2018 - 3 -2
The Price of Greatness is Responsibility
by Winston Churchill
Paragraph 1:
Here, now, today, I am once again in academic groves - groves is, I believe, the right word - where knowledge is garnered, where learning is stimulated, where virtues are inculcated, and thought encouraged.
academic groves: 学林
garner: 获得,储存
stimulate: 刺激,激励
inculcate: 谆谆教导,反复灌输
encourage: 鼓励
Paragraph 2:
We have learned to fly. What prodigious changes are involved in that new accomplishment! Man has parted company with his trusted friend, the horse, and has sailed into the azure with the eagles, eagles being represented by the infernal - I mean internal combustion engine.
我们已经学会了飞翔。这项新成就让我们获得了多少奇妙的变化啊!人类从此告别了他忠实的朋友 - 马,同雄鹰一起翱翔于蓝天。而鹰代表着那可怕的 - 不,我是指内燃机。
prodigious: 奇妙的,令人惊叹的
azure: 蔚蓝的天空
internal combustion engine: 内燃机
Paragraph 3:
Tyranny is our foe, whatever trappings or disguise it wears, whatever language it speaks, be it external or internal, we must forever be on our guard, ever mobilized, ever vigilant, always ready to spring at its throat. In all this, we march together. Not only we march and strive shoulder to shoulder at this moment under the fire if the enemy on the fields of war or on the air, but also in those realms of thought which are consecrated to the rights and the dignity of man.
tyranny: 暴君
foe: 敌人
trappings: 服饰,装饰
vigilant: 惊醒的,警惕的
realms: 领域
consecrated: 神圣的
dignity: 尊严