Words and expressions
1. When Tienlin hears of cases of indigent expectant mothers in his neighborhood, he usually runs over to the family, and by giving the parents food and clothing is able to save many babies lives.
indigent: very poor
仿写: The government gave many supplies to the indigent.
2. My neighbors helped me stamp the embankment, Knowing that my pocket is empty and bare."
embankment: a wide wall of earth or stones to support a road or railway.
仿写: They climbed a steep embankment.
3. In 1083 Chaoyun gave birth to a boy, called Tun-erh (meaning "the Little Hide-Away"), and at the ceremony of bathing the baby three days after its birth, Su Tungpo wrote a poem which was a satire on himself.
satire: a way of criticizing something.
仿写: The satire aimed at modern greed.