[PDF] Artificial intelligence explainability: the technical and ethical dimensions
JA McDermid, Y Jia, Z Porter, I Habli
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society..., 2021
ABSTACT:In recent years, several new technical methods have been developed to make AI-
models more transparent and interpretable. These techniques are often referred to
collectively as 'AI explainability'or 'XAI'methods. This paper presents an overview of...
Artificial intelligence for proteomics and biomarker discovery
M Mann, C Kumar, WF Zeng, MT Strauss
Cell Systems, 2021
ABSTACT:There is an avalanche of biomedical data generation and a parallel expansion in
computational capabilities to analyze and make sense of these data. Starting with
genome sequencing and widely employed deep sequencing technologies, these...
Towards neural Earth system modelling by integrating artificial intelligence in Earth system science
C Irrgang, N Boers, M Sonnewald, EA Barnes...
Nature Machine Intelligence, 2021
ABSTACT:Earth system models (ESMs) are our main tools for quantifying the physical state of
the Earth and predicting how it might change in the future under ongoing
anthropogenic forcing. In recent years, however, artificial intelligence (AI) methods...
[HTML] Artificial intelligence for the next generation of precision oncology
PJ Ballester, J Carmona - 2021
ABSTACT:The concept of precision oncology involves the prescription of therapies that target
the molecular driver alterations of an individual patient's tumor. This treatment
paradigm has been accelerated in recent years through increasing integration of...
[HTML] A systematic literature review on the use of artificial intelligence in energy self-management in smart buildings
J Aguilar, A Garces-Jimenez, MD R-Moreno, R Garcia
Renewable and Sustainable..., 2021
ABSTACT:Buildings are one of the main consumers of energy in cities, which is why a lot of
research has been generated around this problem. Especially, the buildings energy
management systems must improve in the next years. Artificial intelligence ...
[PDF] Design of a Microwave Lowpass-Bandpass Filter using Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence
S Roshani, H Heshmati, S Roshani
Journal of the Institute of Electronics and..., 2021
ABSTACT:In this paper, a lowpass-bandpass dual band microwave filter is designed by using
deep learning and artificial intelligence. The designed filter has compact size and
desirable pass bands. In the proposed filter, the resonators with Z-shaped and T...
Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools Across Different Clinical Settings: A Cautionary Tale
KC Siontis, PA Noseworthy, A Arghami, SA Weston...
...: Cardiovascular Quality and..., 2021
ABSTACT:Atrial fibrillation (AF) can be intermittent and asymptomatic in many patients, making
its detection challenging. Nonetheless, the risk of complications such as stroke and
heart failure in patients with subclinical AF is increased and AF warrants screening...
A Review on Patient-Specific Facial and Cranial Implant Design using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques
AR Memon, J Li, J Egger, X Chen
Expert Review of Medical Devices, 2021
ABSTACT:Introduction Researchers and engineers have found their importance in healthcare
industry including recent updates in patient-specific implant (PSI) design. CAD/CAM
technology played an important role in the design and development of Artificial ...
Distributed Artificial Intelligence Empowered Sustainable Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks: A Smart City on-demand Perspective
L Manman, P Goswami, P Mukherjee, A Mukherjee...
Sustainable Cities and..., 2021
ABSTACT:Smart cities are claimed to be smart if the new technologies are capable of providing
desired sustainable outcome. The sustainable properties of smart city applications
require less energy consumption and efficient resource allocation. The Internet-of...
[HTML] Data Quality, Data Sharing, and Moving Artificial Intelligence Forward
JG Elmore, CI Lee
JAMA Network Open, 2021
ABSTACT:Buda et al1 have curated and annotated a data set of 3-dimensional digital breast
tomosynthesis (DBT) examinations obtained from 5060 patients. In using this data
set, they developed a deep learning algorithm for breast cancer detection and...
[HTML] Artificial intelligence in the diagnosis and management of arrhythmias
VD Nagarajan, SL Lee, JL Robertus, CA Nienaber...
European Heart Journal, 2021
ABSTACT:The field of cardiac electrophysiology (EP) had adopted simple artificial intelligence
(AI) methodologies for decades. Recent renewed interest in deep learning
techniques has opened new frontiers in electrocardiography analysis including...
Applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in researches on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): A systematic review
Y Li, X Wang, J Zhang, S Zhang, J Jiao
Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic..., 2021
ABSTACT:Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most important causes of
chronic liver disease in the world, it has been found that cardiovascular and renal
risks and diseases are also highly prevalent in adults with NAFLD. Diagnosis and...
Advanced processing of 3D printed biocomposite materials using artificial intelligence
D Verma, Y Dong, M Sharma, AK Chaudhary
Materials and Manufacturing..., 2021
ABSTACT:Environmental implication is a key concern while utilizing the conventional synthetic
polymers for composite applications. Biodegradable/biocompatible/natural polymeric
materials can potentially resolve this issue by strategic replacement of traditional...
Applying Different Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Dynamic Poisson's Ratio Prediction Using Drilling Parameters
O Sidddig, H Gamal, S Elkatatny, A Abdulraheem
Journal of Energy Resources..., 2021
ABSTACT:Rock geomechanical properties impact wellbore stability, drilling performance,
estimation of in-situ stresses, and design of hydraulic fracturing. One of these
properties is Poisson's ratio which is measured from lab testing or derived from well...
Legal evaluation of the attacks caused by artificial intelligence-based lethal weapon systems within the context of Rome statute
O Sari, S Celik
Computer Law & Security Review, 2021
ABSTACT:Artificial intelligence (AI) as of the level of development reached today has become a
scientific reality that is subject to study in the fields of law, political science, and other
social sciences besides computer and software engineering. AI systems which...
Exploring the impacts of artificial intelligence on freedom of religion or belief online
C Ashraf
The International Journal of Human Rights, 2021
ABSTACT:Freedom of religion or belief is an essential right for building pluralistic and tolerant
societies which can sustain a multiplicity of competing ideas. However, the
opaqueness of artificial intelligence systems on the Internet represents a challenge...
[HTML] Automatic contour segmentation of cervical cancer using artificial intelligence
Y Kano, H Ikushima, M Sasaki, A Haga
Journal of Radiation Research, 2021
ABSTACT:In cervical cancer treatment, radiation therapy is selected based on the degree of
tumor progression, and radiation oncologists are required to delineate tumor
contours. To reduce the burden on radiation oncologists, an automatic segmentation...
Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction and the Risk of Atrial Fibrillation From an Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Electrocardiogram
A Ahmad, MT Corban, T Toya, ZI Attia, PA Noseworthy...
Circulation: Arrhythmia and..., 2021
ABSTACT:Atrial fibrillation (AF) and coronary artery disease share risk factors1. Coronary
microvascular dysfunction (CMD), the earliest form of coronary artery disease, was
recently associated with AF. 2 Artificial intelligence (AI), in the form of a convolutional...
Drug-target interaction prediction using artificial intelligence
BT Yaseen, S Kurnaz
Applied Nanoscience, 2021
ABSTACT:The aim of this paper is to develop a system for drug-target interaction prediction
using artificial intelligence which involves development of both machine learning and
deep learning-based systems. In this paper, we use a convolutional neural network...
Artificial Intelligence Based Framework to Quantify the Cardiomyocyte Structural Integrity in Heart Slices
H Abdeltawab, F Khalifa, K Hammouda, JM Miller...
Cardiovascular Engineering..., 2021
ABSTACT:Purpose Drug induced cardiac toxicity is a disruption of the functionality of
cardiomyocytes which is highly correlated to the organization of the subcellular
structures. We can analyze cellular structures by utilizing microscopy imaging data...