。Entering the gorge, the river seemed blocked in front. Then from the cliffs a cleft appeared like Buddha's niche.
荣迂收浩渺,座缩作涧潭。The swirling waters began to leave their wide expanse, And narrow themselves into a deep abyss.
风过如呼吸,云生似吐含。The winds bellowed through the cliffs, And the clouds spewed forth from the caves.
堕崖鸣卒卒,垂蔓绿毵毵。Overhanging cliffs whistled in the high winds, And twining vines glistened in resplendent green.
关于第六章,既有求神问鬼的虔诚:prayer is based upon one of the deepest instincts in man,又有与鬼神平起平坐的自信:not only the gods, but also the devil, should be open to a forceful onslaught of his logic.,很符合在第一章最后提到的“有现代精神的古人”:“we would say he was a great democrat”“Today it may be said that he was truly a modern man.”
传统与现代的交汇碰撞,使得作品具有陌生而奇异的吸引力。这也是The Gay Genius吸引我读的一大原因吧。