Today is Sunday.
Quickly and nimbly Pippi climbed up the trunk, and the people stopped crying in astonishment. When she reached the top of the tree she placed the board over a stout branch and then carefully pushed it over to the window sill. And there lay the board like a bridge between the top of the tree and the window. The people down in the square stood absolutely silent. They were so tense they couldn’t say a word. Pippi stepped out on the board. She smiled pleasantly at the two boys in the gabled window. She asked them why they looked so sad. She ran across the board and hopped in at the window. Then she took one boy under each arm and stepped out on the board again. She said to the boys that they were going to have some fun because it was almost like walking the tight rope. When she got to the middle of the board she lifted one leg in the air just as she had done at the circus. The crowd below gasped, and when a little later Pippi lost one of her shoes several old ladies fainted. However, Pippi reached the tree safely with the little boys. Then the crowd cheered so loudly that the dark night was filled with noise and the sound drowned out the crackling of the fire.