阅读教学作为英语教育中的一个重要环节,是英语教学中的重点和难点。在阅读教学过程中,我们常常使用PWP三段式开展英语阅读活动。PWP指的是 Pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading 三个环节。
常规的阅读教学,Pre-reading 环节一般会开展趣味呈现、激发兴趣;巧设活动、排除障碍;布置任务、明确目标等活动。While-reading 环节一般会开展扫读理解、略读质疑、精读赏析等活动。此环节是语言能力、学习能力、思维品质和文化意识等学科核心素养目标达成的重要环节。Post-reading 环节一般会开展复述文本、书面表达、口语展示等活动提升学生综合语言运用能力。
在上面提到的 While-reading 环节,很多老师习惯于安排三次阅读活动。第一次,整体感知;第二次,关注细节;第三次,延伸拓展。长时间、一成不变的使用这种方式,一定程度上会让我们的阅读教学枯燥乏味,缺乏创新。
事实上我们知道教学有法,教无定法。我们完全可以基于合作学习策略 Cooperative learning strategy 的理念,大胆地进行 Jigsaw reading 拼图式阅读教学的尝试,因为 Jigsaw Reading 能够更大限度地促进孩子们的合作、交流、分享,能够真正地促进孩子们学习方式的改变。
What is Jigsaw Reading
How to use Jigsaw Reading
Jigsaw Reading 实操案例
Teaching in the fast lane,其中 Alyssa 就 Jigsaw reading 的具体操作进行了详细的文字介绍。
So I may have mentioned once or twice how I am a bit of a cooperative learning strategy junkie, and today I thought that I would share one of my very favorite cooperative learning activities with you. This strategy is the Jigsaw Method. Now, I have been using the Jigsaw Method since I was a student myself, but just didn't know the name of it, and I would bet that you are using some form of it as well.
Let's dive right in shall we?
The Jigsaw strategy has students study chunks of information in expert groups, and then teach their content to each other. Sounds like a dream huh?
The steps:
1. Split your students into groups depending on how many "chunks" of information you have. I would recommend 4-6 students in each group. These groups are called the Jigsaw Groups. This strategy works best when you have the same number of students in each group, but our classrooms rarely work out that way, so try to get as close as you can.
2. Give one "chunk" of information to each person in the Jigsaw Group, making sure that each group has one person in charge of each "chunk" of information. This student will be responsible for teaching their information to the rest of the group.
3. Each student should read over their information quietly by themselves.
4. After each student has gone over their information alone they get together with all of the students in the room that have the same "chunk" as they do. These groups are called the Expert Groups. Within each Expert Group students work together to process the information and prepare a way to share that information with their Jigsaw Groups.
5. Students return to their Jigsaw Groups and take turns presenting their "chunk" of information. The other students in the Jigsaw Group should actively listen, take notes, and ask questions if necessary.
6. Finally, once all experts have shared their information and all student questions have been answered you assess ALL of your students on ALL of the content.
Sounds pretty great doesn't it? I just love observing my students as they complete the Jigsaw cooperative learning strategy! They really take ownership of their information and teaching it to others.