A chemical attack took place in Duoma, Syria On April 7th, causing a death toll of 40 to 60, and leaving 500 to 1000 to be rescued medically. Afterwards, OPCW experts reported that samples from the victims would be taken from the attack. In response to this atrocity ,both the US and the UK government declared that the Syrian government was the culprit of this action, however Russia blamed that it would be Britain’s excuse to launch a military action to Syria. This hypothesis was rejected by the US. Nevertheless,Britain and its allies, France and the US finally attacked Syria. Theresa May,the British prime minister stated that they bombed sites including chemical weapons storage and production facilities.
In my opinion, this video briefly shows how an individualreflects his/her life when looking back his whole life time in the final momentbefore death. This could happen to the majority of mankind as long as they arementally healthy (some people suffering from Alzheimer's disease may by notclear about what’s going on and what happened). I think this will happen to meif I don’t have memory loss. I share the same feeling with the heroine in thevideo when looking back to the whole lifetime – the prime days of life are theones prior to becoming a professional. Roughly speaking, I didn’t have too muchpressure when I was a student, either at school or at university, even if I wasnot mature enough that I thought I was bearing too much burden in those days. OnceI stared working, I have to learn how to deal with pressure from bosses,family, and society, which causes depress, unhappiness and disappointment onsome occasions. However, there are some moments which are beautiful memories.Once overcoming troubles and difficulties, I grow up. I argue that this is nota personal story, it is common among ordinary people
Mr. Zuckerberg, the founder and the CEO of Facebook, attended a two-day hearing at Illinois Congress for the company’s
leaking of private information of its users. During his confession, he admitted that he started the company, and is running it, so he was responsible and accountable for what had taken place by then. The Illinois senator illustrated the incident by asking him the name of the hotel he stayed in and the person he texted messages, telling people the privacy of users’ and the limit of abstaining it.