都市生活,可能会有求职的人。他们努力希望在面试中不要显得太做作(you'd better not to sound staged/forced/stilted) ,才能给面试官留下一个好印象(They try their best to come across well in their interview)。为了面试顺利,他们可能会找前辈求助(it's a great idea to ask someone in the know about interview skills) 如果一切顺利,他们将获得一个工作(he landed/nailed an interview/a job). 不过有时候面试可能会靠一点运气,因为考官可能会突然袭击,不按套路出牌(the interviewers may throw you a curveball),这个时候,就需要你随机应变,才不会把面试搞砸(You need to be on the ball so that you won't drop the ball)。[即兴演讲:You may have to speak off the cuff/make it up as you go along on the spot]
获得工作以后,每个人都是加班狗,在重复无聊的生活中用自己的劳动自食其力,支撑社会机器的运转(You work your fingers to the bone day by day in order to sustain yourselves). 有时候工作的压力可能会把你逼疯(Sometimes the pressure from work will drive you up the wall/nuts/crazy), 你可能会想放弃,一蹶不振(sit on the sofa glumly),觉得你就是一个不值一提的小人物(You may think you are a mere token role/character), 但是请鼓起勇气(crew up/work up/muster your courage),想一想那些白手起家的人(spare a thought for those who went from rags to riches),他们不达目的誓不罢休(They are not giving up until they get what they want),你可能会从他们身上获得力量,改变你想要放弃的想法(you would change your heart/the tune).
但是即使获得工作,可能也不意味着就拿到了金饭碗。有时候因为突发事件,公司可能会缩小规模,导致大规模的裁员(The company had to downsize, and there was a big layoff),这个时候即使你幸免于难,你的工资估计也会大幅度缩水(Although you may get away from the unemployment trend, your compensation may shrink greatly.)这个时候,如果你能够有一些工作之外的特长,可能会让你在经济萧条时助你一臂之力(Your special skills would give you a leg-up on your career during the economic depression). 比如,如果你会说英语,那么你就可以成为不同文化交流的桥梁(If you speak English quite well, you could act as a go-between between different cultures). 还比如,如果你口才很好,你还可以直播带货(If you are a brilliant talker, you could plug popular products via a live streaming platform.)
工作当然辛苦,所以就需要一些调剂。比如你可以去吃好吃的,去购物,去健身。城市有很多可以吃堂食的餐厅(sit-down restaurants are handy/anywhere in a big city), 坐下来,让服务员不要放你不爱吃的香菜(ask the waiter to hold the coriander), 有时候还可以享受免费赠饮(the restaurant would provide you with drinks on the house/compliments of the house),简直没有什么会比搬砖后的美食更幸福的事情了!(There's nothing like delicious food after a busy day!/There's nothing like an iced soda after a scorching day!)休息是你必须要做的事情。(Having a rest after stressed work is what the doctor needed) [小tip:当你在美国餐厅如果要上厕所,记得不要说toilet,如果你是高档餐厅,你可以说where is the bathroom,如果就是一般的餐厅,restroom就可以啦。又又,在餐厅吃饭,记得给小费!(Tipping/Gratuity is expected for those who serve you.]
当然,除了吃,你还可以买买买。城市有很多大型商场(big box stores), 商品种类繁多(Each aisle offers great practice for developing your decision-making skills!) 还有很多促销活动(Stores often have big sales and doorbusters), 比如你可以给家里增添个大件(big ticket items),如果你不想买东西,你还可以找导购要免费的小样(You could ask the sales assistant for free giveaways/freebies/a free sample of something you want to buy). 如果你想要的东西卖完了,你可以要一个raincheck,下次来还是可以享受优惠哦。
吃和买都是消磨时间的好方式(while away the time eating and buying),但是总这样你要么变胖要么变穷,所以健身是一种更健康的休息方式(Having exercise is the best way to relieve your stress). 健身房你可以办年卡或者月卡(the monthly/yearly plan),月卡一般是一次一交(pay as you go),年卡一般是交一次费包所有(a flat/fixed rate).健身确实难( You will have to pull teeth to get used to exercising), 记得不要一口气吃个胖子(Don't chew/bite off more than you can eat)。
但是务必记住,消费的时候一定不要冲动消费(don't make impulse buying)。有的人刚有了钱(make a mint), 就花钱大手大脚(She spends like she has money to burn)。记得选择和你的消费水平相适应的场所消费,如果你不小心去了一个高档餐厅,你估计得花很多一笔钱(You'll pay through the nose if you go to the fancy restaurant). 有时候别人的消费习惯可能会给我们带来压力,比如别人穿了一件看起来很昂贵的裙子(She bought a new dress and she looked like a million bucks),别管她,说不定那是山寨(That may be a knockoff item)!
你可以去银行开个账户,活期(a checking account)或者定期(a savings account).如果你办了借记卡(a debit card),可能还比较安全,但是如果你是信用卡(a credit card),记得一定不要过度透支(Watch out for your overdraft limit!)