<div id="posterHtml">
<div class="contentF flex jCenter column">
<div v-if="isDown">
<img :src="posterImg_" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;"/>
<div class="titleText">成都武侯区航利包子铺</div>
<img class="qrcode" :src="qrcode"/>
<img :src="posterImg" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;" v-if="!isDown"/>
<div style="margin: 12px 24px;" v-if="isDown">
<van-button class="Btn" type="primary" @click="createPoster" block>点击生成分享海报</van-button>
const vm = this;
const domObj = document.getElementById('posterHtml');
let scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop||document.body.scrollTop;//获取窗口滚动条高度
html2canvas(domObj, {
useCORS: true,//Whether to attempt to load cross-origin images as CORS served, before reverting back to proxy
allowTaint: false,//Whether to allow cross-origin images to taint the canvas
height: domObj.offsetHeight,//Define the heigt of the canvas in pixels. If null, renders with full height of the window
width: domObj.offsetWidth,
windowWidth: document.body.scrollWidth,
windowHeight: document.body.scrollHeight,
logging: false,//Whether to log events in the console
x: 0,
y: scrollTop-74, // 用网页滚动的高度定位y轴顶点
dpi: window.devicePixelRatio * 2,
scale: 2,
// backgroundColor: null,//Canvas background color, if none is specified in DOM. Set undefined for transparent
letterRendering: true,//Whether to render each letter seperately. Necessary if letter-spacing is used
onclone (doc) {
let e = doc.querySelector('#posterHtml');
e.style.display = 'block'
}).then(canvas => {
// 在微信里,可长按保存或转发
vm.posterImg = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
vm.isDown = false;