01 如何开始创业





Welcometo CS183B. I amSam Altman[1], I'm thePresident ofY Combinator[2]. Nineyears ago, I was a Stanford student, and then I dropped out tostart a company[3]and then I've been an investor for the last few. So YC, we've been teachingpeople how to start startups for nine years. Most of it's pretty specific tothe startups but thirty percent of it is pretty generally applicable. And so wethink we can teach that thirty percent in this class. And even though that'sonly thirty percent of the way there, hopefully it will still be reallyhelpful.


[1]关于 Sam Altman 的介绍,可以看看张潇雨 翻译的Sam Altman: YC、硅谷与人类未来的天选之子? - 知乎


[3]Sam于2005年创立了Loopt公司。主要为智能手机提供基于移动位置的服务。 2012年,Loopt被Green Dot Corporation(一家在美国发行预付Visa和Mastercard的公司)以4,340万美元现金收购。

We'vetaught a lot of this class at YC and it's all been off the record. And this isthe first time a lot of what we teach is going to be on the record. We'veinvited some of our guest speakers to come and give the same talks they give atYC. We've now funded 725 companies and so we're pretty sure a lot of thisadvice we give is pretty good. We can't fund every startup yet, but we canhopefully make this advice very generally available.


I'monly teaching three. Counting YC itself, every guest speaker has been involvedin the creation of a billion plus dollar company. So the advice shouldn't bethat theoretical, it's all been people who have done it.


Allof the advice in this class is geared towards people starting a business wherethe goal is hyper growth and eventually building a very large company.Much of it doesn't apply in other

cases and I want to warn people up front, that if you try to do these things in

a lot of big companies or non-startups, it won't work.It should stillbe interesting, I really think that startups are the way of the future and it'sworth trying to understand them, but startups are very different than normalcompanies. So over the course of today and Thursday, I'm going to try to givean overview of the four areas you need to excel at in order to maximize yoursuccess as a startup. And then throughout the course, the guest speakers aregoing to drill into all of these in more detail.



Ideas,Products, Teams and Execution Part I

点子,产品,团队,执行 (该主题共两部分,这里是第一部分)

Sothe four areas: You need agreat

idea, a great product, a great team, and great execution. These overlapsomewhat, but I'm going to have to talk about them somewhat individually tomake it make sense.


什么样的点子才能算很棒呢? 该如何开始呢?回想作为一个上班族的自己,曾经有一千次想辞职,但却不知道自己能干啥?经常去泡36kr看别人在干啥,但经常是自己想想后发现那些项目我干不了啊,或者去天猫上看看别人都在卖什么,但苦于没有经验,知识扒拉下别人的销量,然后简单算一下销售额而已,若真让自己操盘,有很多地方打怵

对应的底层逻辑是,想创业(其实是对现有工作和收入的不满)或者直接是想通过干别的,不受约束的工作挣快钱。但去做什么呢? 一时不知道自己能干啥,看千行百业,都只是看到各个厂家跟自己的交互界面,对后台的运作不熟悉,需要学习什么?投入资金是多少?等等往往没有清晰的计划。总之没有行动,日复一日年复一年只剩年龄的增长和对创业的空想



Youmay still fail. The outcome is something like idea x product x execution x teamxluck, where luck is arandom number between zero and ten thousand. Literally that much. But if you doreally well in the four areas you can control, you have a good chance at atleast some amount of success.


运气这事咋说呢,属于一个不可控因素,如你铆足了劲想在餐饮行业大展拳脚(2020),但今年遇到了新冠病毒流行…. 但仔细想想所谓的运气坏就是糟糕的事情发生了。那该怎么办了?在创业开始的时候就要想到一个X因素,给自己留条后路。如加入你不幸在疫情期间花大手笔投资了餐饮,自己亏不起的情况下一定要及时止损,低价转出去等。你得有预案。总之就是你得考虑全面一些,这样你抗风险的能力才强

Oneof the exciting things about startups is that they are a surprisingly evenplaying field. Young and inexperienced, you can do this. Old and experienced,you can do this, too. And one of the things that I particularly like aboutstartups is that some of the things that are bad in other work situations,like being poor and unknown,are actually huge assets when it comes to starting a startup.



Beforewe jump in on the how, I want to talk about why you should start a startup. I'msomewhat hesitant to be doing this class at all becauseyou should never start a startup just for the sake of

doing so. There aremuch

easier ways to become richand everyone who starts a startup alwayssays, always, that they couldn't have imagined how hard and painful it wasgoing to be. You should only start a startup if you feel compelled bya particular problemand thatyou think starting a company is the best way to solve it.





Thespecific passion should come first, and the startup second. In fact, all of theclasses we have at YC follow this. So for the second half of today's lecture,Dustin Moskovitz[4]is going to take over and talk about why to start a startup. We were sosurprised at the amount of attention this class got, that we wanted to makesure we spent a lot of time on the why.

首先要有一定的激情(这里应该指的是通过解决问题获取认可或报酬的爽感,而非头脑一热的创业冲动),其次才是创业。事实上,我们在YC的所有课程都遵循这个原则。在今天讲座的后半部分,Dustin Moskovitz将会接手讨论为什么要创业。我们对这门课受到的关注如此之多感到惊讶,所以我们想解释原因,对于为什么创业我们花了很多时间思考。




The first of the four areas:a great idea. It's become popular in recentyears to say that the idea doesn't matter. In fact, it's uncool to spend a lotof time thinking about the idea for a startup. You're just supposed to start,throw stuff at the wall, see what sticks, and not even spend any time thinkingabout if it will be valuable if it works. And pivots are supposed to be great,the more pivots the better. So this isn't totally wrong, things do evolve inways you can't totally predict. And there's a limit to how much you can figureout without actually getting a product in the hands of the users. And greatexecution is at least ten times as important and a hundred times harder than agreat idea.


笔记:什么点子才算是很棒呢  ,从哪里开始呢?

很多人创业碰到的问题是从哪里开始呢?我能做点啥? 这是人的本能,但你必须跳出这个框架。去思考我这边的人碰到了哪些问题?我能解决哪些问题?从这些地方入手,而不是直接去思考我能做啥?需要思考的是别人需要我做啥

But the pendulum has swung way out of whack. A badidea is still bad and the pivot-happy world we're in today feels suboptimal.Great execution towards a terrible

idea will get you nowhere. There are exceptions, of course, but mostgreat companies start with a great idea, not a pivot.




If you look at successful pivots, they almost alwaysare a pivot intosomething the

founders themselves wanted, not a random made up idea. Airbnb happenedbecause Brian Chesky couldn't pay his rent, but he had some extra space. Ingeneral though if you look at the track record of pivots, they don't become bigcompanies. I myself used to believe ideas didn't matter that much, but I'm verysure that's wrong now.

如果你了解下成功转型公司,可以看到他们的点子几乎都指向创业者自己想要的东西,而不是随机编造的想法。爱彼迎的出现是因为创始人Brian Chesky付不起房租,但是他有多余的空间(然后他就萌生了做Airbnb的想法)。一般来说,如果你看看哪些频繁转型公司的业绩记录就会发现,他们不会成为大公司。我自己曾经认为点子不是那么重要,但现在我十分确认我错了(创业点子非常重要)


The definition of the idea, as we talk about it, isvery broad. It includes the size and the growth of the market, the growthstrategy for the company, the defensibility strategy, and so on. When you'reevaluating an idea, you need to think through all these things, not just theproduct. If it works out, you're going to be working on this for ten years soit's worth some real up front time to think through the up front value and thedefensibility of the business. Even thoughplansthemselves are worthless, the exercise ofplanning is really valuable and totally missing in most startups today.



Long-term thinking is so rare

anywhere, but especially in startups. There is a huge advantage if you do it.

Remember that the idea will expand and become more ambitious as you go. You

certainly don't need to have everything figured out in your path to world

domination, but you really want a nice kernel to start with. You want something

that can develop in interesting ways. As you're thinkingthrough ideas, another thing we see that founders get wrong all the time isthat someday you need to build a businessthat is difficult to replicate. This is an importantpart of a good idea.





I want to make this point again because it is soimportant: the idea should come first and the startup should come second. Waitto start a startup until you come up with an idea you feel compelled toexplore. This is also the way to choose between ideas. If you have severalideas, work on the one that you think about most often when you're not tryingto think about work. What we hear again and again from founders is that theywish they had waited until they came up with an idea they really loved.



Another way of looking at this is that the bestcompanies are almost alwaysmission

oriented. It's difficult to get the amount of focus that large companiesneed unless the company feels like it has an important mission. And it'susually really hard to get that without a great founding idea. A relatedadvantage of mission oriented ideas is that you yourself will be dedicated tothem. It takes years and years, usually a decade, to build a great startup. Ifyou don't love and believe in what you're building,you're likely to give up at some point along the way.There's no way I know of to get through the pain of a startup without thebelief that the mission really matters. A lot of founders, especially students,believe that their startups willonly take two to three yearsand then after that they'll work onwhat they're really passionate about. That almost never works. Good startupsusuallytake ten years.





A third advantage of mission oriented companies is thatpeople outside the company are more willing to help you.You'll get more support on a hard,

important project, than a derivative one. When it comes to starting astartup, it's easier to found a hard startup than an easy startup. This is oneof those counter-intuitive things that takes people a long time to understand.It's difficult to overstate how important being mission driven is, so I want tostate it one last time:derivative

companies,companies that copy an existing idea with very few new insights,don't excite people and they don't compel the teams to work hard enough to besuccessful.



Peter Thiel最喜欢的创业问题是“为什么第20名员工加入你的公司而不是谷歌?”好的答案是关于你的使命和你的团队的。你应该知道为什么你在做一些没有人在做的重要事情。是因为你相信(?)而大多数人不相信(?)吗? 一个好的例证,埃隆·马斯克的SpaceX和特斯拉公司

很多人都知道特斯拉汽车公司(Tesla Motors),但很少有人知道菲斯克汽车公司(Fisker Motors)。亨利克·菲斯克曾是特斯拉的一名设计师,他认为自己可以在菲斯克汽车公司做一些类似的事情,但要有更好的设计。这家衍生公司在5年内倒闭了

Paul Graham is going to talk about how to getstartup ideas next week. It's something that a lot of founders struggle with,but it's something I believe you can get better at with practice and it'sdefinitely worth trying to get better at.



The hardest part about coming up with great ideas,is that the best ideas often look terrible at the beginning. The thirteenthsearch engine, and without all the features of a web portal? Most peoplethought that was pointless. Search was done, and anyways, it didn't matter thatmuch. Portals were where the value was at. The tenth social network, andlimited only to college students with no money? Also terrible. MySpace has wonand who wants college students as customers? Or a way to stay on strangers'couches. That just sounds terrible all around.



These all sounded really bad but they turned out tobe good. If they sounded really good, there would be too many people working onthem. As Peter Thiel is going to discuss in the fifth class, you want an ideathat turns into a monopoly. But you can't get a monopoly right away. You haveto find a small market in which you can get a monopoly and then quickly expand.This is why some great startup ideas look really bad at the beginning. It'sgood if you can say something like, "Today, only this small subset ofusers are going to use my product, but I'm going to get all of them, and in thefuture, almost everyone is going to use my product."

这些点子都是听起来很糟糕但结果都很好。如果一个点子听起来很好,那么可能会有很多人蜂拥而上。稍后Peter Thiel将会在第15节课讨论,你想要一个可以达到垄断级别的点子,但是垄断并不是马上就能达到的。你必须先发现一个小的市场然后做到垄断,然后再快速扩张。这也是为什么很多优秀的点子在刚开始的时候开起来不太好的原因。如果你这样想会很好:今天只有一小部分人使用我们的产品,但是我会让他们全都用上,未来,几乎所有人都会使用我的产品



Here is the theme that is going to come up a lot:you need conviction in your own

beliefs and a willingness to ignore others' naysaying. The hard part isthat this is a very fine line. There's right on one side of it, and crazy onthe other. But keep in mind that if you do come up with a great idea, mostpeople are going to think it's bad. You should be happy about that, it meansthey won't compete with you.



This also another reason why it's not reallydangerous to tell people your idea. The truly good ideas don't sound likethey're worth stealing. You want an idea where you can say, "I know itsounds like a bad idea, but here's specifically why it's actually a greatone." You want to sound crazy, but you want to actually be right. And you wantan idea that not many other people are working on. And it's okay if it doesn'tsound big at first.



A common mistake among founders, especially firsttime founders, is that they think the first version of their product - thefirst version of their idea - needs to sound really big. But it doesn't. Itneeds to take over a small specific market and expand from there. That's howmost great companies get started. Unpopular but right is what you're going for.You want something that sounds like a bad idea, but is a good idea.


笔记:这个点子的底层逻辑是什么?市场是如何验证的 他是怎么符合市场逻辑的 怎么满足客户需求的 客户为什么要付费等等  为何这个点子是有效的

You also really want to take the time to think abouthow the market is going to evolve. You need a market that's going to be big in10 years. Most investors are obsessed with the market size today, and theydon't think at all about how the market is going to evolve.



In fact, I think this is one of the biggest systemicmistakes that investors make. They think about the growth of the start-upitself, they don't think about the growth of the market. I care much more aboutthe growth rate of the market than its current size, and I also care if there'sany reason it's going to top out. You should think about this. I prefer toinvest in a company that's going after a small, but rapidly growing market,than a big, but slow-growing market.


One of the big advantages of these sorts of markets-these smaller, rapidly

growing markets- is that customers are usually pretty desperate for asolution, and they'll put up with an imperfect, but rapidly improving product.A big advantage of being a student - one of the two biggest advantages - isthat you probably have better intuition about which markets are likely to startgrowing rapidly than older people do. Another thing that students usually don'tunderstand, or it takes awhile, [is that]you can not create a market that does not want to exist.You can basically change everything in a start-up but the market, so you shouldactually do some thinking to be sure - or be as sure as you can be - that themarket you're going after is going to grow and be there.


笔记:如何发现这些市场?如何验证这些市场?有什么技巧 举个例子:笔者上大学的时候,大一的时候,基本上大家都没有电脑,下学期开始陆续有个别同学开始买了电脑,大二基本覆盖率达到80% 大三基本上99%了,但这一切来的如此之快,以至于给人的感觉是一夜之间的转变,哪些年间电脑城的生意火爆,很多人也发家致富了。细思背后是有逻辑的,1、电脑的价格大概在2000元左右,网费每学期大概200,大学生是可以负担的起 2、网络游戏的流行,如很多人喜欢打魔兽,拥有自己的一台电脑会方便很多 3、使用电脑可以获取更多的信息,工具化的作用越来越强,老师上课的PPT、平时查阅一些资料,跟朋友网上聊天等等,没有个人电脑感觉越来越不方便。曾经有一位计算机专业的学生,大一因为没有电脑,又要完成作业,不得不每天早起趁室友熟睡之际使用他的电脑完成作业,这一切的一切都是进入大学之后每天不停的被各种原因牵引着,对电脑的需求如此渴望。现如今成为当前大学生入学的必备物件。不能凭空捏造市场,你的诸多想法要去市场去验证。把他清晰的写下来,跟你认为可能的用户交谈,在一次投资分享会上,有个毛头小子提出想做普通大疆无人机的租赁的业务,结果被投资人一下子否决了,这个主意不靠谱,原因是没有多大的市场,如今很多人倾向于直接买一台而不是租,这很反直觉,但这是创业,不是块八毛的生意。如果你仅仅靠租着一项业务,客户群体少,运维费用高,最后很可能亏的血本无归,折旧卖掉。这个毛头小子说是自己想的,还没有被验证过。总之不是说自己想到什么市场就存在什么市场,一定要验证过。 如何验证呢?

There are a lot of different ways

to talk about the right kind of market. For example, surfing some one else's

wave, stepping into an up elevator, or being part of a movement, but all of

this is just a way of saying that you want a market that's going to grow really

quickly. It may seem small today, it may be small today, but you know - and

other people don't - that it's going to grow really fast. Sothink about where this is happening in the world. You need this sort oftailwind to make a startup successful.


笔记:不要在问如何发现这样的市场了,反过来想一下,你周围接触到的圈子里列一个业务列表自己想想这些业务的特点都有哪些 是否跟上面说的匹配。不然你就会反复的在‘如何发现这样的市场’上兜圈子,正面难以突破,就从反面试试

The exciting thing is the thereare probably more of these tailwinds now then ever before. AsMarc Andreessen[5]says, software is eating the world. Its just everywhere, there are so manygreat ideas out there. You just have to pick one, and find one that you reallycare about.

令人兴奋的是,现在可能比以往任何时候都有更多这样的东风。正如Marc Andreessen所说,软件正在吞噬世界. 它无处不在,有很多很棒的想法。你只需要选择一个,然后找到一个你真正关心的. 它无处不在,软件世界有很多很棒的想法。你只需要选择一个,然后找到一个你真正关心的开展即可。

[5] Marc Andreessen马克·安德森出生在爱荷华州一个小镇的普通家庭,9岁开始接触计算机,在图书馆自学Basic语言。1992年下半年安德森已经熟悉因特网,1993年他同吉姆·克拉克一起苦干6星期,开发出UNIX版的Mosaic浏览器。2020年4月7日,马克·安德森以12亿美元财富位列《2020福布斯全球亿万富豪榜》第1730位。


software define X,软件定义某个事物,事实上我们可以发现很多东西都已经软件化了,如拍照软件、打字软件等等。把自身的需求提炼为你需要的服务,然后通过软件来实现这个服务,本质是把生产资料数字化减少重复的人力,让机器来代替人工来做,而驱动这些硬件干活的正是软件,或者说指挥硬件干活,发挥硬件的能力。小到一个电动玩具(里面有编好的程序)、手机软件(已变成人体的外置器官),大到航天飞机内的驾驶功能,自动检测功能等等软件无处不在

Another version of this, thatgets down to the same idea, isSequoia's

famous question: Why now? Why is this the perfect time for thisparticular idea, and to start this particular company. Why couldn't it be donetwo years ago, and why will two years in the future be too late? For the mostsuccessful startups we've been involved with, they've all had a great idea anda great answer to this question. And if you don't you should be at leastsomewhat suspicious about it.

另一个版本(回到前面说的有各种方式看市场是否正确),异曲同工的方式,是红杉著名的问题:为什么是现在?为什么现在是这个想法的完美时机?为什么现在是这个公司的完美时机? 为什么两年前不能完成,两年后又会太迟? 对于大多数我们参与的成功的创业者,他们都有一个很赞的点子和针对这个问题很棒的回答。如果你不知道这个问题的答案,你还需要多思考。


In general, its best if you'rebuilding something that you yourself need. You'll understand it much betterthan if you have to understand it by talking to a customer to build the veryfirst version. If you don't need it yourself, and you're building somethingsomeone else needs, realize that you're at a big disadvantage, and get veryvery close to your customers. Try to work in their office, if you can, and ifnot, talk to them multiple times a day.



Another somewhat counterintuitivething about good startup ideas is that they're almost always very easy toexplain and very easy to understand. If it takes more then a sentence toexplain what you're doing, that's almost always a sign that its toocomplicated. It should be a clearly articulated vision with a small number ofwords. And the best ideas are usually very different from existing companies,[either] in one important way, like Google being a search engine that workedjust really well, and none of the other stuff of the portals, or totally new,like SpaceX. Any company that's a clone of something else, that already exists,with some small or made up differentiator—like X, beautiful design, or Y forpeople that like red wine instead—that usually fails.





So as I mentioned, one of thegreat things about being a student is that you've got a very good perspectiveon new technology. And learning to have good ideas takes a while, so startworking on that right now. That's one thing we hear from people all the time,that they wish they had done more of as a student.



The other is meeting potentialcofounders. You have no idea how good of an environment you're in right now,for meeting people you can start a company with down the road. And the onething that we always tell college students is that more important then anyparticular startup is getting to know potential cofounders.


So I want to

finish this section of my talk with a quote from 50 Cent.Thisis from when he was asked about Vitamin Water. I won't read it, it's up there,but it's about the importance of thinking about what customers want, and thinkingabout the demands of the market. Most people don't do this—most studentsespecially don't do this. If you can just do this one thing, if you can justlearn to think about the market first, you'll have a big leg up on most peoplestarting startups. And this is probably the thing we see wrong with YCombinator apps most frequently, is that people have not thought about themarket first, and what people want first.

我想引用50 Cent的一句话来结束我关于点子的阐述,这是当被问及维生素水的时候。我就不读了,就在PPT上面,但这是关于考虑顾客想要什么,以及考虑市场需求的重要性。大多数人,尤其是学生,不会这样做。如果你能做到这一点,如果你能学会先考虑市场,你就会比大多数创业的人更有优势,这可能是我们在Y Combinator应用程序中看到的最常见的错误,那就是人们没有首先考虑市场,以及人们首先想要什么。


So for the next section, I'mgoing to talk about building a great product. And here, again, I'm going to usea very broad definition of product. It includes customer support, the copy youwrite explaining the product, anything involved in your customer's interactionin what you built for them.


To build a really great company,you first have to turn a great idea into a great product. This is really hard,but its crucially important, and fortunately its pretty fun. Although greatproducts are always new to the world, and its hard to give you advice aboutwhat to build, there are enough commonalities that we can give you a lot ofadvice about how to build it.



One of the most important tasksfor a founder is to make sure that the company builds a great product. Untilyou build a great product, nothing else matters. When really successful startupfounders tell the story of their early days its almost always sitting in frontof the computer working on their product, or talking to their customers. That'spretty much all the time. They do very little else, and you should be veryskepticalif your time

allocation is much different. Most other problems that founders aretrying to solve, raising money, getting more press, hiring, businessdevelopment, et cetera, these are significantly easier when you have a greatproduct. Its really important to take care of that first. Step one is to buildsomething that users love. At YC, we tell founders to work on their product,talk to users, exercise, eat and sleep, and very little else. All the otherstuff I just mentioned—PR, conferences, recruiting advisers, doingpartnerships—you should ignore all of that, and just build a product and get itas good as possible by talking to your users.



Your job is to build somethingthat users love. Very few companies that go on to be super successful get therewithout first doing this. A lot of good-on-paper startups fail because theymerely make something that people like. Making something that people want, butonly a medium amount, is a great way to fail, and not understand why you'refailing.So these are the two jobs.

你的工作就是做用户喜欢的东西, 很少有公司在没有做这些事情之前就取得了巨大的成功. 很多纸面上表现不错的初创公司之所以失败,仅仅是因为他们做了人们喜欢的东西. 制造出人们想要的东西,但若你只做到了中等水平,还是会失败(你没有做到让客户喜欢),而且你可能不明白自己为什么会失败。做的中等和做的好是两码事。


Something that we say at YC a lotis that its better to build something that a small number of users love, then alarge number of users like. Of course, it would be best to build something thata small number of users love, but opportunities to do that for v1 are rare, andthey're usually not available to startups. So in practice you end up choosingthe gray or the orange. You make something that a lot of users like a littlebit, or something that a small number of users love a lot. This is a veryimportant piece of advice. Build something that a small number of users love.It is much easier to expand from something that small number of people love, tosomething that a lot of people love, then from something that a lot of peoplelike to a lot of people love. If you get right, you can get a lot of otherthings wrong. If you don't get this right, you can get everything else right,and you'll probably still fail. So when you start on the startup, this is theonly thing you need to care about until its working.



So you have a choice in astartup. The best thing of all worlds is to build a product that a lot ofpeople really love. In practice, you can't usually do that, because if there'san opportunity like that, Google or Facebook will do it. So there's like alimit to the area under the curve, of what you can build. So you can buildsomething that a large number of users like a little bit, or a small number ofusers love a lot. So like the total amount of love is the same, its just aquestion of how its distributed. [audience laughter] And there's like this lawof conservation of how much happiness you can put in the world, with the firstproduct of a startup.


And so startups always struggle,with which of those two they should go. And they seem equal, right? Because thearea under the curve is the same. But we've seen this time and again, thatthey're not. And that it's so much easier to expand, once you've got somethingthat some people love, you can expand that into something that a lot of otherpeople love. But if you start with ambivalence, or weak enthusiasm, and try toexpand that, you'll never get up to a lot of people loving it. So the adviceis: find a small group of users, and make them love what you're doing

所以创业公司总是在纠结,到底应该选择哪一个?它们看起来是相等的,对吧? 因为曲线下的面积是一样的。但我们再看一次,它们不是。一旦你有了一些人喜欢的东西,你就可以把它扩展成很多人喜欢的东西。但如果你一开始就有矛盾情绪,或者热情不强,然后试图扩大它,你永远不会达到很多人喜欢它的程度。所以建议是:找到一个小的用户群,让他们喜爱你所做的产品。

One way that you know when thisis working, is that you'll get growth by word of mouth. If you get somethingpeople love, people will tell their friends about it. This works for consumerproduct and enterprise products as well. When people really love something,they'll tell their friends about it, and you'll see organic growth.


If you find yourself talkingabout how it's okay that you're not growing—because there's a big partnershipthat's going to come save you or something like that—its almost always a signof real trouble. Sales and marketing are really important, and we're going tohave two classes on them later. A great product is the secret to long termgrowth hacking. You should get that right before anything else. It doesn't geteasier to put off making a great product. If you try to build a growth machinebefore you have a product that some people really love, you're almost certainlygoing to waste your time. Breakout companies almost always have a productthat's so good, it grows by word of mouth. Over the long run, great productwin. Don't worry about your competitors raising a lot of money, or what theymight do in the future. They probably aren't very good anyway. Very few startupsdie from competition. Most die because they themselves fail to make somethingusers love, they spend their time on other things. So worry about this aboveall else.



Another piece of advice to makesomething that users love: start with something simple. Its much much easier tomake a great product if you have something simple. Even if your eventual plansare super complex, and hopefully they are, you can almost always start with asmaller subset of the problem then you think is the smallest, and its hard tobuild a great product, so you want to start with as little surface area as possible.Think about the really successful companies, and what they started with, thinkabout products you really love. They're generally incredibly simple to use, andespecially to get started using. The first version of Facebook was almostcomically simple. The first version of Google was just a webpage with a textboxand two buttons; but it returned the best results, and that's why users lovedit. The iPhone is far simpler to use then any smartphone that ever came beforeit, and it was the first one users really loved.

另一个要做用户喜欢的东西的建议是:从简单的东西开始。如果你有一些简单的东西,就更容易做出一个伟大的产品。即使你的最终计划非常复杂(希望如此),你几乎总是可以从你认为是最小的问题的一个更小的子集开始。因为很难一下子建立一个伟大的产品,所以你要从尽可能小的领域开始。想想那些真正成功的公司,想想他们是怎么开始的,想想你真正喜欢的产品。它们通常使用起来非常简单,尤其是刚开始使用时。Facebook的第一个版本简直简单得可笑。谷歌的第一个版本只是一个带有文本框和两个按钮的网页; 但它返回了最好的结果,这就是用户喜欢它的原因。iPhone比之前出现的任何智能手机使用起来都要简单得多,它是第一个真正受到用户喜爱的手机。


Another reason that simple's goodis because it forces you to do one thing extremely well and you have to do thatto make something that people love.



The word fanatical comes up again

and again when you listen to successful founders talk about how they think

about their product. Founders talk about being fanatical in how they care about

the quality of the small details. Fanatical in getting the copy that they use

to explain the product just right. and fanatical in the way that they think

about customer support. In fact, one thing that correlates with success among

the YC companies is the founders that hook up Pagerduty to their ticketing

system, so that even if the user emails in the middle of the night when the

founder's asleep, they still get a response within an hour. Companiesactually do this in the early days. Their founders feel physical pain when theproduct sucks and they want to wake up and fix it. They don't ship crap, and ifthey do, they fix it very very quickly. And it definitely takes some level offanaticism to build great products.



You need some users to help withthe feedback cycle, but the way you should get those users is manually—youshould go recruit them by hand. Don't do things like buy Google ads in theearly days, to get initial users. You don't need very many, you just need onesthat will give you feedback everyday, and eventually love your product. Soinstead of trying to get them on Google Adwords, just the few people, in theworld, that would be good users. Recruit them by hand.



Silbermann, when everyone thought Pinterest was a joke, recruited the initial

Pinterest users by chatting up strangers in coffee shops. He really did, he

just walked around Palo Alto and said "Will you please use my

product?" He also used to run around the Apple store in Palo Alto, and he

would like set all the browsers to the Pinterest homepage real quick, before

they caught him and kicked him out, (laughter) and so that when people walked

in they were like "Oh, what's this?". This is an important example of

doing things that don't scale.If you haven't readPaul Graham's

essay on that topic, you definitely should.

当所有人都认为Pinterest是个笑话时,本•西尔伯曼(Ben Silbermann)通过在咖啡店与陌生人聊天,招募了最初的Pinterest用户。他真的这么做了,他只是在帕洛阿尔托到处走然后说"你可以用一下我的产品吗?"他还曾经在帕洛阿尔托的苹果商店里跑来跑去,他会很快地把所有的浏览器都设置成Pinterest的主页,在他们(苹果专卖店的保安)抓住他并把他赶出去之前。所以当人们走进来的时候,他们会问:“哦,这是什么?”这是一个不按常规做事情的重要例子。如果你还没有读过保罗·格雷厄姆关于这个话题的文章,你绝对应该读一读。

So get users manually andremember that the goal is to get a small group of them to love you. Understandthat group extremely well, get extremely close to them. Listen to them andyou'll almost always find out that they're very willing to give you feedback.Even if you're building the product for yourself, listen to outside users, andthey'll tell you how to make a product they'll pay for. Do whatever you need tomake them love you, and make them know what you're doing. Because they'll alsobe the advocates that help you get your next users.



You want to build an engine inthe company that transforms feedback from users into product decisions. Thenget it back in from of the users and repeat. Ask them what the like and don'tlike, and watch them use it. Ask them what they'd pay for. Ask them if they'dbe really bummed if your company went away. Ask them what would make themrecommend the product to their friends, and ask them if they'd recommended itto any yet.



You should make this feedbackloop as tight as possible. If your product gets 10 percent better every week,that compounds really quickly. One of the advantages of software startups isjust how short you can make the feedback loop. It can be measured in hours, andthe best companies usually have the tightest feedback loop. You should try tokeep this going for all of your company's life, but its really important in theearly days.


The good news is that all this isdoable. Its hard, it takes a lot of effort, but there's no magic. The plan isat least is straightforward, and you will eventually get to a great product.



Great founders don't put anyone

between themselves and their users. The founders of these companies do things

like sales and customer support themselves in the early days. Its critical to

get this loop embedded in the culture. In fact, a

specific problem we always see with Stanford startups, for some reason, is that

the students try to hire sales and customer support people right away, and

you've got to do this yourself, its the only way.



You really need to use metrics to

keep yourself honest on this. It really is true that the company will build

whatever the CEO decides to measure. If you're building an Internet service,

ignore things like total registrations—don't talk about them, don't let anyone

in the company talk about them—and look at growth and active users,

activity levels, cohort retention, revenue, net promoter scores, these things that matter. And then be brutally

honest if they're not going in the right direction. Startups

live on growth, its the indicator of a great product.



So this about wraps up theoverview on building a great product. I want to emphasize again, that if youdon't get this right, nothing else we talk about in the class will matter. Youcan basically ignore everything else in the class until this is working well.On the positive side, this is one of the most fun parts of building a startup.SoI'm going to pause here, we'll pick back up with the rest of this on Thursday,and now Dustin is going to talk about why you should start a startup. Thank youfor coming, Dustin.


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