[达成目标五步法] Day3-Day5
What am I like? 我究竟是怎样的一个人?要自己坦诚回答这个问题还真是挺难的, 我制定计划——执行,设想的是一个完美的执行计划,但在执行过程中, I encounter my problems , 很多次我遇到问题后,我发现问题好麻烦,I didn't deal with it ,于是我反反复复重新开始,一直也没烧开那壶水,知道与做到的差别,中间是认知与行动的距离,从这些半途而废的目标来看,I'm not reliable. 第一次承认这一点并不好受,因为一直我都自我标榜是个靠谱的人。
1、The third thing that everybody needs to do is , if they have problems on the way to their goals , that they diagnose those problems and they get to the root cause - the real root cause.
2、The real root cause is often - is typically - what people they are like?
3、Can you go to what you're like ?
4、Can you go to your mistakes ?
5、Can you go to your weaknesses?
6、Can you go to other people's mistakes and weaknesses?
7、Some people , because of ego barrier , can't do that ?
8、So if they don't recognize their own mistakes , their own weaknesses , or other's mistakes and weaknesses - what the root cause may be and what they're like because of ego barriers - if they can't go there , they're going to repeat those mistakes .
9、They're going to have them over and over again .
10、So it's process essentially of saying , at that stage , 'what am I like ? ' .
11、Everybody has strenghts and everybody has weaknesses .
12、The weakness are the other side of the strenghts .
13、So let's say if you're a right brain / creative person , you may not be reliable .
14、Because just the way of you think necessitates you to think a certain way , that means you can't think in another way .
15、That means you're going to keep bumping into that thing that;s standing in your way .
16、But unless you can embrace , " I'm not reliable , " , right , and deal with it , you won't get around it .
17、It's still going to continue to be a barrier .
18、 So the diagnosis to the root cause is important .
上文默写已更正错误:1、第8句最后的mistakes写成problems;2、第14句 in another way,漏了in;