The Myths 神话故事
Gaea felt hurt about the imprisonment(囚禁) and oppression of her children, the Centimani(百臂巨人) and the Cyclopes(独眼巨人), so she fashioned(制作) a stone scythe(大镰刀) and persuaded the Titans to rebel against their father Uranus.
Only Cronus, the youngest and the bravest of the Titans, was willing to do the deed. One day, when Uranus spread himself over the earth, Cronus leapt up and cut off his “vital organ” with the scythe.
The organ fell into the ocean and produced a white foam(泡沫), from which emerged the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Cronus succeeded in dethroning(废黜) his father, who, enraged at his defeat, cursed his rebellious(造反的) son, foretelling that one of Cronus’ children would rise up against him, just as what Cronus had done to his father.
器官坠落大海之后,掀起无数白色的泡沫,爱神阿芙洛蒂忒从这些泡沫中诞生了。 克罗诺斯成功地推翻了父亲的王位,恼羞成怒的乌拉诺斯诅咒他的不孝子,预言克罗诺斯也将遭受和自己一样的命运:他的一个孩子将和他作对并推翻他的王位。
Uranus withdrew from Earth, and from that time on, the sky and the earth never touched again. Cronus made himself the supreme ruler of the universe. He married his own sister Rhea and made his brother Hyperion the sun god and his sister Phoebe the moon goddess.