The world starts from inside. Everything you see, everything you feel, it's not what they are. We don't even know if they exist. We can only know how we feel about them.
When you believe in yourself, you'll find more about the optimistic part of the world. You feel that people around you care about, love you, and want to stay with you. You feel that their smiles are shining, their laughters are everywhere. And for yourself, you trust that you can hold on, and you'll get somewhere finally. You help people, you have fun with people, you enjoy staying with people. And that, refletively leads to the result that more people love you, and help you!
If you don't believe in yourself, you lose the strenth and momentum in life. You feel that you can only do easy and low-cost thing. Once you need to take some risk, you just hide away, and cheat that everything will be ok. You don't dare to share what you have with people, because you feel that if you share them with others, you'll lost them all, and even lost your life. And people around you, they can feel that too. They feel that you are close-minded, and dare not to open yourself to the world. They feel that you are in the world to rob, to steal, to beg. They feel that you are poor and deminished.
The world starts from inside. You inner self decides everything in your life from the very beginning.