最近看了 Principles 这本书,觉得有一点收获,抽空分享一波。
正如书名,本书是Ray Dalio对自己工作生活的总结。Ray Dalio 是桥水基金的创始人,Ray Dalio从12岁起就从事股票投资,等到他进入长岛大学时手中投票投资组合已经达到几十万美元。26岁时成立桥水基金,目前管理的资金超过千亿美元。
书中陈列了Ray Dalio对自己工作生活的总结,作者把这些总结都做成了准则的形式,略去了这些准则背后的故事。按照书中的内容,本书大概包涵五个方面的准则:
1 set goals
关键词 Higher-level thinking,synthesis,visualization,prioritization
1 Recognize that design is a iterative process between a bad “now” and a good “then” is a working through it’s period.(认识决定是一个迭代的过程,此时的坏决定,下时刻可能就是一个好决定,反之亦然。)
2 Think about second- and third- order consequence as well as first-order consequences.(决定的时候不仅要考虑 第一要素,第二要素和第三要素也非常重要。)
3 Your life consists of a series of choices that have consequences.(你做的决定,决定了你生活的样子)
2 identify and don’t tolerate problems
关键词 perception,intolerance of badness,synthesis
1 Don’t worry about looking good, worry about achieving your goals.(达成目标最重要)
2 Be assertive and open-minded at the same time.(开放思想,要有主见)
3 most problems are potential improvements screaming at you.(所有问题都是改进的机遇)
3 diagnose the problems to root cause
关键词 hyper-logical, willing to “touch the nerve”, seeing multiple possibilities
4 design a plan for eliminating the problem
关键词 visualization, practicality, creativity
5 do what is set out in the plan
关键词 set discipline, good work, habits, results
1 know that experience creates internalization.(实践出真知)
1 the basic principle suggests that you can follow one of two paths to happiness:
1 have high expectations and strict to exceed them.
2 lower your expectations so that they are at or blew your conditions获得快乐的方式很简单,要么达成自己目标,要么降低期望。
2 You have the freedom to make whatever choices you want, through it’s best to be mindful of their consequences.
3 We all evolve at different paces, and it’s up to you to decides the pace at which you want to evolve.
4 Reminded worry about being overconfident and figured out how to effectively deal with my not knowing.
5 I wrestled with my realities, reflected on the consequence of my decisions, and learned and improved from this process.
6 More precisely, on accurate understanding of reality is the essential foundation for producing good outcome.
7 when criticizing, try to make helpful suggestions.(当你想批评某人的时候,最好给出有帮助的建议)
8 reality + dreams + determination + action = the life you want