英文 | 中文 |
Dark's nothing to be afraid of. | 无需害怕黑暗 |
In fact, I'd go as far as saying there's nothing to be afraid of. | 实际上我想说无需害怕任何事 |
Anywhere. | 任何地方 |
The strongest person is the person who isn't scared to be alone. | 最坚强的人应该不畏惧孤独 |
It's other people you got to worry about. | 该担心的是其他人 |
Other people. They'll tell you what to do, how to feel... | 其他人他们会告诉你怎么做怎么想 |
Before you know it... | 不知不觉 |
...you're pouring your life out in search of something | 你就把生命倾注在追寻 |
other people told you to go look for. | 其他人告诉你该寻找的东西了 |
Someday, you're gonna be all alone, | 总有一天你会孤身一人 |
so you need to figure out how to take care of yourself. | 所以你要懂得如何照顾自己 |
Hello. | 喂 |
Beth Harmon? | 贝丝·哈蒙 |
Yes. | 是我 |
Uh, this is Harry Beltik. | 我是哈利·贝尔蒂克 |
Uh, from the Kentucky State Tournament. | 肯塔基州锦标赛的 |
No, I remember. | 我记得 |
I hear you dropped one to Borgov. | 我听说你输给了博尔戈夫 |
I wanted to give condolences. | 我想向你表示同情 |
Thanks. | 谢谢 |
What were you playing, White? | 你是哪一方白棋吗 |
- Black. - Oh, it's-it's better that way. | -黑棋-那样还好 |
I mean, if you're gonna lose. | 如果要输的话 |
Suppose so. | 或许吧 |
What did you play? | 你走了什么开局 |
Closed Sicilian. | 封闭式西西里防御 |
Rossolimo? Really? | 罗索里莫变例真的吗 |
I let him do it to me. | 我任由他拿这招打败我的 |
That's a mistake. | 这是个错误 |
Uh, look, I'm in Lexington for the summer, and I thought maybe... | 听着我这个暑假在莱克星顿我想着也许 |
Maybe what? | 也许什么 |
Would you like some training? | 你想来点训练吗 |
I-I know... I know you're better than me. | 我知道我知道你棋艺比我强 |
But if you're gonna play the Soviets, you need help. | 但如果你要和苏联人对抗你需要帮忙 |
Where are you? | 你在哪 |
I'm on my way to the Phoenix Hotel. | 我正要去凤凰酒店 |
I'm moving to an apartment on Thursday. I could come by then. | 我周四会搬进公寓我可以到时候过来 |
Why don't you come over right now? | 不如你现在就过来吧 |
后翼弃兵 第五集 | |
Excuse me, miss. | 不好意思小姐 |
What happened to that gawky kid who kicked my ass five years ago? | 五年前把我打得落花流水的那个瞪眼小女孩呢 |
Apparently, she grew up. | 看来她长大了 |
A.I. Deinkopf. | AI·登科普夫 |
Middlegame Strategy. | 《中局战术》 |
I've read that one. | 我看过了 |
J .R. Capablanca, My Chess Career. | JR·卡帕布兰卡《我的象棋生涯》 |
That one, too. | 那本也看过了 |
Fornaut, Alekhine's Games 1938 to 1945. | 福诺特《1938年至1945年阿列瀚的棋局》 |
Yes. | 看过 |
Meyer, Rook and Pawn Endings. | 梅耶《车兵残局》 |
I know, you've read it. | 我知道你看过了 |
No. | 没有 |
But I have my own copy upstairs. | 但我有自己的复印本 |
Well, some of these are gonna be new to you. | 里面有些内容对你来说是新的 |
Capablanca played on intuition. | 卡帕布兰卡都靠直觉下棋 |
And his natural gifts, which obviously were considerable. | 而且他非常天赋禀异 |
Unlike Bogoljubov and Grtinfeld, who memorized everything. | 不像博格伊波夫和格廷菲尔德记住一切 |
Yeah, I know how you feel about them. | 对我知道你怎么看他们 |
I read your piece in Chess Review. | 我看了《象棋天下》里你的文章 |
Nice cover photo, by the way. | 对了封面拍得很好看 |
I see players at tournaments after their games have finished, | 我看到锦标赛上有选手下完棋还在研究棋局 |
sitting there studying opening variation | 坐着研究各种开局变例 |
or middle-game strategy, endgame theory. | 或中局战术残局理论 |
- Like it would have made a difference. - You don't ever study? | -好像能改变什么似的-你不研究吗 |
I analyze games. | 我会分析棋局 |
What actually happened, not what could have happened. | 实际发生的而不是可能发生的 |
- And I play it by ear. - Like Capablanca. | -然后我靠直觉下棋-就像卡帕布兰卡一样 |
- He would have beaten Borgov. - Mmm, not every game. | -他就能打败博尔戈夫-也不是每次 |
Mmm, every game that counted. | 每个重要的比赛 |
- You think I'm a prima donna, don't you? - It's chess. | -你觉得我自命不凡对吧-这是象棋 |
We're all prima donnas. | 我们都自命不凡 |
So, I've replayed your match with Benny Watts a dozen times now. | 我复盘了十几次你和本尼·瓦茨的比赛 |
Why? | 为什么 |
- That's ancient history. - Well, it's not that ancient. | -那都是很久以前的事了-也不算吧 |
- I'm a different player now. - In some ways. | -我现在棋风不同了-有些方面是的 |
You're stubborn, so you get mad. | 你很固执所以你会生气 |
When that happens, you can only see what's in front of you. | 当你发怒时你只能看到眼前的东西 |
Anger clears my head. | 愤怒会清空我的脑子 |
Anger is a potent spice. | 愤怒是种强劲的香料 |
A pinch wakes you up, too much dulls your senses. | 一小撮能让人清醒太多就让人麻木 |
Where'd you get that from, a fortune cookie? | 这话你从哪听来的幸运饼干吗 |
Mrs. Grecco, my second grade teacher. | 格雷克老师我二年级时的老师 |
But the point is still valid. You've got to stay open. | 但传达的意思不变你得保持开放心态 |
If you get locked into one idea, | 如果你固步自封 |
like this king knight pawn, say, it's death. | 就像这个王翼马兵一样就是死局 |
Look. | 你看 |
- Now, the knight pawn is pinned. - So? | -这个马前兵被堵住了-所以呢 |
So you got to move the king now, or you get stuck later. | 所以你得移走王否则之后会被堵住 |
I can see that, but-- | 我知道但是 |
But look at the queen-side pawns, way over here. | 但你看后翼兵在这边 |
- He could do this. - Try it. | -他可以这么下-你试试 |
See? | 你瞧 |
It's a good sequence. | 这走法不错 |
It's from Alekhine. | 这是阿列瀚的 |
I'm saying I got it from a book. | 我是说这招是从书上学来的 |
I know what you're saying. | 我知道你什么意思 |
Let's eat. | 我们吃东西吧 |
You're not the same person you were five years ago, either. | 你也和五年前不同了 |
- No? - No. | -是吗-对 |
But I can't figure out what's different. | 但我说不出来哪里不同 |
I've become more profound? | 我更有深度了 |
That's not it. | 不是 |
And I, um, got my teeth fixed. | 我还修了牙 |
- Yeah, that's it. - Yeah. | -对就是这个-嗯 |
It's the teeth. It was driving me crazy. | 是牙齿之前快把我逼疯了 |
I used my tuition money. | 我用了学费 |
My parents are plenty ticked off about it. | 我爸妈气坏了 |
It was worth it. | 这钱花得值得 |
Uh, I should go. | 我该走了 |
Uh, I'll leave my board here. | 我把象棋留下 |
I'll take this. | 三明治我拿走了 |
I'll be back in the morning with more books. | 明早我再带点书过来 |
Shit. | 妈的 |
Oh, God. | 天呐 |
No. | 不 |
You see, I'm a little shy. | 你瞧我有点害羞 |
Alright, what seems to be the trouble? | 好吧你的问题是什么 |
Well, it's difficult to show you | 现在向你展示症状 |
the symptoms at the moment, because... | 会有些困难因为 |
it comes and it goes. | 它来去不定 |
Oh, it comes and goes? | 来去不定 |
Yes, it's so unfortunate. | 对非常不幸 |
It's always the same whenever I see a doctor. | 我每次看医生都是这样 |
When... when I come, it goes, | 我来看医生时病就走了 |
and when I go, it comes. | 我走后病又回来了 |
Okay, tell me, what was your endgame? | 好吧你说说你的残局是什么 |
You just saw it. | 你刚看到了 |
What was your plan? | 你的计划呢 |
To beat you? | 打败你 |
I don't know what it was. | 我不知道是什么 |
Exactly, you're still just improvising. | 没错你还是在临场发挥 |
I just wiped you out five times. | 我刚打败了你五次 |
I'm a master, | 我是个大师 |
and I've never played better in my life. | 这是我这辈子下的最好的棋 |
So modest. | 真谦虚 |
But I'm nowhere close to what you'll face in Paris. | 但我压根比不上你要在巴黎交手的棋手 |
I could beat Borgov with a little more work. | 我稍微下点功夫就能打败博尔戈夫 |
You can beat Borgov with a lot more work. | 你要打败博尔戈夫需要下很多功夫 |
Years more work. | 多年的努力 |
Borgov's not some Kentucky ex-champion like me. | 博尔戈夫不是像我一样的肯达基州前冠军 |
He is a world champion | 他是个世界冠军 |
who could have beaten both of us when he was ten. | 在他十岁时就能把我们俩都打得落花流水 |
Do you even know his career? | 你了解他的象棋生涯吗 |
No. | 不知道 |
Well... | 这个 |
Read it. | 看看 |
Read the games from Leningrad, 1962. | 看看他在列宁格勒1962年下的棋 |
Look at the way he plays rook-pawn endings. | 看看他如何应对车兵残局 |
Look at the games with Luchenko and Spassky. | 看看他和卢申科与斯帕斯基的棋局 |
You might learn something. | 你或许能学到点东西 |
No, this way. | 不对是这边 |
瓦西里·博尔戈夫 《我与象棋》 | |
Right. | 好吧 |
"Look at the games with Luchenko and Spassky, | "看看他和卢申科与斯帕斯基的棋局 |
you might learn something." Fuck. | 你或许能学到点东西"妈的 |
"I'm a master." | "我是个大师" |
It was so bad. | 太烂了 |
Summer's coming. | 夏天要来了 |
Radio's a little loud, don't you think? | 收音机声音有点响了你不觉得吗 |
Come on. | 来嘛 |
I'll turn it down after this. I just... | 这首歌之后我就调轻我只是 |
I love this song. | 我很喜欢这首歌 |
Sun lights up the day time | 太阳照亮白昼 |
Moon lights up the night | 月亮照亮黑夜 |
Are you coming? | 你来吗 |
"If you already in a fight, you want the first blow to be the last." | "如果你已经处在战斗中最好一招制胜" |
"And you better be the one to throw it." | "而且最好是你的一招" |
"Few things are as mentally brutal as chess." | "很少有什么像象棋一般耗费脑力" |
"Attackers may sometimes regret their moves, | "进攻者有时会后悔走错棋 |
but it is much worse to forever regret | 但更令人悔恨终身的是 |
an opportunity you allowed to pass you by." | 放走进攻机会" |
So, it's not always about attacking. | 所以不一定要节节进攻 |
Sometimes, it's much better to take a piece back. | 有时退一步是更好的选择 |
So, this is Smyslov versus Botvinnik. | 这是斯密斯洛夫对战博特文尼克的棋局 |
Now, as you can see, | 你能看到 |
Botvinnik should have taken the pawn with the queen. | 博特文尼克本可以用后吃掉对方的兵 |
He must have been very tired, | 他肯定累坏了 |
or someone must have drugged his tea. | 或者有人在他的茶里下药了 |
Anyway, I always thought that was interesting. | 反正我总觉得这步走得很有意思 |
"I know I'm a good player, | "我知道自己是出色的棋手 |
but now I'm up aganist people half my age." | 但现在我的对手都比我小一半" |
"I don't know how long I can keep winning." | "我不知道自己还能赢多久" |
"I can fight against anyone but time." | "我可以与任何人对弈唯独无法对抗时间" |
I'm moving out of the hotel tomorrow. | 我明天就从酒店搬出去了 |
Into my apartment. | 搬进公寓 |
Play pawn to king five. | 走兵到王线第五格 |
Humor me. | 试试嘛 |
- That's unusual. - Yeah. | -很独特的走法-对 |
Player named Mikinas came up with that one. | 一个叫米基纳斯的棋手想的招数 |
How far away is it? | 有多远 |
The apartment. | 你的公寓 |
New Circle Road. | 新环路 |
I won't be coming by so much. | 我没法经常过来了 |
It's not so far away. | 也不是很远 |
No, but I'll be taking classes, | 对但我要上课 |
and I should probably get a part-time job. | 而且我该找个兼职 |
You could move in here if you want. | 如果你愿意可以搬进来 |
You know, for free. | 免费的 |
Really? | 真的吗 |
Yeah. | 对 |
Really. | 真的 |
- Sorry, I... - Uh... no. No. | -抱歉我...-不没关系 |
I-I just wasn't ready. | 我只是没准备好 |
I'm ready now. | 现在我准备好了 |
Now or never. | 机不可失 |
So, um... | 那么 |
should I stay here or go back to my room? | 我该留在这还是回我的房间 |
Whatever you want. | 随便你 |
Okay. | 好 |
Good night. | 晚安 |
Good night. | 晚安 |
Beth? | 贝丝 |
Beth Harmon? | 贝丝·哈蒙 |
Margaret Neil. | 我是玛格丽特·尼尔 |
Well, Margaret Johnson now. | 现在改名叫玛格丽特·约翰逊了 |
Fairfield High? | 费尔菲尔德高中 |
Margaret. Right. Hi. | 玛格丽特对你好 |
Mike and I tied the knot right after graduation. | 迈克和我毕业后就结婚了 |
Congratulations. | 恭喜 |
Not long after, we were blessed with this little one. | 不久后我们就有了这个小家伙 |
What's her name? | 她叫什么 |
Jean, after Mike's grandmother. | 简跟迈克的祖母一样 |
I read about you. | 我读到了你的事 |
The chess and the traveling. | 象棋和旅行 |
It must be exciting. | 肯定很有趣 |
It is. | 是的 |
Being around all those boys is a real thrill. | 在那么多男孩身边非常刺激 |
You wanted to know what the boys were like, | 你之前问我那些男孩都什么样 |
if I dated any of them. | 我是否跟他们约会过 |
That time I came over to your house with the Apple Pis. | 就是我去你家参加苹果派聚会的时候 |
Gosh! | 天呐 |
That seems, uh... | 那感觉 |
like a million years ago, doesn't it? | 都是几百年前的事了对吧 |
I should probably get my errands done, before this one gets... | 我该去办事了免得这个小家伙 |
really fussy, and the window of opportunity, | 变得不耐烦而且机会的窗口 |
as we like to say, slams shut. | 如常言所说关上了 |
It was nice to see you. | 很高兴见到你 |
You, too. | 我也是 |
I think there's more to life than chess. | 我觉得象棋不是生命的唯一 |
Yeah, one of my heroes is Philidor. | 我的一个偶像是费里多 |
This French musician, used to play chess blindfolded in Paris and London. | 法国音乐家以前会在巴黎和伦敦下盲棋 |
Diderot wrote him a letter. | 狄德罗给他写了一封信 |
Now, you know Diderot? | 你知道狄德罗吗 |
French Revolution? | 法国大革命吗 |
Yeah, it's close enough. | 嗯差不多 |
So, uh, Philidor was doing blindfold exhibitions | 费里多一直致力于下盲棋 |
and burning out his brain, | 绞尽脑力 |
or whatever it was they thought you did | 或无论别人觉得你在 |
in the 18th century. Anyway... | 18世纪会做的事总之 |
Diderot wrote to him and said something like, | 狄德罗给他写了一封信说了这样的话 |
"It's foolish to run the risk of going mad for vanity's sake." | "冒着陷入疯狂的风险追求虚荣实在愚蠢至极" |
Now, I think about that sometimes, | 我有时会想起这句话 |
when I'm analyzing my ass off over a chess board. | 在我拼命分析棋局的时候 |
I, um... I saw your picture on the cover of Chess Review, | 我我看到了你在《象棋天下》的照片 |
and those pictures Townes took in Las Vegas, | 还有陶恩斯在拉斯维加斯拍的照片 |
for the Lexington paper. | 出版在莱克星顿报纸上 |
They were beautiful. | 非常美 |
- I thought maybe the two of you were-- - No, we weren't. | -我以为也许你们俩-不没有 |
Truth is... | 事实是 |
I was waiting for you to come back. | 我在等你回来 |
You're the reason I got my teeth fixed. | 我是为了你修牙的 |
Didn't Koltanowski use to play blindfolded all the time? | 科塔诺夫斯基不也一直下盲棋吗 |
And he wasn't crazy. | 他没疯 |
No, no, no, he's-he's not. It was, um... | 对他确实没疯那个 |
It was Morphy who went crazy, and Steinitz. | 发疯的人是墨菲还有斯坦尼茨 |
Morphy thought people were trying to steal his shoes. | 墨菲总觉得别人要偷他的鞋子 |
Well, maybe he thought shoes were bishops. | 或许他觉得鞋子是象 |
Yeah, maybe. | 对或许吧 |
Beth? | 贝丝 |
Let's play chess. | 我们下棋吧 |
Okay. | 好 |
Two packs of Chesterfields, please. | 两包契斯特菲尔德香烟谢谢 |
This, too. | 还有这个 |
Sure you wouldn't rather just steal it? | 你确定不直接偷走吗 |
You gonna be there? | 你会去吗 |
That tournament? | 那个锦标赛 |
Yes. | 会 |
Good luck. | 祝你好运 |
Keep it. | 留着吧 |
For the first time. | 为第一次买单 |
Whoa, that doesn't look right. Your knight is hanging. | 这看起来不对你的马情况不妙 |
You're missing it. It's a much stronger move than it looks. | 你没看出来这步比看上去的厉害很多 |
Okay, watch. | 看好了 |
The knight takes, | 马吃子 |
and the pawn moves up. | 兵走上 |
If he didn't move it up, the bishop would be locked in. | 如果不走那象就被困住了 |
When he does... | 等对方这么做时 |
...the other pawn falls. | 另一个兵就保不住了 |
- What about the other bishop here? - For Christ's sakes, Harry. | -那这边的象呢-天呐哈利 |
It's check once the pawn moves, and the knight trades. | 一旦走兵马换象就直接将军了 |
Can't you see that? | 你看不出来吗 |
No, I can't. I can't find it that fast. | 不不行我没法这么快看出来 |
Well, wish you could. | 真希望你可以 |
You're too sharp for me. | 你对我要求太高了 |
Breakfast is almost ready. | 早餐就快好了 |
I have taught you everything I know. | 我已经教会了你我知道的一切 |
Which, admittedly, is not a lot. | 说实话并不多 |
I've got to start studying. | 我得开始学习了 |
I'm supposed to be an electrical engineer, not a chess bum. | 我该成为一个电气工程师而不流浪棋手 |
Where are you gonna go? | 你要去哪 |
I'm moving to that apartment. | 我要搬去那个公寓 |
It's closer to the university. | 离大学近 |
- I'm gonna leave you-- - You're wrong, you know. | -我要给你-你错了 |
You've taught me a lot. | 你教会了我很多 |
I'm really glad you called. | 我很开心你打给了我 |
I'm glad I could be here with you, you know? | 我也很开心能在这陪你 |
After you lost your mom. | 在你母亲去世后 |
It's more than that. | 不仅如此 |
You've really helped me. | 你真的帮了我 |
I guess you've helped me, too. | 我想你也帮了我 |
You've helped me realize something. | 你帮我认识到一件事 |
What? | 什么 |
That I don't love chess. | 我并不爱象棋 |
No, it's okay. | 不没关系 |
I just don't love it as much as I once did. | 我只是没有以前那么喜爱了 |
I'm not obsessed with it the way one has to be to win it all. | 我不痴迷于象棋仿佛需要为此赢得一切 |
The way you are. | 就像你那样 |
I'm gonna leave you... | 我要给你 |
this. | 这个 |
You have a lot in common. | 你们有很多共同点 |
《保罗·墨菲和象棋的黄金时代》 威廉·埃沃特·纳皮尔著 | |
Really? | 真的吗 |
Morphy was a lawyer or something, in New Orleans. | 墨菲是个律师什么的吧在新奥尔良 |
You look at his games, | 你看看他的棋局 |
the way he played. | 他的步法 |
He sacrificed knights and bishops | 他愿意牺牲马和象 |
like he had a dozen instead of two, | 好像他有一打而不只是两个 |
and then he'd move in on the king so fast, | 然后他会迅速进攻对方的王 |
his opponents would just freeze up. | 让对手直接石化 |
It's too bad Morphy and Capablanca | 真遗憾墨菲和卡帕布兰卡 |
hadn't been alive at the same time. | 没有生活在同一个时代 |
They could've played each other. | 他们可以对弈 |
Yeah, it's too bad Morphy | 是啊很遗憾墨菲 |
fell into a muttering paranoia and died. | 变成了喃喃自语的偏执狂最后去世了 |
He would stay up all night, in Paris, before his games, | 他在巴黎比赛的前一天会整宿不睡 |
drinking in cafes, and talking with strangers. | 喝着咖啡和陌生人交谈 |
And then he'd play the next day like a shark. | 然后第二天像鲨鱼一般下棋 |
Well-mannered, well-dressed, moving the pieces | 彬彬有礼衣冠楚楚用那如女士般的 |
with these small, ladylike hands. | 纤细的手指移动棋子 |
Crushing one European master after another. | 打败一个又一个的欧洲特级大师 |
You know what they called him? | 你知道人们怎么称呼他吗 |
"The pride and the sorrow of chess." | "象棋届的骄傲与悲伤" |
And then he retired at 22. | 然后他22岁就退役了 |
- And you think that's gonna be me? - I think that is you. | -你觉得我会那样吗-我觉得那就是你 |
I think maybe... | 我想或许 |
it's always been you. | 一直以来都是你 |
Be careful, Beth. | 小心贝丝 |
美国锦标赛 全美象棋锦标赛俄亥俄州1967年 | |
Why, hello, Beth. | 好啊贝丝 |
Why, hello, Benny. | 好啊本尼 |
I read about your game with Borgov. | 我看到了你和博尔戈夫的棋局 |
That must have felt terrible. | 肯定感觉糟透了 |
- I felt like a fool. - I know that feeling. | -我感觉像个傻子-我能感同身受 |
Helpless. | 无助 |
It all goes, and you just... | 再下也毫无意义你只是 |
push wood. | 在推小木头 |
Who have you got up first? | 你的第一个对手是谁 |
Manfredi. | 曼弗雷迪 |
That shouldn't take too long. | 应该用不了多久 |
Highest-rated players in the whole fucking country, | 整个国家等级分最高的选手们 |
and yet here we are at some second-rate university, | 却在这个二流的大学里下棋 |
playing on cheap plastic boards with cheap plastic pieces. | 用着便宜的塑料棋盘和便宜的塑料棋子 |
If this were a golf or tennis tournament, | 如果这是高尔夫或网球锦标赛 |
we'd be surrounded by reporters, as opposed to... | 我们肯定会被记者簇拥而不是 |
...whoever these people are. | 无论这些是什么货色 |
You should see the places they play in the Soviet Union. | 你该看看苏联下象棋的地方 |
I'm planning on it. | 我正有此意 |
You have to get past me first. | 你得先打败我 |
I'm planning on that, too. | 我也正有此意 |
Now, most players, they lack the courage in their convictions. | 多数选手他们缺乏对自己判断的勇气 |
The key is to not be tentative. | 关键在于不能踌躇不决 |
You have to play with absolute confidence. | 下棋时你必须拥有绝对的自信 |
I can tell, on the first move, | 从第一步我就能看出 |
whether someone's got that or they don't, | 对方是否有那个信心和勇气 |
just from how they move that first piece. | 仅从他们第一步棋的步法就能看出 |
What advice would you give to any young chess players | 对那些想追随你脚步的年轻象棋选手 |
who wanna follow in your footsteps? | 你有什么建议吗 |
I'd tell them to read my book. | 我会让他们读我的书 |
Obviously. | 显然 |
Yeah, play through all the games. | 对把里面的棋局都下一边 |
You know, I'd tell them to get in shape. | 我还希望他们保持身材 |
Most people, they think about chess players, | 多数人他们想到象棋选手 |
they think about people who look like you. | 就想到你这样的人 |
Harmon! | 哈蒙 |
Wait up. | 等等 |
Found you a reporter, I see. | 看来你找到了记者 |
Funny. Ha. | 真有趣 |
What did you do to that poor guy you played in the third round? | 你对第三轮那个可怜人做了什么 |
He looked like he wanted to kill himself. | 他看起来都要自杀了 |
Which poor guy are you talking about? | 你说的是哪个可怜人 |
Touche. | 说的有理 |
Some of us have been, | 我们哥几个 |
uh, heading down to the student union, | 打算去学生会活动中心 |
having a couple beers, playing some speed chess. | 喝几杯啤酒下几盘快棋 |
You should join us. | 你一起来吧 |
No, thanks. I have to study. | 不谢了我要学习 |
Thought I'd go back to the dorms, read your book. | 我想着回宿舍看你的书 |
You know, get in shape. | 保持身材 |
You do realize that we have the whole day off tomorrow? | 你知道我们明天一整天都没事吧 |
Can I ask you a question? | 我能问你个问题吗 |
Depends on whether or not the answer will give you an edge. | 却决于答案是否会给你优势 |
Seriously? | 真的假的 |
Are you that nervous? | 你有那么紧张吗 |
- Was that the question? - No! What's with the knife? | -什么问题-不刀是干什么的 |
What do you mean? | 什么意思 |
I mean, why do you carry it around? | 你为什么到处带着走 |
This is for protection. | 这是为了保护 |
- From what? - Whatever. | -防什么-以防万一 |
Study hard. | 你好好学习 |
Beth! | 贝丝 |
Beth Harmon, this is Danny Weiss and Dave Friedman. | 贝丝·哈蒙这是丹尼·维斯和戴夫·弗里德曼 |
Nice to meet you. | 幸会 |
Actually, we met. You beat me the other day. | 其实我们见过了那天你打败了我 |
Me, too. Rather badly, in fact. | 我也是我还输得很惨 |
- Sorry. - Don't be. | -抱歉-不必 |
After I finished weeping in my room, I replayed the game. | 我在房间里哭完后重现了棋局 |
Learned a lot from it, so thank you. | 学到了很多谢谢 |
- You're welcome. - Beth, take a look at this. | -不客气-贝丝你看看这个 |
It's White's move. | 该白棋走了 |
What would you do? | 你会怎么下 |
Typical mid-game Ruy Lopez. | 典型的西班牙开局后的中局 |
Well, yeah, we know that, but what's the move? | 对我们知道但你会怎么走 |
- You see? - Maybe you're right. | -你瞧-或许你是对的 |
No, I know I'm right, and Beth sees things the same way I do. | 不我知道我是对的贝丝看棋的思路跟我一样 |
The pawn move is too weak, right? | 走兵太弱了对吧 |
The pawn move only works if he plays his bishop. | 只有他走象走兵这招才有用 |
Exactly. | 没错 |
- Bye, boys. - Whoa, hold on. | -再见小伙子们-等等 |
How about some speed chess? | 下几盘快棋吧 |
Or we could play some skittles, or blitz, | 或随便下下或闪电战 |
or bughouse? | 或四人象棋 |
No, I'm just gonna get some coffee, | 不我就是来拿杯咖啡 |
and then I'm gonna go back and study. | 然后我就要回去学习了 |
Well, Weiss will get you some coffee, won't you, Weiss? | 维斯能帮你拿咖啡对吧维斯 |
Yeah. | 当然 |
Sugar, cream? | 糖奶油 |
Yes. | 都要 |
- Thank you. - Uh, get me an apple juice. | -谢谢-给我个苹果汁 |
But not one of those, uh, crappy plastic cups. | 不要那种用塑料杯装的 |
Get me a-a milk glass. | 要玻璃瓶的那种 |
Yeah, sure. | 好没问题 |
Please, sit. | 坐吧 |
Fine. | 行 |
One game. | 就一局 |
- Got it? - All right. | -听到了吗-好 |
Okay. | 好的 |
Shall we say... | 那不如 |
five bucks a game? | 五块一局 |
I haven't even had my coffee. | 我都还没喝上咖啡呢 |
Well, look, here it comes right now. | 你瞧这不马上就来了吗 |
- There you go. - Thank you. | -给你-谢谢 |
All right, you take a sip of that coffee, | 你喝一口咖啡 |
and I'll punch your clock. | 我开启你的棋钟 |
Go ahead. | 来吧 |
Again? | 再来一局吗 |
Again? | 再来一局吗 |
Again? | 再来一局吗 |
Again? | 再来一局吗 |
- I need to see proof. - Calling me a liar? | -我需要证据-你是说我骗人吗 |
It's gonna be you or me. | 不是你就是我 |
Are you trying to psych me out? | 你是想吓坏我吗 |
No, I don't need to do that to beat you. | 不我不需要那样也能打败你 |
Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday, okay? | 听着昨天很抱歉 |
I wasn't trying to hustle you. | 我不是想坑你 |
- Weren't you? - Come on, Beth. | -不是吗-拜托贝丝 |
You're the best player here. | 你是这里最优秀的棋手 |
And I've been watching your games. You... | 而且我一直在看你的棋局你... |
You attack like Alekhine. | 你的进攻方式像阿列瀚 |
You held me off well enough yesterday. | 你昨晚可把我杀得片甲不留 |
But that doesn't count. That's speed chess. | 但那不算那是快棋 |
I'm better at speed chess than you. I play a lot of it in New York. | 我本来快棋就下得比你好我在纽约经常玩 |
- You beat me in Las Vegas. - That was a while ago. | -你在拉斯维加斯也击败了我-那都是陈年往事了 |
You were too hung up on doubling my pawns. | 你那时只想着要提放我的叠兵 |
I don't think I could get away with that again. | 我觉得我没法再用这一招了 |
Do you ever go over games in your head? | 你会在脑海里复盘棋局吗 |
When you're alone. Play all the way through them? | 当你一个人从头到尾下一遍 |
Doesn't everybody? | 大家不都是吗 |
Well, I never thought you'd let me trade queens. | 我真没想到你会让我换后 |
I didn't think so, either. | 我也没想到 |
Thirty moves, man, Jesus. | 30步就完了天呐 |
That many? | 有那么多步吗 |
Looks like you can outdrink me, too. | 看来你酒量也比我好 |
I really appreciate the way you're taking this. | 我很谢谢你能输得起 |
- I'm raging inwardly. - Well, it doesn't show. | -我内心在狂怒-反正看不出来 |
Should never have played that goddamn bishop pawn. | 就不该走象兵 |
- No, probably not. - What are you gonna do about Borgov? | -是啊或许是不该-你打算怎么应对博尔戈夫 |
I don't know. | 我不知道 |
I don't even have a passport. Or the right clothes. | 我都没有护照或合适的衣服 |
I hear it's pretty cold in Paris that time of year. | 我听说巴黎这个时候挺冷的 |
I'm not talking about Paris. I'm talking about Moscow. | 我说的不是巴黎是莫斯科 |
What, do they not deliver mail in Kentucky? | 怎么肯塔基州都不送信吗 |
What's in Moscow? | 莫斯科怎么了 |
The Moscow Invitational. | 莫斯科邀请赛 |
The US winner gets invited. You didn't know that? | 美国冠军会被邀请你不知道吗 |
- Yes, ma'am. - A couple more, please. | -女士-再来两瓶谢谢 |
Uh, no, thanks. I'm still on my first. | 不谢了我第一瓶还没喝完 |
Well, I'll drink them both. | 那我就都喝了 |
Easy there, tiger. | 悠着点猛虎 |
How do I get to Moscow if I go? | 如果我打算去该怎么去莫斯科 |
Well, I mean, when I went, | 我去的时候 |
the Federation paid for my ticket, and then this church group | 政府付了机票钱然后一个教会 |
covered the rest of it. | 负责了剩下的支出 |
Did you have a second? | 你有副手吗 |
- Weiss. - Weiss? | -维斯-维斯 |
It would be tough to go to Russia alone. | 一个人去苏联太不容易了 |
- Here you go. - Oh, thank you. | -给-谢谢 |
You always drink this much? | 你总是喝那么多吗 |
Sometimes, I drink more. | 有时我喝的更多 |
Who else will be playing in Moscow? | 还有谁会在莫斯科比赛 |
Four top Russians, and four other countries. | 苏联前四强棋手还有其他四个国家 |
If you keep doing this, you're gonna end up washed up | 如果你一直这么喝等到你21岁 |
by the time you're 21. | 就芳华不再了 |
I like your hair. | 我喜欢你的头发 |
Yeah, sure you do. | 是啊可不嘛 |
What about Moscow? | 那莫斯科呢 |
Four Soviet chess players is a lot of Soviet chess players. | 一下子四个苏联棋手太多了 |
Murderous. | 凶残毒辣 |
But you're the only American I can think of | 但你是唯一个我觉得能够 |
that might be able to do it. | 打败他们的美国人 |
I went to pieces with Borgov in Mexico City. | 我在墨西哥城惨败给了博尔戈夫 |
When do you go to Paris? | 你什么时候去巴黎 |
In five weeks. | 五周后 |
Well, you'll need a good trainer. | 那你需要个好教练 |
Not Harry Beltik. | 我不是说哈利·贝尔蒂克 |
Someone... | 一个 |
better. | 更厉害的人 |
Someone more, um, mature. | 一个更成熟的人 |
Who'd you have in mind? | 你有什么提议吗 |
Can you come to New York? | 你能来纽约吗 |
I don't know. | 我不知道 |
You can sleep in my living room, | 你可以睡我家客厅 |
and you can leave for Paris from there. | 然后直接从纽约去巴黎 |
That's very nice of you, | 你真好心 |
but I'm not even so sure I wanna go to Paris anymore. | 但我不确定自己是否还想去巴黎 |
What are you gonna do instead, huh? Get drunk? | 那你打算做什么一醉方休吗 |
Now that you mention it, yeah, sounds pretty good. | 既然你说到这了听上去还挺诱人的 |
Beth. | 贝丝 |
Borgov made me look like a fool. | 博尔戈夫让我出丑了 |
That's 'cause you weren't ready. | 那是因为你没准备好 |
I don't know if I'm good enough. | 我不知道我是否够好 |
You're the best there is. | 你是最优秀的了 |
You beat me. | 你打败了我 |
Okay, fine. I'll come to New York. | 行我去纽约 |
Great. | 好极了 |
We'll leave from here. I'll drive us. | 我们直接从这走我开车 |
- When? - Tomorrow. Afternoon. | -什么时候-明天下午 |
Once everything here finishes up. | 等一切都结束后 |
Oh, and about sex... | 关于做爱 |
forget it. | 别合计了 |