NVCC / CUDA / cuDNN / TensorRT是什么关系
- CUDA是nvidia封装了对GPU的编程模型而开发的编程平台,能够方便开发者做GPU程序开发,其中集成nvcc编译器驱动
In November 2006, NVIDIA introduced CUDA®, a general purpose parallel computing platform and programming model that leverages the parallel compute engine in NVIDIA GPUs to solve many complex computational problems in a more efficient way than on a CPU.
- NVCC是GPU程序的编译器,将GPU程序分阶段编译成可执行程序,类似于gcc
The compilation trajectory involves several splitting, compilation, preprocessing, and merging steps for each CUDA source file. It is the purpose of nvcc, the CUDA compiler driver, to hide the intricate details of CUDA compilation from developers.
- cuDNN是针对深度学习做的更上层的SDK封装,底层基于CUDA API。主要针对training阶段的实现
- TensorRT目的和cuDNN相同,方便深度学习开发并在实现上做了相应的优化。但是主要针对的是inference阶段的实现
cuDNN 和 tensorRT区别
Network LayerFusion的一个思想,指的是我既然知道前面是卷积,后面是pooling或者其他操作的话,在有可能的情况下,在前面的这个layer做完之后,我不是把结果立马写回memory里面去,而有一些后面的小操作可以直接做的情况下,我可以先做了之后,再寄存器或者memory。把数据存在那个位置,然后把最终结果算完之后,再一次存回内存里面去,可以显著地提高性能。
怀疑是OS Cache问题:清空系统缓存重试,无效果
怀疑是本地local cache的问题,找到CUDA的JIT编译 描述相关的文章
最终问题定位到是因为mxnet配置的CUDA编译参数-arch -code中没有对应GPU型号的配置,导致在编译阶段无法生成最终的fatbinary。而程序上线后发现运行GPU型号不匹配,重新进行JIT编译并在本地生成JIT Cache,所以随后的运行操作速度都会加快
1. 如果编译机器和运行机器GPU型号相同,则去掉CUDA编译参数-arch -code,则直接生成匹配GPU型号的fat binary
2. 直接配置对应GPU型号的配置,可以参考:GPU Feature List、 Virtual Architecture Feature List
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Roughly speaking, the code compilation flow goes like this:
CUDA C/C++ device code source --> PTX --> SASS
The virtual architecture (e.g. compute_20, whatever is specified by -arch compute...) determines what type of PTX code will be generated. The additional switches (e.g. -code sm_21) determine what type of SASS code will be generated. SASS is actually executable object code for a GPU (machine language). An executable can contain multiple versions of SASS and/or PTX, and there is a runtime loader mechanism that will pick appropriate versions based on the GPU actually being used.
As you point out, one of the handy features of GPU operation is JIT-compile. JIT-compile will be done by the GPU driver (does not require the CUDA toolkit to be installed) anytime a suitable PTX code is available but a suitable SASS code is not.
One advantage of including multiple virtual architectures (i.e. multiple versions of PTX), then, is that you have executable compatibility with a wider variety of target GPU devices (although some devices may trigger a JIT-compile to create the necessary SASS).
One advantage of including multiple "real GPU targets" (i.e. multiple SASS versions) is that you can avoid the JIT-compile step, when one of those target devices is present.
If you specify a bad set of options, it's possible to create an executable that won't run (correctly) on a particular GPU.
One possible disadvantage of specifying a lot of these options is code size bloat. Another possible disadvantage is compile time, which will generally be longer as you specify more options.
It's also possible to create excutables that contain no PTX, which may be of interest to those trying to obscure their IP.
Creating PTX suitable for JIT should be done by specifying a virtual architecture for the codeswitch.
NVIDIA CUDA Compiler Driver NVCC
CUDA C Programming Guide
CUDA Samples
cuDNN Developer Guide