
Liftoff! NASA’s Artemis I Mega Rocket Launches Orion to Moon(原文链接)


2022年11月16日,星期三,SLS 和 Orion 于美国东部时间凌晨1:47从肯尼迪航天中心的39b 发射台发射。 图片来源: NASA/Bill Ingalls

Following a successful launch of NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS), the most powerful rocket in the world, the agency’s Orion spacecraft is on its way to the Moon as part of the Artemis program. Carrying an uncrewed Orion, SLS lifted off for its flight test debut at 1:47 a.m. EST Wednesday from Launch Pad 39B at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The launch is the first leg of a mission in which Orion is planned to travel approximately 40,000 miles beyond the Moon and return to Earth over the course of 25.5 days. Known as Artemis I, the mission is a critical part of NASA’s Moon to Mars exploration approach, in which the agency explores for the benefit of humanity. It’s an important test for the agency before flying astronauts on the Artemis II mission.

“What an incredible sight to see NASA’s Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft launch together for the first time. This uncrewed flight test will push Orion to the limits in the rigors of deep space, helping us prepare for human exploration on the Moon and, ultimately, Mars,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.

随着NASA太空发射系统(SLS)的成功发射,世界上最强大的火箭——"猎户座"号(Orion)飞船作为阿尔忒弥斯计划的一部分,正在前往月球的途中。美国东部时间周三凌晨1点47分,SLS 载着一艘无人驾驶的猎户座飞船从NASA位于佛罗里达州的肯尼迪航天中心39b 发射台升空,开始了它的首次飞行测试。


“看到NASA的太空发射系统火箭和“猎户座”号宇宙飞船首次一起发射,是多么令人难以置信的景象。这次无人驾驶飞行试验将把“猎户座”号推向深空的极限,帮助我们为人类在月球和最终火星上的探索做好准备。”NASA局长比尔·纳尔逊(Bill Nelson)这样说道。

After reaching its initial orbit, Orion deployed its solar arrays and engineers began performing checkouts of the spacecraft’s systems. About 1.5 hours into flight, the rocket’s upper stage engine successfully fired for approximately 18 minutes to give Orion the big push needed to send it out of Earth orbit and toward the Moon.

Orion has separated from its upper stage and is on its outbound coast to the Moon powered by its service module, which is the propulsive powerhouse provided by ESA (European Space Agency) through an international collaboration.

“It’s taken a lot to get here, but Orion is now on its way to the Moon,” said Jim Free, NASA deputy associate administrator for the Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate. “This successful launch means NASA and our partners are on a path to explore farther in space than ever before for the benefit of humanity.”



“为此曾花费了很多功夫,但“猎户座”号正在飞往月球的路上,”NASA勘探系统开发任务局副助理署长吉姆·弗里(Jim Free)说。 “这次成功发射意味着NASA和我们的合作伙伴正走上一条比以往任何时候都更远的太空探索道路,从而造福于人类。”

NASA的"阿尔忒弥斯1号"任务是深空探测系统的第一次综合飞行测试,包括猎户座飞船、太空发射系统(SLS)火箭和地面系统。 图片来源: NASA/Joel Kowsky

Over the next several hours, a series of 10 small science investigations and technology demonstrations, called CubeSats, will deploy from a ring that connected the upper stage to the spacecraft. Each CubeSat has its own mission that has the potential to fill gaps in our knowledge of the solar system or demonstrate technologies that may benefit the design of future missions to explore the Moon and beyond.

Orion’s service module will also perform the first of a series of burns to keep Orion on course toward the Moon approximately eight hours after launch. In the coming days, mission controllers at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston will conduct additional checkouts and course corrections as needed. Orion is expected to fly by the Moon on Nov. 21, performing a close approach of the lunar surface on its way to a distant retrograde orbit, a highly stable orbit thousands of miles beyond the Moon.

“The Space Launch System rocket delivered the power and performance to send Orion on its way to the Moon,” said Mike Sarafin, Artemis I mission manager. “With the accomplishment of the first major milestone of the mission, Orion will now embark on the next phase to test its systems and prepare for future missions with astronauts.”

在接下来的几个小时里,10颗名为“立方星群(CubeSats)” ——用于科学研究和技术演示的小卫星,将从连接上层和航天器的圆环上展开。每颗“立方星”都有自己的任务,有可能填补我们对太阳系知识的空白,或展示可能有助于设计未来探索月球及其他任务的技术。


“太空发射系统火箭提供了将猎户座送上月球的动力和效能,"阿尔忒弥斯1号"任务经理迈克 · 萨拉芬(Mike Sarafin)说。“随着任务第一个重要里程碑的完成,"猎户座"号现在将开始下一阶段的系统测试,并为未来的宇航员任务做好准备。”

The SLS rocket and Orion spacecraft arrived at Kennedy’s Launch Pad 39B on Nov. 4 where they rode out Hurricane Nicole. Following the storm, teams conducted thorough assessments of the rocket, spacecraft, and associated ground systems and confirmed there were no significant impacts from the severe weather.

Engineers previously rolled the rocket back to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) Sept. 26 ahead of Hurricane Ian and after waving off two previous launch attempts Aug. 29 due to a faulty temperature sensor, and Sept. 4 due to a liquid hydrogen leak at an interface between the rocket and mobile launcher. Prior to rolling back to the VAB, teams successfully repaired the leak and demonstrated updated tanking procedures. While in the VAB, teams performed standard maintenance to repair minor damage to the foam and cork on the thermal protection system and recharge or replace batteries throughout the system.

Artemis I is supported by thousands of people around the world, from contractors who built Orion and SLS, and the ground infrastructure needed to launch them, to international and university partners, to small businesses supplying subsystems and components.

Through Artemis missions, NASA will land the first woman and the first person of color on the surface of the Moon, paving the way for a long-term lunar presence and serving as a steppingstone for astronauts on the way to Mars.


此前,工程师们曾在9月26日飓风“伊恩”来临前将火箭推回运载器装配大楼(VAB),在8月29日由于温度传感器故障,以及9月4日由于火箭和移动发射器之间的界面液氢泄漏,也放弃了之前的两次发射尝试。在回到 VAB 之前,团队成功地修复了液氢泄漏并展示了更新后的加注程序。在 VAB 中,团队进行了标准的维护,以修复热保护系统上泡沫和软木的轻微损坏,并在整个系统中充电或更换电池。

"阿尔忒弥斯1号"得到了世界各地成千上万人的支持,从建造"猎户座"号和 SLS 的承包商,以及发射它们所需的地面基础设施,到国际和大学合作伙伴,再到提供子系统和组件的小型企业。


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