【转发自笑友麻麻】我想发起一个共读活动,阅读笑来老师推荐的股市心理学psychology of the stock market。建一个共读群,20人左右。因为市面上没有此书的中文翻译,所以群内每人每天必须翻译一段并发布。进群不收钱也不交费,用投票的方式每周淘汰一人。全书翻译结束后,最后幸存者共享翻译版权,可以以任意方式对外盈利。本书有一定能力门槛,相当于GMAT初级水平,还要具备一定的股市术语功底。想要参加的话,翻译我朋友圈第一张照片,标注short long的那段发给我。本次活动纯兴趣,不收钱不收钱不收钱
(The main point of their argument) is that (the state of mind of a man) (short of) the market is( radically different from the state of mind) (of one who is long).
(Their) whole study, in such a conversation, is the mental attitude) (of those interested in market).
If a majority of the volatile class of in-and-out traders are long, many of them will hasten to sell on any sign of weakness and a decline will result.
If the majority are short, they will buy on any development of strength and an advance may be expected.