冰与火之歌Ⅴ:魔龙的狂舞 中英文双语同步对照版 第34篇 BRAN下


Meera gave him a mournful look. The river was six hundred feet below, down steep slopes and twisty passages, she explained, and the last part required climbing down a rope. “Hodor could never make the climb with you on his back. I’m sorry, Bran.”


Bran remembered a time when no one could climb as good as him, not even Robb or Jon. Part of him wanted to shout at them for leaving him, and another part wanted to cry. He was almost a man grown, though, so he said nothing. But after they were gone, he slipped inside Hodor’s skin and followed them.


The big stableboy no longer fought him as he had the first time, back in the lake tower during the storm. Like a dog who has had all the fight whipped out of him, Hodor would curl up and hide whenever Bran reached out for him. His hiding place was somewhere deep within him, a pit where not even Bran could touch him. No one wants to hurt you, Hodor, he said silently, to the child-man whose flesh he’d taken. I just want to be strong again for a while. I’ll give it back, the way I always do.

没有人知道他上了阿多的身。布兰只能微笑,做他曾被告知所需要做的事情,不断的嘀咕着 阿多 。然后他就可以跟随梅拉和玖健,露出开心的笑容,没有人会怀疑那是不是他。他经常跟着他们,不知道他是否受欢迎。最后,他们还是欢迎他的到来。玖健轻松的用绳子把他们送了下去,但是这一切都在梅拉用叉子抓到一条白盲鱼之后结束了,他们该爬回去了。玖健的胳膊开始发抖,他发现他无法爬到顶端,所以他们把他绑在绳子上,让阿多给他拉上去。阿多…每拉一下阿多都会喊一声。 阿多阿多阿多…

No one ever knew when he was wearing Hodor’s skin. Bran only had to smile, do as he was told, and mutter “Hodor” from time to time, and he could follow Meera and Jojen, grinning happily, without anyone suspecting it was really him. He often tagged along, whether he was wanted or not. In the end, the Reeds were glad he came. Jojen made it down the rope easily enough, but after Meera caught a blind white fish with her frog spear and it was time to climb back up, his arms began to tremble and he could not make it to the top, so they had to tie the rope around him and let Hodor haul him up. “Hodor,” he grunted every time he gave a pull. “Hodor, hodor, hodor.”


The moon was a crescent, thin and sharp as the blade of a knife. Summer dug up a severed arm, black and covered with hoarfrost, its fingers opening and closing as it pulled itself across the frozen snow. There was still enough meat on it to fill his empty belly, and after that was done he cracked the arm bones for the marrow. Only then did the arm remember it was dead.

变成狼的时候,布兰和夏天还有他的族群在一起。变成乌鸦的时候,他会和murder一起飞翔,在日落时环绕小山,观察敌人的动静,感受空气中冰冷的味道。变成阿多的时候,他会探索整个洞穴。他发现山洞深处满是骸骨,竖井深深的通向大地深处,洞顶悬挂着巨大的蝙蝠骨骼。他甚至还穿过横跨深渊的石桥,在石桥的另一面发现了很多小径和石室。其中一个住满了歌者,他们都像布兰登一样坐在鱼梁木王座上,鱼梁木的根须残绕着他们,已经浑然一体。他们中的大部分在他看来已经死了,但是当他从他们面前走过时他们睁开眼睛,用目光跟随着他的火把,其中一个用满是皱纹的嘴张开又闭上,好像是要试图讲话。 “阿多。”布兰对他说道,他感到了真正的阿多在内心的波动。

Bran ate with Summer and his pack, as a wolf. As a raven he flew with the murder, circling the hill at sunset, watching for foes, feeling the icy touch of the air. As Hodor he explored the caves. He found chambers full of bones, shafts that plunged deep into the earth, a place where the skeletons of gigantic bats hung upside down from the ceiling. He even crossed the slender stone bridge that arched over the abyss and discovered more passages and chambers on the far side. One was full of singers, enthroned like Brynden in nests of weirwood roots that wove under and through and around their bodies. Most of them looked dead to him, but as he crossed in front of them their eyes would open and follow the light of his torch, and one of them opened and closed a wrinkled mouth as if he were trying to speak. “Hodor,” Bran said to him, and he felt the real Hodor stir down in his pit.


Seated on his throne of roots in the great cavern, half-corpse and half-tree, Lord Brynden seemed less a man than some ghastly statue made of twisted wood, old bone, and rotted wool. The only thing that looked alive in the pale ruin that was his face was his one red eye, burning like the last coal in a dead fire, surrounded by twisted roots and tatters of leathery white skin hanging off a yellowed skull.


The sight of him still frightened Bran—the weirwood roots snaking in and out of his withered flesh, the mushrooms sprouting from his cheeks, the white wooden worm that grew from the socket where one eye had been. He liked it better when the torches were put out. In the dark he could pretend that it was the three-eyed crow who whispered to him and not some grisly talking corpse.

有一天我也会像他一样。这个想法让布兰充满了恐惧。失去双腿已经够糟了。难道还要他把其他的部分也都失去,把余生都用来让鱼梁木爬满他的身体吗? 布林登大人把他的生命变成了一棵树,叶子告诉他们。他不吃饭,不喝水,他睡觉,沉浸在梦中,他会观察这个世界。 我将会成为一个骑士,布兰回忆着。我曾经可以跑,可以攀爬,可以战斗。但是那看起来像是一千年以前的事情了。

One day I will be like him. The thought filled Bran with dread. Bad enough that he was broken, with his useless legs. Was he doomed to lose the rest too, to spend all of his years with a weirwood growing in him and through him? Lord Brynden drew his life from the tree, Leaf told them. He did not eat, he did not drink. He slept, he dreamed, he watched. I was going to be a knight, Bran remembered. I used to run and climb and fight. It seemed a thousand years ago.

他现在是什么?只是残废的男孩,史塔克家的布兰登, 一个不存在的王国的王子,一个被焚毁的城堡的主人,废墟的继承人。他把三眼乌鸦想象成了一个巫师,一个智慧的,年迈的老巫师,可以治愈他的双腿。但是那只是一个蠢小孩的梦罢了,他现在意识到。这不是我这个年纪的人应该有的幻想了,他告诉自己。 一千只眼睛,一百种皮肤,像古树的树根一样智慧。这和成为骑士一样不错。无论如何几乎都一样好。

What was he now? Only Bran the broken boy, Brandon of House Stark, prince of a lost kingdom, lord of a burned castle, heir to ruins. He had thought the three-eyed crow would be a sorcerer, a wise old wizard who could fix his legs, but that was some stupid child’s dream, he realized now. I am too old for such fancies, he told himself. A thousand eyes, a hundred skins, wisdom deep as the roots of ancient trees. That was as good as being a knight. Almost as good, anyway.


The moon was a black hole in the sky. Outside the cave the world went on. Outside the cave the sun rose and set, the moon turned, the cold winds howled. Under the hill, Jojen Reed grew ever more sullen and solitary, to his sister’s distress. She would often sit with Bran beside their little fire, talking of everything and nothing, petting Summer where he slept between them, whilst her brother wandered the caverns by himself. Jojen had even taken to climbing up to the cave’s mouth when the day was bright. He would stand there for hours, looking out over the forest, wrapped in furs yet shivering all the same.


“He wants to go home,” Meera told Bran. “He will not even try and fight his fate. He says the greendreams do not lie.”


“He’s being brave,” said Bran. The only time a man can be brave is when he is afraid, his father had told him once, long ago, on the day they found the direwolf pups in the summer snows. He still remembered.


“He’s being stupid,” Meera said. “I’d hoped that when we found your three-eyed crow … now I wonder why we ever came.”


For me, Bran thought. “His greendreams,” he said.


“His greendreams.” Meera’s voice was bitter.


“Hodor,” said Hodor.


Meera began to cry.


Bran hated being crippled then. “Don’t cry,” he said. He wanted to put his arms around her, hold her tight the way his mother used to hold him back at Winterfell when he’d hurt himself. She was right there, only a few feet from him, but so far out of reach it might have been a hundred leagues. To touch her he would need to pull himself along the ground with his hands, dragging his legs behind him. The floor was rough and uneven, and it would be slow going, full of scrapes and bumps. I could put on Hodor’s skin, he thought. Hodor could hold her and pat her on the back. The thought made Bran feel strange, but he was still thinking it when Meera bolted from the fire, back out into the darkness of the tunnels. He heard her steps recede until there was nothing but the voices of the singers.


The moon was a crescent, thin and sharp as the blade of a knife. The days marched past, one after the other, each shorter than the one before. The nights grew longer. No sunlight ever reached the caves beneath the hill. No moonlight ever touched those stony halls. Even the stars were strangers there. Those things belonged to the world above, where time ran in its iron circles, day to night to day to night to day.

“是时候了。” 布林登大人宣布。

“It is time,” Lord Brynden said.


Something in his voice sent icy fingers running up Bran’s back. “Time for what?”


“For the next step. For you to go beyond skinchanging and learn what it means to be a greenseer.”


“The trees will teach him,” said Leaf. She beckoned, and another of the singers padded forward, the white-haired one that Meera had named Snowylocks. She had a weirwood bowl in her hands, carved with a dozen faces, like the ones the heart trees wore. Inside was a white paste, thick and heavy, with dark red veins running through it. “You must eat of this,” said Leaf. She handed Bran a wooden spoon.


The boy looked at the bowl uncertainly. “What is it?”


“A paste of weirwood seeds.”


Something about the look of it made Bran feel ill. The red veins were only weirwood sap, he supposed, but in the torchlight they looked remarkably like blood. He dipped the spoon into the paste, then hesitated. “Will this make me a greenseer?”

“你的天赋让你称为绿先知。” 布林登大人说道。“这会唤醒你的天赋,并且让你和树木能够结合到一起。”

“Your blood makes you a greenseer,” said Lord Brynden. “This will help awaken your gifts and wed you to the trees.”


Bran did not want to be married to a tree … but who else would wed a broken boy like him? A thousand eyes, a hundred skins, wisdom deep as the roots of ancient trees. A greenseer.


He ate.

它尝起来有些苦,尽管不像橡子面那么苦。第一勺是最难吃的。他差点给吐出来。第二勺稍好一些,第三勺几乎是甜的了。剩下的他很快就给吃完了。为什么他会认为是苦的呢? 它尝起来像蜂蜜,像新雪,像胡椒和肉桂,像他妈妈给他的最后一吻。空的木碗在他指尖打滑落下,掉在山洞的地面上。“我没感觉到有什么不同,然后会发生什么?”

It had a bitter taste, though not so bitter as acorn paste. The first spoonful was the hardest to get down. He almost retched it right back up. The second tasted better. The third was almost sweet. The rest he spooned up eagerly. Why had he thought that it was bitter? It tasted of honey, of new-fallen snow, of pepper and cinnamon and the last kiss his mother ever gave him. The empty bowl slipped from his fingers and clattered on the cavern floor. “I don’t feel any different. What happens next?”


Leaf touched his hand. “The trees will teach you. The trees remember.” He raised a hand, and the other singers began to move about the cavern, extinguishing the torches one by one. The darkness thickened and crept toward them.


“Close your eyes,” said the three-eyed crow. “Slip your skin, as you do when you join with Summer. But this time, go into the roots instead. Follow them up through the earth, to the trees upon the hill, and tell me what you see.”


Bran closed his eyes and slipped free of his skin. Into the roots, he thought. Into the weirwood. Become the tree. For an instant he could see the cavern in its black mantle, could hear the river rushing by below.


Then all at once he was back home again.


Lord Eddard Stark sat upon a rock beside the deep black pool in the godswood, the pale roots of the heart tree twisting around him like an old man’s gnarled arms. The greatsword Ice lay across Lord Eddard’s lap, and he was cleaning the blade with an oilcloth.


“Winterfell,” Bran whispered.


His father looked up. “Who’s there?” he asked, turning …


… and Bran, frightened, pulled away. His father and the black pool and the godswood faded and were gone and he was back in the cavern, the pale thick roots of his weirwood throne cradling his limbs as a mother does a child. A torch flared to life before him.


“Tell us what you saw.” From far away Leaf looked almost a girl, no older than Bran or one of his sisters, but close at hand she seemed far older. She claimed to have seen two hundred years.


Bran’s throat was very dry. He swallowed. “Winterfell. I was back in Winterfell. I saw my father. He’s not dead, he’s not, I saw him, he’s back at Winterfell, he’s still alive.”


“No,” said Leaf. “He is gone, boy. Do not seek to call him back from death.”


“I saw him.” Bran could feel rough wood pressing against one cheek. “He was cleaning Ice.”


“You saw what you wished to see. Your heart yearns for your father and your home, so that is what you saw.”

“人们在知道他有所渴望的时候,必须知道如何去通过鱼梁木观看。” 布林登大人说道。“你看到的都是往日的阴影,布兰,你在通过临冬城的神木林的心树观看。树的时间概念和人是不同的。太阳,油和水,这些事鱼梁木不懂得的事情,不是时间的问题。对于人来说,时间就像大河。我们都在它的洪流之中,从过去到现在顺流而行,总是在同一个方向。树却不一样。他们的树根生长,死亡都在同一个地方,时间没有改变他们。橡树就是橡果,橡果就是橡树。鱼梁木…人类的一千年对鱼梁木来说就是一瞬间,通过这种方式,我们可以看到过去。”

“A man must know how to look before he can hope to see,” said Lord Brynden. “Those were shadows of days past that you saw, Bran. You were looking through the eyes of the heart tree in your godswood. Time is different for a tree than for a man. Sun and soil and water, these are the things a weirwood understands, not days and years and centuries. For men, time is a river. We are trapped in its flow, hurtling from past to present, always in the same direction. The lives of trees are different. They root and grow and die in one place, and that river does not move them. The oak is the acorn, the acorn is the oak. And the weirwood … a thousand human years are a moment to a weirwood, and through such gates you and I may gaze into the past.”


“But,” said Bran, “he heard me.”


“He heard a whisper on the wind, a rustling amongst the leaves. You cannot speak to him, try as you might. I know. I have my own ghosts, Bran. A brother that I loved, a brother that I hated, a woman I desired. Through the trees, I see them still, but no word of mine has ever reached them. The past remains the past. We can learn from it, but we cannot change it.”


“Will I see my father again?”

“当你可以熟练使用你的天赋时,你将随心所欲的看你想看的地方,看树木看到的昨天,几年或者几千年前的记忆。人们的生命被囚禁在永恒的 现在 中,活在过去的迷雾和未知的未来之间。一些飞蛾的生命仅仅有一天的时间,对于它们来说一小段时间可能就相当于人类的几年或者数十年。一棵橡树可以活三百年,一棵红木可以活三千年。一棵鱼梁木可以在不被外力干扰的情况下永远活下去。对于它们来说季节更替就好像拍打一下翅膀一样,过去,现在和未来融为一体。你的视线不仅仅被限制在神木林。歌者在心树上雕刻眼睛来唤醒它们。那就是绿先知所需要学会使用的第一课…但是在那时你将会很好的通过树木本身来观看。”

“Once you have mastered your gifts, you may look where you will and see what the trees have seen, be it yesterday or last year or a thousand ages past. Men live their lives trapped in an eternal present, between the mists of memory and the sea of shadow that is all we know of the days to come. Certain moths live their whole lives in a day, yet to them that little span of time must seem as long as years and decades do to us. An oak may live three hundred years, a redwood tree three thousand. A weirwood will live forever if left undisturbed. To them seasons pass in the flutter of a moth’s wing, and past, present, and future are one. Nor will your sight be limited to your godswood. The singers carved eyes into their heart trees to awaken them, and those are the first eyes a new greenseer learns to use … but in time you will see well beyond the trees themselves.”


“When?” Bran wanted to know.


“In a year, or three, or ten. That I have not glimpsed. It will come in time, I promise you. But I am tired now, and the trees are calling me. We will resume on the morrow.”

阿多把布兰抱回住所,不停的低声咕嘟着 “阿多。”叶子打着火把走在他们前面。他希望梅拉和玖健能在这儿,那样他就可以告诉他们他看见了。但是他们居住的石室冰冷无人。阿多把布兰放在床上,盖上兽皮,然后给他们升起了营火。一千只眼睛,一百种皮肤,像古树的树根一样深邃的智慧。

Hodor carried Bran back to his chamber, muttering “Hodor” in a low voice as Leaf went before them with a torch. He had hoped that Meera and Jojen would be there, so he could tell them what he had seen, but their snug alcove in the rock was cold and empty. Hodor eased Bran down onto his bed, covered him with furs, and made a fire for them. A thousand eyes, a hundred skins, wisdom deep as the roots of ancient trees.


Watching the flames, Bran decided he would stay awake till Meera came back. Jojen would be unhappy, he knew, but Meera would be glad for him, He did not remember closing his eyes.


… but then somehow he was back at Winterfell again, in the godswood looking down upon his father. Lord Eddard seemed much younger this time. His hair was brown, with no hint of grey in it, his head bowed. “… let them grow up close as brothers, with only love between them,” he prayed, “and let my lady wife find it in her heart to forgive …”


“Father.” Bran’s voice was a whisper in the wind, a rustle in the leaves. “Father, it’s me. It’s Bran. Brandon.”


Eddard Stark lifted his head and looked long at the weirwood, frowning, but he did not speak. He cannot see me, Bran realized, despairing. He wanted to reach out and touch him, but all that he could do was watch and listen. I am in the tree. I am inside the heart tree, looking out of its red eyes, but the weirwood cannot talk, so I can’t.


Eddard Stark resumed his prayer. Bran felt his eyes fill up with tears. But were they his own tears, or the weirwood’s? If I cry, will the tree begin to weep?


The rest of his father’s words were drowned out by a sudden clatter of wood on wood. Eddard Stark dissolved, like mist in a morning sun. Now two children danced across the godswood, hooting at one another as they dueled with broken branches. The girl was the older and taller of the two. Arya! Bran thought eagerly, as he watched her leap up onto a rock and cut at the boy. But that couldn’t be right. If the girl was Arya, the boy was Bran himself, and he had never worn his hair so long. And Arya never beat me playing swords, the way that girl is beating him. She slashed the boy across his thigh, so hard that his leg went out from under him and he fell into the pool and began to splash and shout. “You be quiet, stupid,” the girl said, tossing her own branch aside. “It’s just water. Do you want Old Nan to hear and run tell Father?” She knelt and pulled her brother from the pool, but before she got him out again, the two of them were gone.


After that the glimpses came faster and faster, till Bran was feeling lost and dizzy. He saw no more of his father, nor the girl who looked like Arya, but a woman heavy with child emerged naked and dripping from the black pool, knelt before the tree, and begged the old gods for a son who would avenge her. Then there came a brown-haired girl slender as a spear who stood on the tips of her toes to kiss the lips of a young knight as tall as Hodor. A dark-eyed youth, pale and fierce, sliced three branches off the weirwood and shaped them into arrows. The tree itself was shrinking, growing smaller with each vision, whilst the lesser trees dwindled into saplings and vanished, only to be replaced by other trees that would dwindle and vanish in their turn. And now the lords Bran glimpsed were tall and hard, stern men in fur and chain mail. Some wore faces he remembered from the statues in the crypts, but they were gone before he could put a name to them.


Then, as he watched, a bearded man forced a captive down onto his knees before the heart tree. A white-haired woman stepped toward them through a drift of dark red leaves, a bronze sickle in her hand.


“No,” said Bran, “no, don’t,” but they could not hear him, no more than his father had. The woman grabbed the captive by the hair, hooked the sickle round his throat, and slashed. And through the mist of centuries the broken boy could only watch as the man’s feet drummed against the earth … but as his life flowed out of him in a red tide, Brandon Stark could taste the blood.

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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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