I’ve been spared a lot, one of the blessed of the earth, at least one of its lucky, that privileged handful of the dramatically prospering, the sort whose secrets are asked, like the hundred-year-old man. There is no secret, of course; most of what happens to us is simple accident.
Highish birth and a smooth network of appropriate connection like a tea service written into the will. But surely something in the blood too, locked into good fortune’s dominant genes like a blast ripening in a time bomb. Set to go off, my good looks and intelligence, yet exceptional still, take away my mouthful of silver spoon and lapful of luxury.
Something my own, not passed on or handed down, something seized, wrested—my good character, hopefully, my taste perhaps. What’s mine, what’s mine? Say taste—the soul’s harmless appetite.
I’ve been spared a lot, one of the blessed of the earth, at least one of its lucky, that privileged handful of the dramatically prospering, the sort whose secrets are asked, like the hundred-year-old man.
1. spare 英 [spe(r)] 美 [sper] 抽出;拨出;留出;匀出;省得;免去;饶恕;赦免。
2. bless [bles] 求上帝降福于;祝福;祝圣;称颂上帝;赞美上帝。
3. privilege [prvld] 给予特权;特别优待,这个单词2019年6月CATTI三笔英译汉真题考过。
4. handful of 几个,少数。这个短语在我们高斋外刊精读翻译社的课程里面才讲过。
5. dramatically 英 [drmtk()li] 美 [dr'mtkli] 戏剧地;显著地。
6. prospering [prspr] 兴旺的;繁荣的。
7. the sort whose secrets are asked这里面whose secrets are asked是the sort的定语从句。
There is no secret, of course; most of what happens to us is simple accident.
1. accident [ksdnt] (交通)事故;意外遭遇;不测事件;意外;偶然的事。
2. what happens to us整体是一个名词性从句,相当于一个名词短语,意思是“发生在我们身上的事情”,可以翻译为四字格结构“人间之事”。
Highish birth and a smooth network of appropriate connection like a tea service written into the will.
1. highish [ha] 很高的,高贵的。
2. a tea service 一套茶具,翻译的时候冠词a可以省译。
3. will [wl] 意志;毅力;自制力;意愿;心愿;遗嘱,今天这里是遗嘱的意思。
4. a smooth network of appropriate connection这里面的a network of是固定表达,含义是“……的网络”,如金融时报例句:
I would like to see Nato as the hub of a network of security partnerships.
But surely something in the blood too, locked into good fortune’s dominant genes like a blast ripening in a time bomb.
1. in the blood 与生俱来的,生来就有的,这个短语电影台词中经常会出现。
2. dominant 英 [dmnnt] 美 [dɑmnnt] 首要的;占支配地位的;占优势的;显著的显性的,优势的,今天这里取义“强势的”。
3. blast 爆炸;冲击波;突如其来的强劲气流;(吹奏乐器、哨子、汽车喇叭等突然发出的)响声,吹奏声,轰鸣。
4. a time bomb 一颗定时炸弹,翻译的时候冠词a可以省译。
Set to go off, my good looks and intelligence, yet exceptional still, take away my mouthful of silver spoon and lapful of luxury.
1. go off 对…不再喜欢;失去对…的兴趣;(爆炸装置)爆炸;(枪)开火;(电器设备)停止运转;(食物或饮料)变质,坏掉,今天的go off根据语境是“爆炸”意思。
2.. exceptional [ksepnl] 杰出的;优秀的;卓越的;异常的;特别的;罕见的。
3. take away 拿走;夺走;从…中减去;从…中扣除;带走,抓走(送去监狱、医院等),今天这里引申为“使……微不足道”。
4. lapful of 成堆的,满满的。
Something my own, not passed on or handed down, something seized, wrested—my good character, hopefully, my taste perhaps.
1. pass on 告诉,告知,传递(信息);将…传给;将…交给;将…转移给;将…转嫁给;去世;逝世。
今天这里取义传承,和后面的Hand down是一个意思。用了两个近义词是为了强调。
2. wrest [rest] (尤指艰难或非法地)攫取,抢夺;抢,夺。
What’s mine, what’s mine? Say taste—the soul’s harmless appetite.
1. harmless [hɑrmls] 无害的;不会导致损伤的;不会引起不快的;无恶意的。
2. appetite [ptat] 食欲;胃口;强烈欲望,今天这里取义“欲望”。