1、儿歌游戏 0b 循环
2、视频 0b 3单元
Witch in a jar ,Fire man,egg fun
3、finger paint
M:let’s do some finger paint.look,we have blue,yellow,red. They are primary colors. First, let’s get a little yellow, paint a circle. And then we get a tinny red on the yellow. We got orange. We can also make green by mixing yellow and blue.
B:wow, I made green.
玩了一会儿之后,他就乱画了。在他玩的时候,我自己说了下primarily color 和secondary colors ,是说给他听,也是说给我自己听。
Mixing a primary color with a secondary color yields a tertiary color. 与一二级混合色原色产生一个三原色。
By mixing two primary hues together you create a secondary color. 通过混合两种原色,你将得到一种间色。
which one is the longest line?