swift framework中的方法如何在objective-c中调用呢?
类或属性加@objc public
To access a swift class in objc, that is not inherited from NSObject you need to:
@objc public class VeediUtils
A Swift class or protocol must be marked with the @objc attribute to be accessible and usable in Objective-C. This attribute tells the compiler that this piece of Swift code can be accessed from Objective-C. If your Swift class is a descendant of an Objective-C class, the compiler automatically adds the @objc attribute for you.
@objc public class YKFile: NSObject {
@objc public var fileName : String?
@objc public var myData : Data?
@objc public func myFilePath() -> String {
return "ksnowlv"
@objc public static func name() -> String {
return "ksnowlv"