1. Use three sentences to describe Onoda’s story.
Onoda was deployed to a small island to slowthe progress of American’s victory where he and his companions spend yearsfighting against locals and Americans. After the end of the war, the locals andJapanese government tried their best to tell him the end of the war and drawhim out off hiding and back home, he refused to believe the information wasreal. When he accepted the reality and went back
2. What can we learn from the Rock Star Problems?
Our action models are decided by the values and metrics we hold dear. The rock star's problems stem from his persistence to be more successful. His problems are difficult to solve if he refuses to change his values and metrics.
3. Can you name some values that you hold dear?
Creating a harmonious environment for myfamily.
4. Do you have any good/bad values stated in thebook? How those values affect your life?
Yes, I hope I can be loved by everyone(although I don't admit it). This value makes me care about others’ opinion. I always take other’s opinion into consideration which hinders me from truly understanding my own values.
看完这一章 总让我联想到 《天龙八部》里的两个人物:慕容复和他的父亲慕容博。金庸先生用“人中龙凤”来描述慕容复,可慕容复却最终落得武功尽失,众叛亲离的悲惨下场。因为他终其一生执着于一个念头:复兴燕国,为此他不惜放下青梅竹马的感情,期望用联姻的方式换取西夏国对他的支持,一计不成,竟然抛弃礼义廉耻,杀掉自己的谋臣,最终换来的梦醒心碎。慕容博和慕容复的人生同出一辙,慕容博工于心计,为了复兴燕国,挑拨离间,误杀了乔峰的母亲,从此隐姓埋名,却无时不刻不忘复兴大业。唯一不同的是,在少林寺扫地僧的感化之下,慕容博放下执念,皈依佛门。
“If suffering is inevitable, if our problems in life are unavoidable, then the questions we should be asking is not how do I stop suffering, but why am I suffering—for what purpose?”
Pete Best不去报复,不去追逐所谓光鲜亮丽的明星生活,反而找到对他而言更为重要的事情幸福的婚姻,美满的家庭。他所秉持的价值观就是好的价值观。
Dave Mustaine却陷入到一个怪圈,他的奋斗目标是比更metallica更成功、受欢迎。尽管他一生深受粉丝喜爱,衣食无忧,却始终无法真正快乐。
“some values and metrics are better than others. Some lead to good problems that are easily and regularly solved”
Good values are:reality-based, socially constructive, and immediate and controllable.
Bad values are superstitious, socially destructive and not immediate or controllable.
“one day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.”
我希望接下来能够读到的是如何prioritizing better values, choosing better things to give fuck about.
Their economy was floundering.
Flounder:If somethingis floundering, it has many problems and may soon failcompletely.
What a pity that his career was left to flounder...
The territories they had won throughout the pacific were now toppling like dominoesto U.S. forces.
Toppling:If someone or something topples somewhere or if you topple them, they becomeunsteady or unstable and fall over.
Winds and rain toppled trees and electricity lines.
These holdouts continued to fight and pillage as they had before.
Pillage:If a group of people pillage a place, they steal property from it using violent methods.
The town had been pillaged and burned.